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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Wonderful!
  2. I'll drink to that, mate!
  3. "Gentleman"? Please, love. I work for a living! I'll most likely go with a summer weight wool with a cotton-blend lining, and if it proves too flimsy in the cuffs, my long suffering wife will use some interfacing to shore it up. I grew up in the South (Alabama), and I mistakenly thought I was escaping the humidity by moving to Minnesota. Live and learn, eh?
  4. What I find myself tempted to do is forget the coat if the weather's too warm and stay with the shirt and vest only. If there's a chill in there air (say, in September), I'll add the coat. :) The droopy cuffs in non-wool coats can be handled with a bit of stiffening interfacing, but now we're straying from period workmanship again.
  5. My wife told me about a local source for an incredible variety of fabrics, including summer weight wools. Looks like we get to dig through a fabric warehouse this weekend! Now, if I can just afford her rates.
  6. I'm curious about this, as well. My wife has agreed to make my coat, but we're unsure about the fabric. Minnesota and Wisconsin can get very humid, and I don't want to stew in my own juices.
  7. natural (if ye has t' ask...)
  8. Well, then. Let's give it a go to try and explain the genesis of Ol' Jack. I recall being raised in Devonshire, of a well to do family. I had a fine education, being an exemplary student in me classes. Me teachers had a devil of a time keeping up with your's truly, and I was branded a bad seed due to their incompetence. I hung on long enough to humiliate the head master of me school, and he kicked me out, rather abruptly. Having no where else to turn, I plyed me trade on the wharfs, scamming innocent marks of their money. When the chance to set sail on a merchant ship became available, I jumped at the chance. Life was hard upon that ship. The captain, an ill-bred Englishman, was a cruel master. After an especially difficult passage off Gibraltar, a number of us rose up against the Captain, and siezed the ship over the blood of our former master. Yours truly was elected Captain of the ship, which I, against all popular notion, renamed the "Apollo". We've sailed the Caribbean nigh on 15 years. Our take has been plentiful, but I admit that after all this time, I cannot recall me own last name. I'm Mad Jack, for all what need to know who I am. I neither know, nor care what me last name was. Plunder and rum are what subsist me now. And that it shall be 'til I draw me last breath.
  9. I like that one. Basia - "Time and Tide" I need to dig around for a stumper. :)
  10. ::sees Christine collapse on the beach:: What?! Right, then... ::grabs a bottle of rum and races across the sand to Christine. I cradle her head and brush her hair out of her face:: Can you hear me, love? C'mon, talk to Ol' Jack!
  11. belt {Here we go. Jack's draggin' this thread back towards the gutter... }
  12. Oh, too easy! "The Water is Wide" by Joan Baez. And while there may be no walls, m'lady, I'm terribly selective. No matter what rumors you've heard.
  13. ...where many men have gone before! Whoops...
  14. "Wonderful Tonight" by Eric Clapton. And I'd have to agree. :) And there's no fortress around this old salt's heart. Quite the contrary.
  15. I stand upon the wharf and think that what I need's a little drink. A tot of grog to clear the fog should put me back in the pink. Perhaps a nice rum punch will do in place of a proper lunch. I'll sip and scheme and mull and dream and ponder every little hunch. 'Tis with friends I wish to raise a glass and toast to the future, present, and past. We'll drink our fill of this potent swill 'til they throw us out on our... ears. OK, so I'm a bit rusty...
  16. Trekkies (oh, I'll be catchin' hell for that one!)
  17. Always happy to accomodate such a request! Oh! You mean lyrics? As I returned across the lands I'd known, I recognized the fields where I'd once played. I had to stop in my tracks for fear Of walking on the mines I'd laid...
  18. There was a young lady called Lynn, Who was deep in Original Sin, When they said "Do be good," She said "I would if I could," And straight away went at it again.
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