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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Heh... c'mere, me Fancy!
  2. ::enjoys a warm, lingering, er... toast with Lady Snow:: Ah, Hetha! Do join us! ::eyes the nearly depleted bottle:: I suppose I should remedy this situation. Ladies, a moment please. I'll be right back! ::heads off unsteadily across the beach to a small cave opening, stopping briefly to make sure no one is following, then ducks inside. The sound of a gun butt tapping on stone, along with quiet cursing, can be heard.:: Ah! There you are, my lovelies... ::emerges triumphantly from the cave with two fresh bottles of rum and returns to the waiting beauties:: Here we are, loves. More than enough for everyone!
  3. ::sits down next to Lady Snow and offers her a drink from a half-empty bottle of rum:: What's all this, then? Nice diving. Did I miss much?
  4. expert handling :)
  5. What's next? Eye-patch wearing TeleTubbies?
  6. Golden Earring's "Radar Love"
  7. Yet another conference call.
  8. Well, let's see... The "Mad" part is a nickname, from those that (rightly) think me so. "Jack" is me given name. As far as a last name, I can't seem to recall it in all honesty. I'm certain there were no avian references, though.
  9. The Mogul's treasure...
  10. A right bloody BORING conference call.
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