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King's Pyrate

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by King's Pyrate

  1. Cheap Swords, says ye....well all of mine are replicas I purchased from Flee Markets or gift shops.....most were $40 one was $60....I have six so far..the market seems to full of fantasy swords so I have to look hard for historic replicas. This be one o' my $40 swords...but I carries a replica marine sword as it looks most salty. Good Luck to ya KP
  2. That be a"Fine" coat..ye should be very happy with it...fer sure! KP
  3. I'd be a cut'n me throat.......but then my six young'ns be all grown... Six?...says ye!...Well we had no TV on my ship back then.....lol
  4. I were gonna make a 30 footer, stationary ship/deck in me yard but me 1st mate won't give up her rose garden.....drat! I can just see it now....
  5. Gunpowder on her cheeks and a dab O' Rum behind her ears....lol That be me favorie Pyrate smell.........well one of me favorite....fer sure
  6. Hope ye got what ye wanted and have many more....
  7. Takes lots of Grog fer some....then ye might get more then Arrrrhhh out of her....lol
  8. I be a Lover of Tall Ships and thanks to tales of the seven seas photos, have grown fond of the Royalist. Captain Gary, if ye ever get to the East Coat again be sure to drop your hook in British East Florida (St. Augustine) and we will have a Grog or two. Remember!...I'll always keep the Grits warm for ya...lol Warmest Regards KP
  9. Aye Sir....and the Rattlesnake be in my neck of the woods....she be berthed just 30 miles up the road in Jacksonville, Florida.....and a Beauty she is. KP
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