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Black Hearted Pearl

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Everything posted by Black Hearted Pearl

  1. Thanks for the invite, but alas I discover it is the same weekend as the CA Ren Faire I already had talked me mate into going to. Nana and Papa will have the wee ones while he and I meet up with Iron Bess and crew. I know that Claire will take plenty of pics for the rest of us to enjoy.
  2. You know, I be seriously thinking about it. :angry: I laugh hysterically because me mate will have a cow if he knows. Just seeing how I can pull it off.
  3. Ye should post this on the "Raid" calendar. It be best place for looking for something piratey to do.
  4. I got lots of cookies. In fact, me file be overflowing with cookies. Darn cookies. Oh you mean the kind you eat?
  5. Whoever ye be, happy birthday to ya.
  6. I said me first public Arrrrgh! this weekend. I just took the plunge and sat next to this 12 year boy and said Arrrrgh! It took all I had not to break into a big giant grin to match his. Me eyes are starting to tear just thinking about it. Just have her try it out on a youngin, and she'll be hooked fer good. Arrrrgh! :angry:
  7. Good luck on yer faire. Wishing you calm winds and fair skys with no humidity or heat. :angry:
  8. I be on the look out for the gems out there that be available but not as well known. Do ye know of one and would like to share ye experiences about it? I especially be looking for someone with experience on the Elissa out of Galveston. Anyone, Anyone?
  9. Don't forget the Elissa. She be next on me list to plunder a sail aboard.
  10. Is that a "If you can't find a sailboat for sale, make yer own"?
  11. Oh to be at such event, that would be grand. Alas, I not be a captain or crew yet. :angry: But I'm working on it.
  12. Hope ye have a happy birthday.
  13. Sinclaire, ye old seadog READ MY LIPS :angry: I was not Lady bashing...I was asking why her captain would sail into a NO GO Zone. AkashaZuul understood what I was asking and answered my question quite graciously. If you bothered to know me, you would know that my goal is to someday be a volunteer on the Lady Washington (or any Tall ship at this point). You would also know that I follow the Lady Washington and her crew quite closely. Many a guest captain of crewed her this fall and I hold no ill will to any Tall Ship. Now, have a round of rum on me and drink to all the beauties of the sea, ships, mermaids, female captains.
  14. I ain't bashin the Lady. I love the Lady and ALL tall ships. I just wunderin why her captain will sail her into a NO GO zone for a sea battle?
  15. I agree Lady Barbossa. Me dad laughs and thinks I'm being silly until I remind him of his obsession with NASCAR. Ye can't even sit down in his house without sitting on a diecast. I least I get go sailing instead of sitting on me arse in a bleacher.
  16. diving for toliets? Well, I guess if GWB was your past governor, that may be all ye have left to dive off the coast for. I prefer the clearer waters of the caribbean meself. Better view.
  17. You would think a good captain would realize that and not "sail" or motor into such an area for a sea battle.
  18. That was fun. It was interesting to see how many answered the question "how many fingers on your right hand?" wrong.
  19. That's because the Royaliste stole all the wind or maybe the wind gods just love the Royaliste's figurehead too much to share.
  20. I would easily sell my house for such a boat, but I don't think me mate as gotten a full bite from bug yet. I keep telling him, those boys are ours hit college and we don't redecorate their rooms, we sell the house and buy a boat to live on. He keeps thinking I'm kidding.
  21. Nah, she be just a young lass at 14. But boy will her mom & dad have their hands full when she's 16.
  22. I'm dreaming on my own Land Shark. Just like the one at "Tales of the Seven Seas". I would sail it swiftly, in the APS Light parade. And ask all my pirate friends to come along. Oh, I'm dreaming on my own Land Shark. Just wish I could get Hubby to go along. It would be so pretty but not as good as the original but soon the Land Shark would be, the flag ship of the fleet. sung to tune of "White Christmas" APS = Arizona Public Service
  23. Ahoy, I scored with my Blackbeard figurine. It be available through a local here. Here be a link to his site. Blackbeard Teach
  24. Which Captain Jack Sparrow?
  25. How about a smile?
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