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Everything posted by Christine

  1. CHUNK! Sorry, I couldn't resist having a Goonies moment, lol! Anyway, CLOTH
  2. Howard Stern (she was on his show a lot)
  3. I eventually got the egg crate foam topper. It has been working really well for me. I've been sleeping just fine and wake up feeling great! It's to the point that now I hardly have to go to my chiropractor. The last time I came in he didn't have to do much at all. He was like, "whoa, what a difference in your back!"
  4. POLES Hmmm....holes and poles huh
  5. Yes, indeed! Such a great Disney movie, not very kid friendly due to some strong adult themes, but that's what makes it great! Kudos to Disney for being bold to do that with an animated feature. gunner Gordon, still not quite sure what your quote is from. I thought Cutthroat Island, but I'm probably wrong. Hmmm....well, it seems like a comedy period piece. Here's gunner's quote again: "don't mock me sir, no man mocks me sir !" "I do not mock you sir, I mock the man who mocks the mocker sir"
  6. LOL! :angry: Funny the way the you answered that! And to your quote, it's from "Clerks". gunner Gordon, not sure what that's from, but it reminds me something from either Mel Brooks or Monty Python, lol! I'll continue: "Good morning, sir." *groans* "Are you feeling all right?" "I had a little trouble with the fireplace."
  7. Yup, Zorro the Gay Blade is correct! Such a funny movie. :angry:
  8. The shirts are for sale in both stores. Pieces of Eight has more kid size versions and the other has adult sizes. I almost fell over when I saw them when we walked through. Yeah.... no one in their right mind goes on the Memorial or Labor day weekends. Those and the July 4th Holiday are the busiest days at the Park it seems. Cool, I'll check it out when next I'm there! I did go on Memorial Day itself, on a Monday back in 2002. It surprisingly was not crowded then, which was really strange, but good at the same time. Those days are pretty much gone now. Due to the the payment plans of the annual passes and the free birthday thing, it makes it even easier to go to the park now. It also makes it much more crowded, even on days when it didn't used to be.
  9. Are these shirts in the Pieces of Eight store, right as you exit the Pirates ride in New Orleans Square or that other one, Le Baton Rouge (or whatever it's called)? I'll have to check it out when next I'm there. Even tho I have an annual pass I haven't gone in awhile, it's been really crowded lately. It's only going to get worse for Memorial Day weekend, ugh!
  10. I had mentioned this last night here. It is indeed very sad, he was a sweet man. I feel so bad for poor Russi. I remember Tony Jay (a great voice actor, who also passed on in 2006) had said in a Hunchback of Notre Dame interview that when you provide the voice of a famous character you are forever immortalized. Wayne will forever live on thru Mickey Mouse. Whenever we go to the Disney parks, watch the movies, cartoons, commercials and so on, we will hear Wayne.
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