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Everything posted by Christine

  1. I think Barbossa just had a thing for apples, plain and simple. His favorite food and he couldn't wait to taste it again. But yeah, it could also go with that symbolism thing of forbidden fruit and such. Foreshadowing that he'll never be able to taste it again. When he said, "You know the first thing I'm going to do once the curse is lifted? *then looks at Elizabeth* Eat a whole bushel of apples!" Right there, that could be the symbolism of forbidden fruit. Not only did he want to taste food again, but also feel a woman again. Guaranteed if Elizabeth was the one to break the curse Barbossa would have had his way with her, no doubt about it! Mmmm....nice thought on that image. Oh, yes...anyway... the poisoned part. Well, that's a normal reaction to think when one has been kidnapped. But since this was Disney and he held up the apple when she said that it was rather funny. So Snow White-like. lol!
  2. Well, the Escondido faire was a great success! I met Rumba Rue, er actually she found me first. My friends and I had been hanging out a lot in the Pirate area and then ended up getting invited by the one guild. They're called the Black Sail, I think. Something like that. What a great bunch of people! :) We went again on Sunday, I had used the bracelett they gave me to get in for free. That's when I met Rumba Rue. She came by after she saw me walk over to the group. She's great and really cool! Oh, and she said to let you all know she's been having problems with her computer, which is why she hasn't been on lately. But she's alive and well-lol! It was a great, but long weekend. Now, tis time to get back in to the ol' grind *sigh*. Yup, I have work tonight. Ah, well, looking forward to the next faire, the big one in San Bernadino!
  3. Anyone whose going to the Escondido faire know if there's any coupons available? I thought there was on their website, but I was wrong. Only Palm Springs and Corona had that. Was wondering if perhaps places like Vons, Albertson's or just stuff like that would. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I will definitely be there, especially since I live right here in Escondido. They have them twice each year, one in the spring and one in the fall and I go to both. Aye, each year keeps getting better and better. Well, it'll be cool if we all run into each other. I'm going to have family and friends with me, all decked out in costume. Even my best friend Toni from LA is heading down for this. She used to live in the area, it's been awhile since we went to faire together. It's going to be a lot of fun!
  5. Oh, goodness yes, The Highway Man! Beautiful, but sad song. I absolutely love Loreena Mckennit. Such perfect renaissance/pirate music. I love the one album, The Mask and Mirror. The one song on there Dark Night of the Soul....*oh swoon* Upon a darkened night The flame of love was burning in my breast And by a lantern bright I fled my house while all in quiet rest Shrouded by the night And by the secret stair I quickly fled The veil concealed my eyes While all within lay quiet as the dead (chorus) Oh night thou was my guide Oh night more loving than the rising sun Oh night that joined the lover To the beloved one Transforming each of them in to the other. Upon that misty night In secrecy, beyond such mortal sight Without a guide or light Than that which burned so deeply in my heart That fire twas led me on And shone more bright than of the midday sun To where he waited still It was a place where no one else could come (chorus) Within my pounding heart Which kept itself entirely for him He fell into his sleep Beneath the cedars all my love I gave From o'er the fortress walls The wind would brush his hair against his brow And with his smoothest hand Caressed my every sense it would allow (chorus) I lost myself to him And laid my face upon my lover's chest And care and grief grew dim As in the morning's mist became the light There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair There they dimmed amongst the lilies fair All the while her haunting voice echoes through-out the song, *shivers* Oh, yes, love that!
  6. Where was this filmed? Oh, yes, other fan films would be so great! Already got a great Jack and a lovely Elizabeth. Lady Barbossa told me of this guy who looks so much like Wil Turner. But then there's Barbossa....hmmmm.... Would love to see someone portray him, with great authenticity. *oh, le sigh* *le swoon* lol!
  7. "You have 6 fingers on your right hand. Someone was looking for you..."
  8. Happy Birthday to ya Jack! It's because of his great forum where I met Lady Barbossa and then she told me of this great board. Another Huzzah to Lady Barbossa, as well as Jack! Oh and by the way, Jack's board is always in need of new people. So, when you all check out the link to Jack's website, also check out his board. I call myself Lady Christine on there. You'll all see that we have fun on there too. :angry:
  9. Hope you have a great birthday! Do something wild and fun! :angry:
  10. Yeah, I let my guyfriend talk me in to go see him instead this weekend. I need to help keep him sane since his whole family is coming out for a visit. lol! You know, I have always tried to get him to go to a ren faire. Definitely has the long hair for it and since being an actor in LA he has access to all sorts of costumes. He even got me one of the cursed coins as a birthday gift last year from Pirates. He has a friend who made them for the movie. I dunno, perhaps someday I'll get him to go, but in the meantime I'll continue to hit every faire in Southern California. :)
  11. Sounds good to me Capt. Grey! Tho I'm sure you'll be spotting me first before I spot you. You already see what I look like from my avatar pic. Then again, if you do indeed run around in Jedi garb that shouldn't be too hard to find!
  12. Escondido, California, or Escondildo as the locals call it-lol! I was born in California and have never lived anywhere else. I'm a California native, baby! :)
  13. I'll definitely be there, at least for one of the weekends. I go every year. It's not really that far away from where I live. I live in San Diego county. Anyone going to the faire next weekend in Palm Springs? I was definitely thinking of it, but something else came up. Nothing bad of course. I wanna check out the Corona one, been awhile since I went to that one. And then there's the Escondido one, right where I live. I love all the little faires before the big southern one. I try to hit them all.
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