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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. Black Flag.................That's the original Grog or full strength Rum
  2. Smoothbore ............Ye can blast solid rounds or shot! Alantic or Gulf
  3. brazier .........Grills are for land-lubbers Bucineer or Pirate
  4. Many more for ye!
  5. France............we plunder Spain........Maby France too but Spain first! Rum or Wench.................Damnation this ones hard!
  6. Syphilis.................a lot more fun to get! alos gota vote for the peg on the earlier post.......got one allready. Jamaica or The Bahamas
  7. Somali pirate...in my crosshairs Earring or Gold tooth
  8. Pirate............you answer to Nobody but your Captain Sword or Cutlass
  9. JummyRum.....A finer port ye'll never find then 'ere Mate.... Welcome Aboard & pass the Rum!!!
  10. Light Dragoon Buckle shoes or bucket shoes
  11. Was one of the best broadcasts I've listened to as of yet.........Bravo BildgeMonkey
  12. Thanks again for all th' kind words Mates, This be the best crew of any forms I've landed on as of yet. I just 'ope that as I aquire me garb & such that I be as accurate as I can be for the GOP time frame..... Any advice will be appriciated mightely..............
  13. Welcome Aboard Mate! A finer crew ye will ever meet are in 'ere!
  14. Coffee.... More Coffee.....
  15. A late Merry Christmass & a 'appy new year to ye... May ye 'ave many more!
  16. Happoy Birthday & Happy New Year! Many more for ye
  17. Welcome aboard
  18. This is the only picture I could find of Long John..... I would like to do that but if I do I want to do it correctly. Still could use the peg as another pirate.............. http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h385/peglegstrick/oneleg.png?t=1293107297
  19. I know that Long John Silver was missing a leg .... but did'nt he use a crutch instead of a peg? .......Just wondering
  20. Got the hat today and it looks better than the pictures could have shown..... It's just what I had in mind... Thanks a Ton Yellowbeard your hat making skills amaze me! Keep up posted on when you set up shop! You have a customer for future wares in me! Your gratefull servent, PegLeg Strick Now someone shove me towards a wastecoat & some slops! Size large on the wastecoat & medium on the slops if anyone is listening.
  21. Happy Birthday to you Mr. Pew
  22. I've used CLR (sold in hardware stores) on rusty barrels with great results. Mix it up as per the directions for rust & use steel wool. Remember to use rubber gloves though....the mixture will turn your fingernails orange! Ask me how I know..... my fingernail tips have still go an orange ring from rebluing a friend's shotgun a few months ago! After removing the rust rinse the parts with alcohol then either blue, brown or if keeping in the white then oil the parts. Do not get the CLR on any of the wood (it will remove the finish) or brass. Worked good for me. PegLeg Strick
  23. Happy Birthday !!! May the wind be in your sails & the sun on your face...... Many More!!!
  24. I do appriciat all the warm wellcomes and look forward to being aboard an' bugging th 'ell out of ya about Garb & such
  25. Joined up weeks ago....Lurked even longer. Old reenactor (Civil War Confederate Trooper)....Lost left leg in a motorcycle accident. Figured I'd try my hands & one good leg at Pirate reenacting. Would appriciate any advice on Garb, weapons...etc. Golden age to start with but need advice for earler also. PegLeg Strick
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