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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. Stumped me on that one Mr. Hook......Got no answer
  2. Thought I had heard water running!
  3. Love this thread. I have seen these Japane made pistols turn up in Guntraider.com a lot and they are allways a lot less expensive than most others. Looks like with some work & wood shaping they might be allright. Might get one & try.
  4. As allways.....your tallent for hats are amazing. Good Luck with this endevor.......You'll go far
  5. Not enough enigination in me 'ol bones, what few I have left, to write in this endevor but I'll be watching & hopefully learning.
  6. Some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands! Love it...............Can you imagine the comotion they cause!
  7. CaptainB.......I think the beads look real nice! Just my thoughts... Hope you have great sucess with 'em!
  8. I'll be there. May be to watch & learn.... Don't know how accurate my wooden peg is. But I'll be there.
  9. High treason.......this one - If a man do violate the king's companion, or the king's eldest daughter unmarried.......Sounds like fun!!! Burry your treasure or spend it wildly
  10. Onboard..........overboards wet! Tavern or alley
  11. I be drinking a strong mug of Coffee.................trying in vain to wake up
  12. muscatel .......'ner could stand those little hats with the round ears! Oh you said muskateer not mousekateer. Rats Belayin' Pin or Grenadoes
  13. 'appy Birthday & may there be Much more of em. Raise a mug & enjoy ye day!
  14. In the Hammock.....Lots more confort ! Boarding ax or grapling hook?
  15. Noble.....They's got more to plunder Wastcoat or Frock coat
  16. Robert Newton.....'e's a lot more convincing Boarding Axe or pike
  17. Me 'ats off to ye Orerlesseye, the Cove is Amazing. A bit of work went on there! Nice real Nice!
  18. Powder Monkey...............Got's to blast me cannons! Blunderbuss or Sea Service musket
  19. Here's to ye Master Hawkyns....... Have many more Mate!
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