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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. Expected a bigger fight than I got for the hat...........Glad I won though. Nice work Yellowbeard!
  2. Pictures of the first Pirate costume I made for my Grandson's Pirate birthday party. Hooked on the pirate thing now! Working on better garb.
  3. Here's some pictures of when my Grandson wanted a pirate birthday party for his 4th B-day. I know the costume was hokey (threw it together with some scrub pants a workshirt with the sleeves cut out and a old dress shirt) but it got me hookrd on the pitate thing.......working on a more accurate kit now. Oh yeah the pegleg is real....lost my leg on a motorcycle a few years back & a friend & I made the leg. Walks good & everything. We did a treasure hunt with maps in bottles leasding to other maps in bottles leading to the treasure. Had eyepatches & tattos for the kids, a pirate ship pinatta.... the kids had a ball. Have fun doing it.....It's addicting! PegLeg Strick
  4. peglegstrick

    Grandsons Birthday party costume

    First time I did up as a Pirate for my Grandson's Pirate b-day party. Now I'm hooked! Gotta get a better garb though
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