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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Done and over with... now pondering long list of stuff to be done... I thought weekends were supposed to be fun! hmmm... start now, or goof around on the net for a bit...
  2. I'll take one ticket for Air Tahiti please (ALWAYS wanted to go there!)
  3. Been there many times... on second thought, maybe I should rephrase that!
  4. Whoa! Thanks! That conjures up memories! When I was a kid, I used to cut my grandfather's grass once a week. There was a spot along the fence where someone must've planted mint at one time, and some must've still grown there low in the grass, because whenever I ran over that spot, the air filled with the smell of spearmint. Amazing.
  5. Ok, how about this. In Jaynestown, when Simon is talking about Egyptian brewing processes, Kaylee just goes blank, and then sort of mocks him for being a learned history geek. I would think you, like me (and unlike either Mal or in all likelihood Nathan Fillian) would find that a major problem. My conversations tend toward rambling and wandering, very often meandering down some oddball historical path. Kaylee just couldn't keep the pace. Saffron... Inara... curvy blonde versus raven-haired gypsy... talk about a dilemma!
  6. ^ Good question. I'm a people watcher, that's for sure. Love to observe interactions and emotions and all that. I think people's body language says much more than their words, so I tend to not focus on conversations. < Taking what Epictetus said and going a step further... two ears, one mouth, to listen twice as much as we speak... two eyes, so we can observe twice as much as well. < And yes, you are right about the toasting of English muffins! And thanks for the pardon m'luhd! V Favorite non-pirate costume you've ever donned?!?!?
  7. I couldn't agree more. get it done and over with before stuff comes along that has to be done.
  8. ^ Always notice the small stuff. Like two mornings ago, the waning crescent moon, low on the horizon in the rosy-fingered dawn... or back during the summer... the tiny sparkles of light on the slope in the backyard as I walked the dog, at first glance the seemed to be mica reflecting the moonlight, but looking closely, they were glow worms! < wonders if he is technically breaking his vow to not post until after exercising, then figures, in Jenny's world it is still yesterday! V scones, biscuits, english muffins, bagels, or toast?
  9. ^ Naaaaaa... that would be silly < Why on Earth am I awake? V When you were a kid, playdough or legos or lincoln logs or tinker toys?
  10. ^ Not that I know of, but someone told me once they saw my tombstone. < yes Jenny, but don't you get pez for free? V Will you have Chinese for dinner tomorrow?
  11. ^ But maaawwww... do I gotta pick just one? Take a guess! < Believes in the transmigration of souls... :) V C'mon, it's Friday night, surely you must have other plans?
  12. Right now... phone ringing... last bit o' music, Neil Finn, Driving Me Mad...
  13. ^ Hand planned originally to practice 1717 militia drill in the backyard, which got cancelled due to Chinese New Year Parade in DC, which probably won't happen due to ice... may go to the Air & Space Annex at Dulles instead? Or make some clothes? < Dinner time!!! Stuffed shells! V Any regrets?
  14. I knew #1 Son was on the right path the first time we had a light saber duel in the aisle of target. I knew #2 Son was on the right path when... wow... countless times... he loves to fiddle with the pirate knickknacks I have in the library... and he loves to speak like a robot and pretend practically anything is a jet or rocketship! Fwiw, I am quite proud of Son #1. Each month at his school they focus on a particular character trait, picking someone that exemplifies that trait to get there pic on the Kids With Character wall. Back in December he got picked... as a kid with compassion. I thought that was pretty cool.
  15. If you start selling clones of yourself, you let me know ok. :whistles innocently:
  16. Yeah, they even hit Plunder early this morning...
  17. If you can't, Jim Hawk(in)s will do it for you. I once had a bookmark to Mary Jo's Peep Fun page. I think it still exists, but under a different name. My favorite thing to do with peeps? Melt them in steaming hot hot cocoa! Yum. Bought the fam some heart peeps for valentines and we did that with 'em, but the hearts aren't as much fun to melt as the traditional ones.
  18. ^ Not so much, no. < ... a dreamer of dreams V What's your biggest fear?
  19. Oh look, someone dropped a thread... (picks it up, dusts it off)... ahem... shall we start anew?
  20. As I understand it, in the Colonies mourning rings were popular, and so were mourning gloves.
  21. Only two pages, and my brain is swimming... how odd. Fwiw, my sources say French ribbon epaulettes of the period were "frequently worn apparently as a part of regimental dress, not necessarily as a badge of rank." There's an accompanying pic of a Garde Francaise musketeer of 1680 with ribbons on both shoulders, as well as his hat.
  22. That is spectacular... reminds me of the atv they had in Lost in Space! Son #1 loves bugs... yes... it is because I made him watch Herbie the Love Bug.
  23. ^ had thought of going to DC's Chinatown for the Chinese New Year Parade on Saturday, then to Alexandria for a bunch of Pres' Day Festivities. The ice has given cause to reconsider... < Just got off the phone with Dorian V Favorite "oddball" holiday?
  24. ditto. Also... when... you have to figure out if you want to put that $70 toward a book, or toward a fourth pistol...
  25. revwar is a helluvalot of fun... if you are ever interested, alot of my guys still do it.
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