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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. toasts? toasts? shades of Yosemite Sam... yowie! "My biscuits are burnin'!"
  2. BING!!!! David Bowie as Tesla... good stuff... GREAT film. Jim's turn.
  3. Unless, of course, the thread is really about toast. Ladies and gentlemen, to my friend Jenny. She believes in the power of simple magic. That's a rare trait in this day and age.
  4. VERY multi-layered. I just finished watching it yesterday and it blew my socks off! I need to re-watch it. Which means I might as well buy the thing. A hint... Tesla! Glad you liked SiL. I think the writing in that film is brilliant! The quote to be guessed at, again: Never show anyone. They'll beg you and flatter you for the secret, but as soon as you give it up, you'll be nothing to them... The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything.
  5. Which is lifted from one of the early Greek historians... Herodotus or Thucydides. I remember coming across that when I was ancient studies dude. I think there are better quotes from the film, however (which I will admit ranks up there in my top 10 favorite philosophy films). For instance... Conan's Father: The secret of steel has always carried with it a mystery. You must learn its riddle, Conan, you must learn its discipline. For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts. This you can trust. [Points to sword] "There comes a time, thief, when the jewels cease to sparkle, when the gold loses its luster, when the throne room becomes a prison, and all that is left is a father's love for his child." King Osric, from Conan the Barbarian (I used this as a sig for awhile.) Thulsa Doom: I wish to speak to you now. Where is the Eye of the Serpent? Rexor said that you gave it to a girl; probably for a mere night's pleasure. Such a loss. People have no grasp of what they do. Conan: The riddle... of steel. Thulsa Doom: Yes! You know what it is, don't you boy? Shall I tell you? It's the least I can do. Steel isn't strong, boy, flesh is stronger! Look around you. There, on the rocks; that beautiful girl. Come to me, my child... [the girl jumps to her death] Thulsa Doom: That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart, I gave you this! Such a waste. Contemplate this on the tree of woe. Crucify him!
  6. ^ Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometimes they catch up with me whether I want to face them or not. Fear can be a great motivator. It can be your greatest ally. < Destiny and Fate... read this once... fits with my worldview... ymmv. "Destiny is that which you must fulfill in this lifetime. You are born with a task. During your lifetime, you must continually strive to identify it and complete it to its last detail. This is no simple errand, mind you. It is a terribly intricate and unique enigma for each person that must be slowly brought to fruition. The issue at stake in nothing less than transcending the consequences of past lives in order to be reborn in a higher state or, better yet, to escape all together. That is destiny. "Fate is an active agent that exists solely to deter you from fulfilling your destiny. It struggles against you, impedes your progress. Fate functions through illusion. It is responsible for mirages that lead you astray. It is temptation. It tricks you, fills your mind with grand notions and proud thoughts. Fate would like nothing better than to deter you from your goal. Whenever you think of doing wrong or playing a trick, and you become aware of yourself, you have instantly found fate. Give and fate has won. Resist and it has lost. But it will be there, tirelessly waiting to distract you once more." V Do you believe in magic? The simple magic of the everyday world? Not grandiose magic, but common magic, like, picking up the telephone and the person you intend to call is on the other end as you pick up the phone, and that it is not just random chance?
  7. Thanks all. Fortunately, had some leftover meds from a year ago -- the last time pink eye went around. Feeling better, but I think I have a touch of fever now. *sigh* 5lbs! Hey that's great! Still haven't summoned the courage to weigh myself... I did my time again this morning.
  8. Such as... revealing to us the woman behind the veil...
  9. Poor little guy used to live on my gazebo until the most recent storm broke him from his moorings. I call this one Stranger in a Strange Land.
  10. Ok, to quote Conan, "enough talk!" Or, in this case... enough time. Caraccioli, feel free to delete this post of you feel more time is warranted; if not, here's the next quote: Never show anyone. They'll beg you and flatter you for the secret, but as soon as you give it up, you'll be nothing to them... The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything. (dude! awesome quote man!)
  11. Our Mrs Reynolds, the one with his wife, is one of the best, imho. If you are like me, you'll find River so interesting that, by the final episode, you will pop. I shouldn't get your expectations up like that, I suppose. Suffice to say I find the final episode to be one of the most interesting. The commentary for it just as interesting.
  12. ^ re-answers Jim's passed on question... 30 or so years... my sister worked with this guy who did viking... she was always telling me I should meet him... then one day I did and went off to attack Senlac Hill with a bunch of Normans. < I hope I will be. And I hope my kids will be too! I figure, at plus 30 more years I can be that crazy old timer dude! Feared and (maybe) respected. At the very least I hope I can hold out for the 250 of the RevWar!!!! Especially when you consider how the 200th was botched! V passing along the passed along question... how long have you been reenacting (any/all time periods)?
  13. Glad I could help. If I can think of anything else of use I'll send it along.
  14. And what's underneath it too!!! Oh, pardon me. I'll have what he's having!
  15. ^ just about 30 years < What do I have to show for it? V Do you think you will be doing it 30 years hence? Will I?
  16. Welcome. Cape Cod... one of my favorite places... Eastham, eh? That's where the windmill is, yes? And the Swift-Daley House? My lovely wife had the most eerie thing happen to her there... I've got goosebumps just thinking about it. For me, a hot buttered rum please.
  17. blackjohn


    Not cats, but whips... "The skin of the Manatee is of great use to the Privateers, for they cut them into Straps, which they make fast on the Sides of their Canoas thro' which they put their oars... The Skin of the Bull [manatee], or of the Back of the Cow is too thick for this use; but of it they make Horse-whips, cutting them 2 or 3 Foot long." Dampier, A New Voyage Round the World, page 33.
  18. That's the correct answer to the quote I offered up when I dusted this thread off. Since Caraccioli has the call as to which quote we are playing from, give us a quote Mad Kestrel.
  19. I don't know anything about the particular type you are interested in, but I can give you some examples of things that might be similar. The Virginia is 30 tons and was probably alot like this: http://www.mainesfirstship.org/ The Dove in Maryland is 42 tons: http://www.stmaryscity.org/Virtual%20Tour/...ve%20facts.html The Godspeed in Jamestown is also 40: http://www.historyisfun.org/jamestown/newgodspeed.cfm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godspeed_%28ship%29 La Belle is French, a little later and closer to 50: http://www.thc.state.tx.us/belle/
  20. *spit-take* whhoooooo... ok... ummmmm... what was I going to say... OH! I remember, even though I feel like total physical crap, I did mine anyway. If you've had kids, you may have had pink eye. If you've had pink eye, you know what I'm talking about. That, coupled with swollen glands in my throat, popping ears, and a slight cough and... I probably would've been better off just staying in bed...
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Espresso
  22. WELL SAID!!! Dang Jacky, you must've been reading the question on my mind just then.
  23. Carefully? Individually? On a case by case basis? Sometimes even after the fact? At which point apologies are made? Can one judge the boundaries of a metaphor? Is it soup yet?
  24. One time in a lack of sleep induced haze I walked to the corner $tarbuck$ and ordered a six shot espresso. There was this dude behind me, and as I'm standing there waiting for my drink he says to me, "excuse me sir, did I hear you order a six shoot espresso." I nodded and smiled. His stunned reply, "wow." When I have the money, I'm more often than not a venti no whip extra hot mocha kinda guy. These days I've been french-pressing my own in my cube early in the morning. For about the last week or so I've picked up this odd habit of making a cup of cocoa keeping the bitter dregs of the coffee. Puzzling.
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