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Everything posted by blackjohn
Genesis, The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway... Land of Confusion...
The Pirate Brethren will be attending or hosting the following events in 2007. If you are new to reenacting and want to see us in action, or if you are an old salt and are interested in joining us, or if you just want to see the spectacle, you can find us at: April 14-15, Marching Through Time, Bowie MD A 'timeline' type event, with reenactors portraying a variety of periods. Era - 1690s Camp - none, supporting Kass' coffeehouse as civilians Opposing Forces - no April 26-29, Fort Fred Market Fair, Big Pool MD The big shopping event of the year! Era - 1710s Camp - none Opposing Forces - n/a June 2, Pirates at Elk Landing A band of pirates careening their ship in the Chesapeake Bay is attacked by Crown forces and militia. Era - 1710s Camp - Careening, with nearby earthworks, assorted civilians Opposing Forces - yes June 16, St Mary's MD Maritime Heritage Festival Pirates take up residence in Maryland's first capital. Era - 1690s Camp - Trading party, with civilians and coffeehouse Opposing Forces - yes July 7, Pirates Invade the Lockhouse, Havre de Grace, MD A group of pirates lands at a port in Maryland, looking to sell their wares, only to find opposition from local law enforcement. Era - 1710s Camp - Trading and raiding party with civilians and coffeehouse Opposing Forces - yes August 4, Ridley Creek State Park, Media, PA Having worked their way inland, a merry band of pirates seeks to plunder a settlement. Era - 1710s Camp - Raiding party with civilians and coffeehouse Opposing Forces - yes September ? MD Ren Faire? If invited, we will be supporting Merrick's Privateers in a demonstration of pirate firepower. Era - 1710s Camp - generic pirate demo Opposing Forces - no October 6, Grand Militia Muster, St Marys City, MD The Pirate Brethren may attend this event as a turn of the century militia unit. Exact details have not been decided. Era - 1700? Camp - colonial militia Opposing Forces - no November 3-4, Pirates Invade the Lockhouse, Havre de Grace, MD Pirates openly walk the streets of Philadelphia. The governor of Maryland sends forces to Pennsylvania to intervene. Era - 1690s Camp - Trading and raiding party, with civilians and coffeehouse Opposing Forces - yes November 30-Dec 2, Reenactor Fest, Gettysburg, PA The final big shopping event of the season! Era - 1710s Camp - none Opposing Forces - n/a
I like the butt Makes her look more primitive, less common. It would've even more primitive had they nailed the butt plate in place. Mr Hand, did you replace your screws with nails? It seems someone I know did that, and they deserve applause.
Why on earth is the forestock cut back? We don't see that on early military muskets, so it seems very odd to see it on a trade musket.
Now, Mr C, can I convince you to watch the new Battlestar Galactica? I find the characters and storyline to be more compelling than that of Firefly!
Sounds like a plan Tom! I upped the total wt on my machine from 30 to 50. It's just a bit too much, so I stop halfway through and do a bunch of sit-ups to let my arms rest, then hop back on and finish up.
^ Yes, in my wayward youth. I ruled the neighborhood with an iron fist in a velvet glove. < Alpha male... have I learned anything? Maybe so, the last two fights I could've gotten in I just stepped away. V Would you consider cross-dressing as part of your reenacting hobby? For example, would you dress as a woman if you thought it could get a laugh, or as part of a scenario? Would you dress as a guy, and could you get away with it?
^ hmmmm... want to take a guess? < Actually, my shoes need replacing, and I'm seriously contemplating a pair of 1690s shoes with ties. V What is your favorite part of the clothing/look/style from the Golden Age of Piracy?
dang, I'm exhausted...
^ if the if is big enough < when was the last time I was up until 1... ooooooh... I remember now!!! hubba hubba!!! Remind me to do that more often... V have a tripod for your camera? (hahaha... my < and my V, if taken together, make me sound really dirty!)
phew... exhausted... just did 20 minutes of very hard random exercises... I can barely type my arms are so shaky.
I will admit I have studied this aspect as much as I should have. My first question would be, did they string 'em up within the intertidal zone, or did they *bury* them there? Or was it a little of each? I know there was some practice of bury folk there. The Brits did it to thousands of American POWs who died on the prison hulks during the RevWar.
^ I lived on a survey ship for 10 days. I'd do it again in a second. But I love my new house. So, in the long run, it doesn't really matter. I can be happy wherever. < Not really into the PS3 for the games so much as the hi def video. It's like... now that you've heard stereo, could you ever go back to mono. That's the only analogy I can think of when comparing hi def video to regular video. And now, why the heck isn't my HDMI cable working??? (Really, that's why I'm online right now... looking up PS3 troubleshooting.) < Was *this* close to using Pokey as an avatar!!! Gumby's dog is Nopey. Yes... my kids have been instructed in the fine art of old-timey kid's tv. V Prefer to live near the ocean, or do you enjoy being landlocked?
^ time is meaningless < kachinas! reminds me of gumby! V did I beat Jim to the punch post-wise? edit: looks like I did... favorite norse god?
There are generally two high and two low tides each day. The area swept by the rising tide is the intertidal zone. I would think this would mean being swept by three incoming tides. Not that pirates hanging in the intertidal zone would be covered head to toe in water, since the range of tide varies depending on various geomorphological factors...
^ Yep. As sushi. I've eaten snake too. That was during the filming of The Patriot. This kid (probably 16 or 17) went off to the firewood pile to get some firewood, and killed a black snake during the process. Everyone was very excited, including the kid, who decided he wanted to skin it with the intention of making the skin into some sort of belt. Now, this was right around dinner time, hence the trek to the firewood pile, so the obvious thing to do at this point was to eat the snake. There was a fire. There was butter. But these guys had no seasoning. Enter Blackjohn... and his plethora of spices. I took all of my modern camping gear with me when I went - 7 man tent, air mattress, et cetera, including a really great collection of spices. So I provided the spices and was rewarded with a hunk of garlic snake. I've also had bear... and other more usual critters too. < Just bought a PS3!!! Now I can play Bluray dvd! Which means... Pirates of the Caribbean in hi def video!!! Time to go set it up! V Who is your favorite Greek god?
Is this mike on? tap*tap*tap Did my time again. I need to start working harder I think. Seriously. I'm going to put 10 more pounds on the machine.
cat... I dunno... but I get this feeling she's a combination of the bounciness of Cindy Lauper in "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" with the comedic sauciness of Mae West.
Nice! I've come to appreciate some of these new high tech work out and weight loss gizmos. I dig this new digital scale we have. It keeps track of how much you weighed when you first stepped on it, what your goal is, and a bunch of other stuff too! Pretty cool!
Hey, we rangers have to stick together. VW bug! Cool! My son#1 loves bugs, both classic and new! If we ever see you at an event, you'll have to let him sit in it! :)
Market Fair, April 26 - 29, 2007 http://www.friendsoffortfrederick.org/MarketFair.aspx List of sutlers attending in 2006 http://www.friendsoffortfrederick.org/arch...utlers2006.aspx
My wife and I were doing Old West right around the time this film came out, so every time I went to put pomade in my hair, I'd always ask her where it was, she'd ask me if I was looking for the "Fop" and I'd always return with the "no, I'm a Dapper Dan man!" The stuff I used was actually great... smelled like coconuts!!! ok... another favorite... Jeremiah Johnson: Y'ever get lonesome? Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Fer what? Jeremiah Johnson: Woman? Bear Claw Chris Lapp: Full time night woman? I never could find no tracks on a woman's heart. I packed me a squaw for ten year, Pilgrim. Cheyenne, she were, and the meanest bitch that ever balled for beads. I lodge-poled her at Deadwood Creek, and traded her for a Hawken gun. But don't get me wrong; I loves the womens, I surely do. But I swear, a woman's breast is the hardest rock that the Almighty ever made on this earth, and I can find no sign on it.
I'm still trying to picture exactly what you are talking about. I can think of plenty of fancy baldrics and sword belts in our period, but the fringe part is lodging in my brain. I think I need to shake my head around a bit to dislodge it, because I think there is an image in there somewhere of what you are asking about.
I still have half of my chocolate mudslide cookie... here ya go Jenny. When I'm feeling under the weather I like to go to the bagel place across the street and buy a huge orange juice. So this morning I picked up one of those, a chopped onion bagel with hummus, and since I've been so good with my exercise routine I bought a cookie too.
Whoa! Rogue! Are you ok?!?! I was wondering where you had gotten to, and just figured you had been extra busy or had a computer crash, but a car! I hope everything is ok now! So... glad you have returned! Just for fun, I stepped on the scale again this morning and it read down 5.8! Sweet! This exercise stuff is fun! Tom, what kind of machine do you have?