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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. ^ hahaha... enhanced??? the first thing I thought of was a revwar event in Williamsburg, standing with the whole regiment crowded in the captain's tent as the sky ripped opened and dumped torrential rain on us! < Works within walking distance of DC V Ever been to the nation's capital?
  2. Been there, done that. Looked really cool, broken in move. Became a yacht. I am NOT kidding. That is one of the fun elements of models: Making and remaking them into something else. Dude, that rocks. I admire the ability to kitbash... I went back and did more research. According to my sources, if you are shooting for a post-war ship, go with the black stuff, because by 1702 black stuff had become more popular than white stuff due to cost. To cover a fourth rate cost 3/12/0 with black, versus 7/4/9 using the white stuff. Also worth noting, tallowing seems to be popular for small ships and fast ships and is used throughout the period.
  3. I've gotta find those 5 lb plates... I know they are around here somewhere... 6+ months and still haven't unpacked all the boxes...
  4. One more thing. Last year my "big" quest at the Fort Frederick Market Fair was to find the stocking maker. Sadly, when I found his tent, it was vacant. Here's a link to the site. http://www.delpstockings.com/index.html From all accounts (at the time) it sounded as if this person was making correct stockings. However, after further scrutiny, Kass had these thoughts on the subject. So... what's a pirate to do... One last last thing... one of the many stockings Carol examined up close and first hand... the Whydah stocking. Cool.
  5. Part of the continuing saga on stockings from... 2004 I believe.
  6. Eh... never mind. The field is yours...
  7. As in nylons... I'm afraid we don't let them in Capt Twill.
  8. Once upon a time "The Goddess of Stockings and Cheesecake" kept us company on the Pirate Brethren mail list. In fact, I still email her once in awhile when I need a second opinion on something. Suffice to say, after being in the test audience for her stocking lecture, I am left with the impression that no one makes correct period knit stockings. Even the fancy pair I have are wrong. The get me close, but I don't get a cigar. Stockings cut from cloth, on the other hand, I think Kass has or is in the process of making patterns for those...
  9. ^ Waaaaaay too often, to Lisa's consternation! I do my best to remember to check it as often as possible, but you know how it is when you get swept away by an event... < Spent hours, no, DAYS trying to find the right camera. Settled on an Olympus C-740 Ultrazoom with a builtin 10X lens. Still fits in the pocket. V What has it got in its pocketses?
  10. Only if I can borrow him at every event the Pirate Brethren does. Which of course you have an open invitation to... Scurvy Hanna's eldest son is getting to the point where in another year or three we can outfit him with a drum. And then (hopefully) my number one son will be willing to be our music in four or five years. Number two son... well... I'm positive he'll be all over this when he gets older. My wife told me yesterday (in a not positive way) that son number two told her he wanted to "join the Federation so he could have a phaser and kill Klingons." Whoa. He didn't get that from me... he hasn't even seen Star Trek III! Whodathunk you could pick up something like that from seeing Trouble with Tribbles!!!???!!!
  11. Thank you sir, and I am honored!
  12. ^ I'm a shutterbug, to be sure! So, ALOT of thought went into my digital camera purchase. It had to have the biggest zoom available AND be able to fit into the pocket of my coat. So, when I have it at an event, and if it's not in my chest or haversack, I've got it in my coat pocket. < Has a terrible guilt complex about carrying a camera at an event. I hate to whip it out in public! V Does size matter, for your camera's zoom? Or do you not care about telephoto as much as I do?
  13. My first thought would be try a different pair of shoes. ??? I kept the 20 extra on, and about halfway through had to stop and take them off. My arms just couldn't handle the weight of me and 40 extra pounds...
  14. Given some time I can probably dredge tube lengths up from somewhere... EDIT. The quick and dirty answer... did you look here! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannon
  15. Choccccccc-late... wait, I bet I have Homer saying that as a soundbite on my ipod!
  16. Hey, when it comes to Polishness, don't forget me!!! Hell, at one time I even used as my avatar here the badge for the 1st Polish Armored Division! As for Poles and pirates... why bother! The coolest possible thing to reenact is ours! Polish Winged Hussars!!!
  17. Anyone here interested in being a drummer for a pirate reenacting group? Or a drummer for a early colonial militia group? Or both? Or better yet, anyone here have a hurdy gurdy and want to join up with some pirates? I figure this is a shot in the dark, but one never knows unless one asks. Come to think of it, I'll settle for a player of any period instrument. You supply the music, I'll supply the clothes. Oh, you don't have to be from or in Maryland, just willing to travel here. Thanks.
  18. One of my all-time favorites!!! Florilège de la vielle à roue by René Zosso & Anne Osnowycz
  19. As I was one of the three people online when this was posted, I'll respond with... 1. No. In fact, truth be told, I could easily be asleep by 8. 9 or 10 is more usual. 2. 0300 I'm more than likely asleep, or for some reason my internal alarm has awaken me an hour early. 3. Haha... or to quote Mr T. "I pity da fool!" 4. Doesn't do math... at all... 5. no, not really 6. coffee... there's always a cup of coffee... if not that, cocoa! 7. yes, quite! But from the opposite end of the clock from you! 8. they frighten me... 9. my martial arts training keeps me stealthy 10. all the time... but mostly when I'm driving to work 11. yes... but... kids! when you have kids, especially two boys, you give up on ever hearing what they say on tv Once, many years ago, I was a nightowl. One of my favorite pasttimes was watching late night campy (1960s) horror flicks on Monster Chiller Horror Theatre. Now, I enjoy the quite and solitude I find from 0400 til the time when the rest of the world awakes. There is a brief moment of peace. Fleeting, I know, but in those quite hours there is something meditative in the stillness...
  20. ^ keeps regular hours... morning starting sometime between 0330 and 0530 < sleeps the sleep of the dead, rushes around in the morning like a whirling dervish trying to figure out what to wear v ever stay up for 24 hours straight? or 40?
  21. 20 too much arms feel like spaghetti think I'll drop it back 10...
  22. What time period are you trying to recreate? I seem to recall the choices were, depending on time period, "white stuff", "black stuff" and (now checking references) tallowing. Another choice, the "brown stuff" came into use in 1737. There is also wood sheathing and lead sheathing available during out period.
  23. can I pick myself up off the floor now???
  24. Tomorrow, I'm throwing an extra 10 or 20 on the machine...
  25. If I may... My own flag is a skull with wings. About five or six years ago my wife and I spent quite some time in New England studying designs on headstones, looking for something historically suitable. The skull/wings we chose looked very much like this: Part of the reason for doing this was, I wanted to get an appropriate looking skull. And there is more I can say on the subject, but I will refrain. One final word, on the matter of careening camps and flags. I would never raise a jollyroger onshore unless the camp was under attack. However, this is one thing that we did with ours while in camp... Worked on it! Sitting around in camp is a great time for idle hands to man a needle and thread!
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