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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. C'mon... I'm a taoist monk... we don't do that sort of thing... How's that for a random answer?
  2. And I love the fact that the lizard dude is plastered right above my post about human mating rituals!
  3. Another thought on the subject... since the object of lingerie is to entice the male of the species into a mating act, should not the female of the species adorn herself in the type of decoration that the male desires to see her in?
  4. Funny you should mention MBTI C'mon Mark, this *is* me you are "talking" to... :) Did I ever tell you about the lecture the guy who played Kevin Riley in original Trek did at a Star Trek con? You would've eaten it up!
  5. Not quite so much a random thought as an interesting question... My take on it... maybe it has something to do with accentuating the female form... isn't that part of the function of lingerie anyway? Or maybe it is just a societal programming thing? Obviously, they aren't popular in every culture on this planet, and maybe only popular in a minority of them at that.
  6. ^ Sea urchin is pretty far out there. Since it was the first that came to mind I'll stick with it. < Looking for some pirate reenactors to do an event with the Pirate Brethren on June 2, the same day as Hampton BB Fest. V Got any plans?
  7. Still not happy that it happens to be the same weekend as Fort Frederick Market Fair, one of the best events when it comes to 18thC shopping!
  8. Thanks Mr C. I give all the credit to Jenny, she's the one who inspired me. Indeed, Ed is still using Tigger. (Note to self... find all my old avatars and post 'em again...)
  9. The first disk isn't all that memorable. Hell, probably my favorite episode is the very last one! As for cliche, yes, it is. I won't argue that. But I will ask a question, just how many character archetypes are there? Astrology gives us what, a dozen? Myers-Briggs gives us what, 16?
  10. I found two 5lb weights! Yippee! Up it by 10 lbs this time, and 10 minutes next time!
  11. ^ Genetically, yes. Partial color blindness. < Had fun talking to kids about colonial era clothes today... I let them all try on my hat and hunting frock, and hold the walking stick. V Do you like pirates because dig crazy hats?
  12. ^ Ben Franklin, the guy deserves a turn at the helm... < Using Calvin courtesy of Jenny... thanks Jenny! V Do you believe the USA disowns its history prior to the Revolution? That more should be taught about early colonial America? Stuff other than the Pilgrims... and Jamestown? How about Colonial Florida, for instance... seems to me they've been around alot longer than Jamestown.
  13. ^ Thingy! < Thingy... V Thingy?
  14. Accurate and detailed sketches of artifacts recovered along with proper documentation of their surroundings/environment at the time of their recovery would be useful.
  15. Wow. I am truly honored. Of course, I was three sheets to the wind by the time he arrived... and I seem to recall at some point the accents became quite outlandish... I think by the end of the evening I was doing Cheech Marin. Truth be told... I love doing silly accents.
  16. ^ Yes. Unreasonable. < Needs to start putting his revwar clothes on... going to Son#1's elementary school to talk about George Washington V Favorite dead president?
  17. Having just come off of a three month assignment with the Marine Sanctuaries Program... naaaa... never mind. Honestly, I don't care who digs the stuff up and who gets to keep it. The thing that burns me is people not doing proper archaeological field work and people NOT SHARING THEIR FINDINGS! All that stuff that is recovered doesn't mean squat if it isn't freely shared with anyone!!! Naaaa... never mind...
  18. That does sound like fun! I did my same o' same o' today...
  19. The Chinese zodiac works on... let me think about this for a sec... branches and stems? Something like that. Anyway, the gist of it is, there are 12 signs, and 5 different elements (or colors, depending on your point of view). Thus, 12x5 gives you a 60 year cycle. However, I seem to recall reading there is an even deeper series of cycles, like 120, but I don't know much about that...
  20. Hey, I figure anything has got to be better than the Year of the Dog... worst year of my life... ever... shouldn't be surprised since Dog and I aren't supposed to get along.
  21. You've always had some sort of interesting sig pic or avatar... I like the winking skull...
  22. Me too... then I throw it all away and start over again from scratch.
  23. A true master... might see happy/sad as judgment calls based on some human bias... some level of expectations...
  24. Aye, Sagittarians rule. I think it has something to do with our hyper-active sense of adventure! Of course, one of the key traits of Sagittarius is freedom loving. Which makes us natural born rebels. As philosophers, we are always dreaming up some goofy ideas. And because everybody loves us, we are great leaders of mutinies! On the flipside, sooner or later we put our hooves in our mouths and find ourself alone on some island, victims of our inability to keep our mouths shut when we should have.
  25. Some sort of lead holder or possibly quill holder was found on La Belle. As for the lead lead pencil, I have one, but generally never have time to use it. And lead poisoning... gotta remember folks, these people are working under a completely different set of rules... completely different.
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