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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Of course you can come and spectate! Please, do!!! We've just andded another event. July 21 in Port Deposit, MD for the Captain John Smith 400th anniversary!
  2. In a bit of a hurry, so I'll be brief... linky linky.
  3. Thanks Tom! Wow, the weather is soooooo nice I went for a big walk. Nice! In a couple minutes have to go teach a training class. Too bad I can't take them outside!
  4. I agree with all you have said both in this post and in your other post under Firefly. BSG is a very good scifi drama, in most ways superior to Firefly. The odd thing is, with Firefly there are some episodes that stick out in my mind as being far superior to others. With BSG, its... like... how to put it into words...? Thus far, the overall quality is such that I'm having a hard time pointing to one episode and saying, "yeah, that one is great." I guess I'd liken it to Seinfeld, in that, there are scenes you remember as being great, but it is hard to remember which episode the scene was in because taken as a whole, it is just like one long string of great scenes. Last night I watched the first two episodes of disk 2 from season 2.5. The second episode ended at 10:30. I was still wide awake and would have been easily able to continue watching through to the end of the disk. That's how "on the edge of my seat" I was. Me, the traditional fall asleep in front of the tv at 8:30 guy was wide awake. (Awake... that reminds me of the one episode that does stick out in my mind). Yes, the show has drama! It gets deeper and more complex as it progresses, without asking me to suspend much disbelief. Btw, that battle, as Galactica is leaving the supply depot providing covering fire for the fleet... I think it is my favorite space battle scene of all time!
  5. man... talk about a tough week... work out the wazoo... I figured out I just couldn't take the 50 extra pounds on the machine. It was just too much. To the point were I just couldn't put myself on that machine for a couple days. This morning, I dropped the wts back to 40, and it was so much nicer. So I'm back in a semi-happy place. Semi-happy, because I think I picked up a pound or three in the last week. *sigh* oh well... picking up 2 or 3 beats picking up 5 or 6...
  6. I believe by the Teens most of your 90s stuff would be old-fashioned. Sure, still around, but out-of-date. As we know, the only "good" answer, the best answer, is to be able to do both! The question really is, which do you want to do first? My advice, do the Teens first, because there are guys doing 90s already, and I want some more modern dudes to fight! :)
  7. Off topic, and my RevWar knowledge is about 10 years old, but at the time the IMR had gotten a big batch of wool from an English mill dyed in what was supposed to be correct colors. The mill was producing cloth during the time, and, according to someone's research, produced wool that found its way into American coats, via the Dutch, who purchased it from the British and sold it to the French!
  8. There is another question one must ask - what time period do you want to do? 1690s or 17teens?
  9. I hope you passed out from drinking green beer!!! Uhhhh... no... too bad. Where the hell did all this winter weather come from???!!!???
  10. Great! I would be my honor to meet you sir! If you are interested in more info, please drop me a line, via the email link here. My PM box needs emptying, so there's a chance PMs might bounce. I'll also add a caveat here. I want people to come out and see us. Why? A couple of reasons. First, it is fun to put live faces and voices to names and pictures! Second, maybe you'll learn something new about piracy, or maybe teach me something I didn't know! Third, if you are new to this and considering pirate reenacting as a hobby, there is no better way to know what it is like than to see it firsthand. So, to anyone in the area, come out and see us. And please don't be afraid to come up and say hi! I may be busy, or I may just look busy, but I always have time to stop and say hi, shake a hand, etc!
  11. ugh... tired... yep... 100 at once... I'm struggling for the last 25... can I go back to sleep now?
  12. An addendum to my post above. While uniformity exists within regiments, uniformity isn't on a national level. That is, while the British usually wear red, there are many variations between regiments on such things as turnbacks, lace, etc.
  13. Good, because I hate having a camera on me when I'm in period attire! I would say at this point that the Havre de Grace Lockhouse events are a given for the same weekends in 2008. This is our third year for those, and each just seems to get better. I'm hoping the Elk Landing event is a smashing success, but right now it's still an unknown, but I hope we'll be invited back in 2008, only on a different weekend, since the current weekend conflicts with Hampton Blackbeard Festival. Juggling weekends and creating events is a major undertaking, as it requires me to coordinate between reenactors doing not just Golden Age of Piracy, but English Civil War, French and Indian War, Rev War, 1812, Civil War, and WWII. Fortunately, the Golden Age movement is gaining momentum. It is worth noting that one potential big event fell through due to a budget crunch in Virginia. We had Rippon Lodge in May. Maybe it will return in 2008. And I have been informed we ARE invited to provide firepower support at the Maryland Ren Fest. Wooo! One or two other things may still be lurking out there, though were I could fit them in at this point, I'm not sure (Halloween at Darnells!). Also, I believe I'm going to be giving a lecture on piracy in the upper Chesapeake Bay at the govt center in Havre de Grace. The date has not yet been determined. I am also seriously thinking about monthly period card night here at my place. We had planned on starting tonight, but the game of Primero I had planned has been called on account of bad weather.
  14. Early in our period, I would expect little uniformity amongst the rank and file of the colonial militia, and decent attempts at uniformity amongst colonial "elite units" such as cavalry and artillery. I know the recreated 1690s Baltimore Rangers wear green turned back with red. I have not yet found the regulations calling for those, but I trust Machate did his research. I have been going through Maryland's archives looking for info. I have not yet found details on any particular uniform for either militia or rangers, though I have found a ton of other information. At this early date, the British have evolved into a uniformed army, with deductions taken from a soldier's pay. This is interesting. Soldiers were allowed to keep uniforms items purchased from their 'off-reckonings.' "That the non-commissioned Officers and Soldiers be permitted to carry away with them their cloaths belt and snapsack, and the Sergeants likewise their sword; and that each private soldier, corporal, and drummer be allowed 3s. for his sword." While off topic, since the question was raised, during the Rev War supply was chaotic. At the beginning moreso than at the end, but there seems to have always be a want of uniforms. Resupply, as I recall, when it did happen came from a variety of sources, either through the State or through Congress.
  15. There's also one for Louis XIV's Army which is pretty nice. Also worth picking up is the Historical Arms Series No. 18, The French Soldier in Colonial America.
  16. Thanks. And we want both you and William to turn out with us someday. Come visit us, and maybe we'll return the favor! With all of these events, I just hope people don't get burned out. My RevWar experience is that the more events you have, the more selective people get about turning out to events. But I've a good bunch of reenactors in my group, better than the RevWar group I was in, and they are willing to go out and have fun, so I'm expecting this will be our best year yet. Actually, I've been working on the '08 calendar, and I'm pretty sure we are going to hit northern Florida next year for Searles' Raid on Saint Augustine!
  17. Dang, Ed beat me to the punch. I was going to offer the same. Only thing I can add is, you'll see me in two or three of the color plates in those books! And Rats, I do agree, we need more govt troops. I've been lucky in that there are some ex-ECW guys doing later stuff in my neck of the woods. But I think we need more.
  18. Road the healthrider for 12 min. Did 100 situps to give the arms a rest. Then hopped back on to finish out my time.
  19. bbq chicken!!!!!!!!! and au gratin potatoes! hmmm... what's that smell!!!
  20. Yes, I believe it was Whedon doing the commentary. I'll check to be certain. As for BSG... if you were a fan of the original, you might want to move all of that to the back of your mind. It is similar in some ways, dissimilar in many more. Starbuck... is a tough female pilot. Ironic. But I think you'll enjoy it.
  21. It would be an honor to have you at one of our events. There aren't many women who do what you do, ie, reenact the common woman of the Golden Age. That makes you, imho, worth your weight in gold. :) So, if the mood every strikes you... as they say in Bal'mer, the town of my birth, c'mon down Merlind hon.
  22. Haven't a clue, so I'll take a stab in the dark and go with Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  23. It's an old healthrider... There are bars underneath the seat to either side where extra weights can be added. I had a 10 and a 5 on each side. Replaced them with two 25s. That's what was on the machine last time I used it. Now I'm almost back to that point, but not quite. I have to admit it's a good machine. It creaks and groans after 10 minutes (or maybe that's me?) but considering it's probably 10 years old, I can't complain!
  24. Objects in Space... man, I love that episode... since we seem to have similar thought processes, I'm not surprised that you enjoyed it too. Cool. Have you watch it with the commentary track on? I found it to be interesting too. The new BSG is on dvd up to the end of season 2. That's alot of tv! Very good tv mind you, but if you have better things to do with your time I understand.
  25. Dude! You soooooooo rock! :)
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