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Posts posted by Elena

  1. If you don't have time/money/ possibility to DO something piratey, you can always write something in the genre! And maybe one of the Age of Sail games linked in my signature might get you inspired...

  2. Thank you,. Foxe, it was more than enough. :)

    Of course, when somebody describes a sailor who wears boots (in the books where I had read it or in my games - because I asked about it now and not before, simply because I was curious when I read it on various sites that it is not recommendable, but I forgot to ask until I saw a new sailor described as wearing boots in an application on my game) they are not described what kind of boots.

    There is evidence of boots being worn by seafarers. For example, a calf-length boot was recovered from the wreck of the Vasa (1620s, so a bit early), and an ankle-length laced boot was recovered from the wreck of HMS Stirling Castle (1703), and there is evidence of fishermen wearing long boots.

    Well, somehow I knew too that sailors wore boots. And this was exactly why I was wondering why several sites said "no boots, but shoes" - which, in my opinion, were for richer, more elegant people. (When I said "boots", I didn't think about Jack Sparrow's, but something simpler and cheaper).

  3. I saw mentioned in this forum and maybe somewhere else for reenactors that they should use buckled shoes and no way boots. But boots existed before the Age of Sail, as far as I know (and I have read about various people being described in books). Then... why?

    I really want to know...

  4. sea-pirate.jpg

    I am inviting you "Before the Mast" and offering you my crew of the "Caribbean Siren", where you don't need any more clothes than the ones you can describe in writing ;)

    We are always looking for new pirates (or privateers) ready to write a good story with us! (And not jealous if you join also another crew which asks from you more than sitting in front of your PC and writing a story with us).

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