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Posts posted by Elena

  1. And when you make a real one, would you post it here too? Yes, I admit, I am collecting blades, especially from here :rolleyes: I asked permission in some threads to save a cutlass, navaja or whatever.

  2. Thankyouphare.gifpiratesanta1-1.jpg

    Thank you S(ANN)TA !

    Your gift was wonderful and I'll cherish it!

    I received a wooden treasure chest, full with gems, pieces of eight and dubloons... there was a curious's skull there too... and underneath, hidden well, like the precious navigation tools should be... a nocturnal!:blink: Something I never thought I might get! It is to be worn as a necklace, but I am afraid to wear it not to lose it!

    Please read Marina's first three phrases here in order to know that I was aware it existed... and I wrote about it.

  3. welcome8.png

    Welcome aboard, and meet us, the other pirates! I am also into writing, and I joined here for documentation for my RPGs. I found a lot of interesting things and fellow writers to get advice from. Weapons, attire, fencing, sailing tricks... anything can be learnt here.

  4. Forum Name: Beat to Quarters

    Short forum description: It is the Age of Sail in the West Indies, and the last days of piracy. In September, 1741, the pirate ship "Sea Hound" has learnt about a Spanish galleon and they are waiting in the Bahamas to trick this ship into a labyrinth of islets and attack it. They have just survived a storm, and now they are waiting for their prey… We need temporary players for some NPCs for this epic battle. If you like the athmosphere and want afterwards to make a character and join "Beat to Quarters", welcome aboard. If not, just play pretend for a few weeks that you are a Spanish seafarer…

    TEMPORARY Character Search:

    Upcoming in the story on "Beat to Quarters" is a battle with a Spanish galleon, the "Madre de Dios", carrying silver back to Spain. Separated from their escort ship during the heavy storm, the sailors' journey through the labyrinth of islands and islets of the Bahamas, hunting ground of the "Sea Hound", lies ahead. How far will they get before the pirates strike?

    We're playing the Spanish seamen as NPCs and you're invited to join in. Maybe you don't have time to commit to a regular character or just haven't decided yet if you like playing with us? Here's your chance to test the waters. Just register a NPC account ("NPC_nickname") according to the rules found here , post in the "Battle Ahead" discussion thread which NPC aboard the galleon you'll be playing and join in! No obligations to remain after completing the fight... but if you like the atmosphere and wish to remain, welcome!

    The first thread aboard the Madre de Dios has started here . More information about the galleon and the mission here.

    We need you all... Join for an epic battle!

  5. Bienvenu, mon cher corsaire armoricain!

    One of my characters, now pirate, had been with the French corsaires for a while B)) . And I am also playing a French Navy captain, whose theme song is... (looks around for any potentially offended Brits).. "Le 31 du mois d'Aout".

  6. No one of the verses and graphics below are mine, but they are entirely setting-appropriate and funny. This is why I posted them on all the Age of Sail sites I am on... Merry Christmas to you!


    Swab the decks w' boughs of holly

    Hoist the Roger if it's jolly

    Don we now our pirate trappings,

    Caught me peg leg in these wrappings

    fa la la la la, la la la la

    From the portside to the starboard

    And from transom to bow

    We are covered with invading bivalves

    They latched on when we were harbored,

    And nobody knows how

    To remove them and get the ship clear.

    Barnacles, barnacles,

    Give me a friggin' damn crowbar

    barnacles, barnacles,

    Soon they will eat this whole bay.

    Said the lookout to the bosun's mate,

    Do you hear what I hear?

    O Cannonball, O Cannonball

    I'll shoot you through the stockade wall

    Ye better watch out, ye better not cry,

    Get the rum out, I'm tellin' you why,

    Cap'n Jack is comin' ta town

    He walks with a list, talks a good game,

    Blade, kiss or fist, it's always the same,

    Cap'n Jack is comin' ta town.

    He seizes any treasure

    The rum and wenches too,

    He knows if you've been bad or good

    And either one will do!

    Don't follow his lead, it's gonna get grim,

    The only survivor likely is him,

    Cap'n Jack is comin' ta town.

    Christmas, christmas time is here,

    Time fer loot and wine and beer,

    Santa, bring your big ol' bag,

    We want treasure, we want swag

    Want a map from some old book,

    Me I want a brand new hook

    We can hardly stand the wait

    Please Christmas don't be late.

    I saw the cap'n kissing Santa Claus

    Down below the bulwark late last night

    ... Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    Arrr! The herald angels sing,

    Here's a letter from the king

    Up in the crows nest, it's my watch,

    Keeping warm with rum and scotch,

    Icy winds and freezing sleet,

    Too darn slippery to keep my feet

    Yo ho ho, who wouldn't goOOOOOOO....

    Silent night, holy night,

    Shush the cat, douse the light

    Round the back, the door isn't locked

    Grab their stuff, we'll go get it hocked

    Sleep in heavenly peace,

    The constables' palms have been greased.

    All right, ye swabs! Big finish!

    Dashing through the snow

    Is somethin' we ain't done,

    Because we never go

    Away from tropic sun,

    Keep yer cold and ice,

    We think it's kinda dumb

    We've got our Christmas paradise

    With beaches, girls and rum!


    Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way,

    Oh what fun it is to sail the Caribbean today-ay!

    Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas on the sea,

    Yo ho ho, yo ho ho, a Santa's life for me!

    Yo ho ho, yo ho ho, a Santa's life for me!



    Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house

    Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

    In hopes that Captain Nick soon would be there.

    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

    While visions of the Jolly Roger danced in their heads.

    And pa in his pjs, and I in my wrap,

    Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,

    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

    Away to the window I flew like a flash,

    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow

    Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.

    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

    But a dashing young pirate and eight briny Buccaneer.

    In spite of his peg leg, he was lively and quick,

    I knew in a moment it was Captain Nick.

    More rapid than eagles his corsairs they came,

    And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

    "Barbossa and Black Bart! Sir Morgan and Red Beard!

    O’Malley, Jack Sparrow, Old Sharktooth and Black Beard!

    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!

    Avast, ye landlubbers, it’s our first port of call!!

    As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

    When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.

    So up to the house-top the corsairs they flew,

    Up sturdy rope ladders, climbed Captain Nick’s crew.

    And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof

    The swashbucklers dancing, though I had little proof.

    As I drew in my head, and was turning around,

    Down the chimney Captain Nick came with a bound.

    He wore a red waistcoast, plumed hat and black boot,

    And his cape was all tarnished with ashes and soot.

    A bundle of booty, he had flung on his back,

    Our generous savior, then spotted his snack.

    His eyes-how they twinkled! Our gifts made him merry!

    “Why shiver me timbers, it’s eggnog with Sherry!”

    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,

    And the beard of his chin was as black as a crow.

    The stump of his leg, clicked as he danced a jig,

    Eating cookies I‘d left, baked with chocolate and fig

    He had a brave face and a firm muscled belly,

    And hearing his laugh, my knees turned to jelly!

    He was handsome and pumped, though quite proud of himself,

    But I blushed when he saw me, in spite of myself!

    A wink of his eye and a nod of the head,

    Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

    He spoke not a word, while unloading the gold,

    Filling stockings with treasures, such a sight to behold

    Then there came a short whistle, he was finished I suppose,

    And with a heave ho of the rope, up the chimney he rose!

    With the Captain back safely, the crew gave a cheer,

    They escaped to their ship, their getaway clear.

    And I heard them exclaim, as they sailed out of sight,

    "We, Gentlemen of Fortune, bid to all a good-night!"



    “On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me ...

    12 ships to plunder,

    11 cannons firing,

    10 crewmen leaping,

    9 sharks a' swimming,

    8 rum-filled bottles,

    7 lusty wenches,

    6 jolly rogers,

    5 gold doubloons,

    4 eyepatches,

    3 earrings,

    2 wooden legs,

    and a parrot for my shoulder - Arrr!”


    Oh, the pirates outside are frightful, and their ship is not delightful,

    And since they're all here to raid, let us pray, let us pray, let us pray!

    They don't show signs of stopping, and they brought some guns for poppin',

    Their torches are burning bright, what a fright, what a fright, what a fright!

    When they finally leave our town, how we'll love to see them sail away,

    And if we're lucky they'll leave our gold, And all the things we own!

    The fires are slowly dying, and too many of us are crying.

    And until they leave our sight, what a fright, what a fright, what a fright!


    Your town's roasting in an open fire,

    Gunshots're nipping at your backs,

    Screaming women yelling for us to leave

    And you're in terror as you're sacked.

    Everybody knows a cannon and a pirate flag

    Help to make the season's fright.

    Town folks here with their eyes all squeezed shut

    Will find it hard to live tonight.

    They know that pirates're in their town,

    They'll grab up lots of gold and maidens in their gowns.

    And every mother's child is gonna cry

    As through the streets their frightened families will fly.

    And so, I'm offering this simple phrase,

    To folks from one to ninety-two.

    If you don't want us in your town anymore,

    "Give us treasure, please do!"


    We're dashing through the seas, in a two-mast pirate ship,

    O'er the waves we go, laughing all the way (yo ho ho!),

    The sails and skull-flag wave, making pirates bright,

    What fun it is to sail and sing a pirate song tonight!

    Pirate ships, pirate ships, yo ho all the way.

    Oh, what fun it is to sail in a two-mast pirate ship.

    Pirate ships, pirate ships, yo ho all the way.

    Oh, what fun it is to sail in a two-mast pirate ship!



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