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Posts posted by Elena

  1. It helps a lot, thank you very much! I guess this is how it is usually done aboard a (pirate) ship (since they are not quite welcome in any port) and if they have more to do, they can get a purpose-built fireplace on an island out of the regular ships' way... exactly how they are doing when careening a ship.

  2. I mean, how does the forge look like, the little one you set up at a faire and dismantle rather quickly afterwards? I am not speaking about an allegedly established workshop, but rather of a temporary one they might have on a ship (to be put into operation only when needed) or they can set it up quickly on a desert island, to be taken back aboard the ship one week later...

    Anyone describing it, please? And anyone having a photo? Giving credits in the upcoming monthly Chronicle!

  3. I thank my secret Santa Gunpowder Gertie. My husband has claimed some of the sweets (I would have shared anyway). I also received a bosun's whistle portkey and a naplin holder/ book holder with a pair of brass galleons, some chocolate dollars and a wonderful personalized card with the coin from PoTC movies.

    I hope I haven;t forgotten to mention anything. Bad headache here, threatening to become a migraie at the most innopportune moment. (Having lots of preparation for tomorrow's memorial at the cemetery).

  4. Yes, it's me and my lack of English technical vocabulary, so I'd google... if I knew what. Therefore, I am asking you instead, please tell me some metal pieces (or fittings, or how they are called) which a tall ship might need after being damaged by a storm...

    I don;t want elaborate, complicated metal things they would need a chandler's shop for... but rather small, albeit necessary ones which a blacksmith can make.

    Thank you in advance!

  5. Well, many tavern wenches (or the lowly prostitutes walking along the docks and having sailor customers) might have gathered intelligence for the pirates too. Listening to what drunken sailors say, or asking them casually just a couple of questions, not to raise their attention, among caresses in bed... then giving the information to their pirate lovers... for cash or not even ;)

  6. I mean, for the ships caught at sea, they sought refuge in hidden bays, where winds had less power.

    But what about the hurricanes hitting the islands? There weren't refuges like now... and the houses, except few of them, were built from non-resistant material. Where did they seek shelter from the weather, especially if their poor homes got damaged?

    I think in churches, these were usually big and made of strong stone. Other ideas, have you read about a hurricane in those times?

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