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Jas. Hook

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Everything posted by Jas. Hook

  1. GG - I emailed Cap'n Mac awhile ago but never received a response. Red John - Good link. A few items in cotton vs nylon or poly
  2. Ahoy ( the other) Mister Hook! Be careful when n' where such words be spoken, for the ladies have ways to break ye bottles and burn thy ships as well as ye victuals. Beware o' the backside o' a fry skillet. DS - Me Dremel is on its final pins and new brushes be a very scarce treasure. I recently replaced it with a Milwaukee M12 cordless motor tool... so far so good. Jas. Hook
  3. Sounds like an explosively fun job. Jas. Hook
  4. Aye, it sure be a Happy Birthday wish to the Eye Jas. Hook
  5. DS - Looks like a great project. Please keep us updated on the progress.
  6. Bright - I only heard of this proposed 2014 series yesterday... I wonder if it will meet with some success as sort of a follow up to John Drake's series of books or if it will be a stand alone tale? Time to keep a weather eye on the horizon.
  7. Well said M'lady GG. Ham Night is a wonderous thing and a goodly time for all hands aboard, from for'mast jacks to quarterdeck swabs. T'is also well to start each morn with a bit o' grilled pork.
  8. Hummmm... Then I guess there'll be no 'ham night tonight' for Miles???
  9. Black Syren - The Volcano Shake???? ;-)
  10. Color be dammed... at least it's been defrosted.
  11. Hummmm... Scrimshaw... very nautical. Stynky... Sol Invictus and Spring WILL be here shortly, and that notorious scallywag Punxsutawney Phil has been arested and charged with fraud.
  12. "Bo'sun... notify the watch that the nameless landlubber has fallen in the scupper again"
  13. Ahoy Stynky... If we not be sailing to Greenland to hunt whale, could we loose the ice capped logo and sail for some palm trees?
  14. GG - I wonder if she breast feeds these two younkers????????
  15. Awww... a couple o' weeks learnin' at Madam Louise's charm school for despicable scallywags should help. Lord Percival Putts... gentleman merchant and international trader in rare treasures, purveyor to royalty and the common man.
  16. Mission - You judgement might not be too far off. Consider both Don Diego de la Vega (Zorro) and the Reverend Dr. Syn (Cap'n Clegg) used altered persona to throw off the law. Perhaps as Lord Percival Putts (Captain Jim) has the same intent.
  17. Cheddar ...and a wave back to ye M'lady Merry!
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