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Everything posted by madPete

  1. This is what I did for my travel tent. I found some 1-1/4 canopy connectors and cut down some 1-1/4 Dowels to fit in my duffel (about 30 inches long. Then I smeared glue all over the connectors and wrapped a length of twine around the connector. These go inside my tent so they aren't obvious, but at least I have poles for my tent... [EDIT: Sorry they are 1-3/8 closet poles and connectors and the oar was 1-3/8]
  2. https://nypost.com/2022/08/08/bahamas-treasure-found-in-iconic-17th-century-spanish-shipwreck/
  3. Interesting article ship dates 1660 https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/17/world/dutch-palmwood-shipwreck-finds-scn/index.html looks like they found the Viceroys's robe! (first image)
  4. Heres a couple wheelock spanners and another combo tool...
  5. until
    On Labour Day Weekend, the Pirates of Lake Couchiching storm the Port of Orillia. This amazing family fun-filled weekend features in-water Pirate displays, a Pirate Village with live re-enactors and demonstrations and a "plank walk" where the pirates send local politicians and business leaders into the water. A vendor market complete with delicious food options makes this a must-do event! https://www.orillia.com/pirate-party
  6. madPete


    This will be shirts, eventually...
  7. I guess I turned in my homework in the wrong place too, so adding it here... I will be a new moderator to the Armoury and the Thieves Market. Also heavily involved in the gathering of events for the calendar. As MadPete (Peter Chaaps), I've been on the pub and in the pirate world since 2009. You may know me from the Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion, Searles, Ojai, Dana Point, Utah Pirate Invasion, Long Beach, or Put In Bay. Prior to my going on the account, I was heavily involved in American Civil War artillery groups, American War for Independence, and general black powder shooting. There are some big shoes to fill in the Armoury as moderator, with the passing of Cascabel. I only hope I can do a satisfactory job... Kudos to our dearly departed Cascabel for the great job he did here in the past. Dont be afraid to reach out and say Hi! I 've missed you all.
  8. most of the images I see are loosely rolled (kinda look like the modern bolt without the form inside). Also see a lot of folded fabric. Generally its much narrower than we see today also
  9. I guess a little research is needed to identify how large quantities of fabric were delivered in 1715, on a roll, a bolt or ? Then we could include some in/on our bales. Would only need enough fabric on the outside to make it look like stolen goods.
  10. until

    Well, we all know of the Captain's attempts to ensnare pyrates. Mayhaps we should should burn that event down LOL
  11. until
    Yaar! Those pirates are back again and are set to invade the 2025 Annual Sterling Renaissance Festival during our special piratical weekend. Pirates are invading the Shire with swashbuckling adventure, comedy, and song. Join our Pirate Costume Competition for kids and adults; raise a glass of grog in the Snickleway Pub’s Tavern Pirate Revel. Pirate bands will rove, shanties will be sung, and very little honest work shall be done. Have a care; lest you be captured for ransom or pressed into service on a pirate cruise. Don’t be lured into the wanton path of wild abandon, drink, and song, and hang on to your mate lest they be sold at a pirate auction. So, you say you are a pirate? Well then, have a merry time! It’s a magical place that is most definitely worth a trip. Make sure you don’t get lost while searching for Warwick! Our whimsical village is located at: 15385 Farden Road, Sterling, New York 13156. https://www.sterlingfestival.com/visit-us/themed-weekend-activities
  12. Not sure who tests my mettle more... The Surgeon and his instruments or the Pyrate Hunters
  13. great photo!
  14. As long as he dont smell like wet dogge... 😁
  15. Scalliwags the lot of em!
  16. That is Deadeye in the middle, Doug on the right and William on the left
  17. yeah a week! Dana Point Tallships event is the weekend before, and I've not missed one since I started attending. Then off Massecre Island. Might just as well go on the account permanently!
  18. retiring for lack of good events is understandable, coming back is priceless!
  19. Aye, kinda like White Pyrate and Black Pyrate arguing away!
  20. Hey Stynky - The whole thing about checked shirt patterns comes from a quote in the slops contracts "blu checked". I think the only historical references that were found were, blue, white or blu checked. In that age, blue checked was closer to this image... I did find a sample page from a tailor from about 1760ish, that had the above pattern. I was able to find the small check recently, but its not cheap. upwards of $20 a yard. I bought the large windowpane cloth probably 4-5 years ago. on ebay. But I havent seen it since.
  21. madPete

    Flotsam and Jetsam

    Just a place for fun photos
  22. And we alway ask... Can we take care of Stynky for you?💣💣
  23. The builds keep getting better and better!
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