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Liam McMac

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Posts posted by Liam McMac

  1. I am atempting to organize an online raffle to help fix my car which needs major work which I cannot afford to fix at the moment. I am offering my services to make a custom, made-to-order frock coat/justaucorps for the winner (thats a value of at least $350)

    Tickets will be $25 and I'm hoping to reach a minnimum of 50 tickets. I will be doing the collecting through PayPal so the customers can track their money.

    I would like your input...

    Thank you kindly,


  2. The first pair are fall-front made of cotton drop cloth... unlined.. Size 43-44

    New and never worn... thes are not the pair but identical in design. $55


    Next are a a pair of french fly breeches made of brown canvas lined with linen. Size 40... used a few times. These fit nice and snug.

    Nice and faded but not dirty $50



    Both Pairs are correct and have the 'pucker butt' with waist adjustment

  3. brang lots of water mates-i will be hot out thar in fresno!

    The other day... I tried a rum from India called Old Monk.. finest rum Ive ever had by far mates. Spicy and a great caramel flavor. Wish I could get my hands on some! We need to plunder a corsair filled with Indian Rum.

  4. Also For Sale!

    Green wool waistcoat and breeches set

    Waistcoat is a size 44 (I removed the buttons on the pocket flaps)

    lined with muslin

    Breeches are size 38

    lined with muslin

    hidden fly

    wood buttons up top and mother of pearl at the knees

    $120 out the door!




  5. Also For Sale!

    Green wool waistcoat and breeches set

    Waistcoat is a size 44 (I removed the buttons on the pocket flaps)

    lined with muslin

    Breeches are size 38

    lined with muslin

    hidden fly

    wood buttons up top and mother of pearl at the knees

    $120 out the door!



  6. 190565_184184971622591_150735534967535_396053_3895557_n.jpg

    I like this one but I am wondering a view things:

    first what period is this one?

    For a 1700-1730 period military shirt would this one do?

    If I would like a shirt without thge big collar, could I modefy this one?


    This is not a period shirt.. it's one of the first shirts I made from a costume pattern. You could modify it anyway you chose to. It's meant for someone who isnt really concerned with being period correct.

  7. Yea FB isn't the best way to sell items to forum members. Can you post the pics on here?

    Thank you

    Capn Antonio Malasses

    It's a simple link with public access but... for those of you who have trouble with it here ya go


    Coarse canvas early period slops with pockets

    Size 35-36

    never worn

    slight oil staning and left unhemmed

    $55 includes shipping

    190717_184185224955899_150735534967535_396057_7711676_n.jpg Lightweight canvas slops with pockets

    size 40-42

    well worn but in good shape

    would make a good instant addition to a pirates kit


    $45 includes shipping

    190582_184184911622597_150735534967535_396052_2837837_n.jpg Size 46 tartan waistcoat $45

    183160_184185104955911_150735534967535_396055_3012792_n.jpg French-fly canvas breeches Size 30-32 (never worn) $60

    190565_184184971622591_150735534967535_396053_3895557_n.jpg Linen shirt XL-XXL $30

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