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Everything posted by captscurvy_nc

  1. Curious about the scabbords with the cutlasses. Was it common for all cutlasses on the ship to have a scabbord?
  2. Thanks for posting the pics. Awesome collection, wish I could have seen it in person. We only have three flintlocks on display at the NC Museum of History in Raleigh and they are all post period pieces.
  3. 1st Mate got it, sorry to the rest of ye but I've always been a stage combat artist and a fencer so trading for a blade makes more sense. Look forward to hearing that ring I heard on yer website against my other blades.
  4. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=176268&op=1&o=global&view=global&subj=1798636825&id=100000269027382#!/album.php?aid=16026&id=1798636825 Only way I could load the pics. Link should work, gun pics are the first two. If you wonder what the other pics are it's a flogger I made, pics of my son and really hillarious shots of the "Sex after Joint Replacement" pamphlet I got from you doctor before my hip surgery.
  5. Having trouble with my camera so I'm still working on pics to post here but I can e-mail them to you directly if you send me the adress
  6. I have a black powder horse pistol for sale. 19inch barrle, everything works great, needs a little cleaning but nothing that couldn't be wiped or scrubbed off with the right cleaning supplies. Have fired it numerous times. Needs a flint (only ones I can get in NC are too small). The pic is a little large to post here but I can e-mail it to you. Looking to get $170 but might be willing to trade for a smaller pistol.
  7. The cheapest shipping option with Hats by Leko for NC is $12 but their blanks seem to have the widest brim. Thanks for the other links as well though. Has anyone here gone throug Hats by Leko? Comments? Complaints?
  8. http://www.autism-society.org/site/TRC/1Power/1Power_interior?fr_id=1440&pg=center Asking my fellow Pirates to help out by donating to the National Autism Society. Those of you that have known me are aware of my son Ethan's autism and since I could not find anyone to host a show for April to donate the proceeds too I set up this page on line instead. There may not ever be a cure, but with your help there will always be hope. Our goal this year is $10,000. Thanks for the support. Capt. Scurvy
  9. My Birthday is comming up in April and one of my early presents is getting to make a new hat. I have always gotten my blanks from a local source here in NC but they are no longer around. Want to get something in a dark brown or gray, wide brim, maybe 6 inches. Has anyone ever ordered a blank from Hats by leko? Also looking at the blanks from Jas Townsend and sons. Have a budget limit of $25 - $35. Suggestions?
  10. Beautifull work, even better than the one we had on display at the NC History Museum during the Kknights of the Black Flag exhibit.
  11. You can also call the North Carolina Maritime museum and ask to speak with David Moore. He is a great source when looking for research materials. Has helped me out immensly in the past
  12. There is a great program in Raleigh nc that is a theater program that caters to troubled and underprivilaged youth that needs our help. They are trying desperitly to build a costume closet, prop room and other nick knacks for their first production of treasure island. A lot of folks here in town have donated a good number of services like light services, backstage help and set design, just not too many people in this area that are as gifted in costuming as my fellow brethern here. So take a look through your sea chest and see if you can find an old broken prop or a torn or tattered shirt, maybe even a coat or tricorn that's been collecting dust and donate it to the cause. Let me know if your interested and i'll give you the details of where to mail or ship the items. Thanks for ther support
  13. Well the Marcus Hook Pirate Festival was a blast but not so much any of the items I had for sale that were over the price of 1 for $3 or 2 for $5 so I still have a good amount of hand made crystal, pirate and steam punk jewelry left and we are also taking custom orders now as well. I will post some pics as soon I finish unpacking everything. If you have a particular design or piece you would like to have made just PM me and I will put you in touch with our designer Stacy.
  14. If your willing to consider someone outside the Portalnd area send me a msg. I live in Raleigh NC but travel as much as my job and finances allow.
  15. Well.... just like today. Many people claim to be religious but if you observe their actions you will find that they are not. Remember that book...'The Five People You Will Meet In Heaven'.... you'll find it in the non-fiction section True but remember to above mentioned groups they were being good catholics because the actions they were doing were by order of God, King and Country. However you word the lineup, God always comes first though. They were being good catholics in the eyes of the catholic church at that time. If the catholic church ordered for all good catholics to commit mass murder on land and at sea simular to the crusades of old, would someone who refused to shoot a man in cold blood be considered a richious man or a heretic? The catholic curch doesn't have the same hold mentally and physically over it's followers today but that's the oint. You can't condem someone for being a pirate if pirating in the name of the church was once looked at as carrying out god's work? On a lot of cold medicine here so I apoligize for the ramble
  16. Not myself but one of my crew did and he loves it. Fit great and has held up for a number of years.
  17. I follow the same practice and after living in Ocracoke and Hatteras Island for 11 years and wearing my Blackbeard gear to work everyday you can imagine how much saltwater I came in contact with. No rust on my gear either
  18. Wate not want not, I guess they took it more seriously than others
  19. Thanks Bo. I still laugh at the duct tape bit. I would really hate to see this guy shoot it once it was taped down.
  20. I think I lost my pride back in '92 between a AC/DC concert and a bottle of Tequilla, still haven't found it yet.
  21. Well.... you could use the word god if you don't mean that Character Jesus, but some sort of religion whether it was superstition, voodoo etc... They sure weren't any sort of good Catholics. They were a bunch of heathens, thieves and villians... that's what a pirate is. If they said they were Catholic.... they sure as heck weren't practicing Catholics. Most of the things they did were hard wired traditions... whether they believed or not. How many kids who say the pledge of allegience really believe in God? Remember,most Pirates only became what history considers to be thieves, heathens and villians because of starting out in the Navy or as Privateers. No cell phones, no mail means no way to tell someone that whatever war they were fighting in was over. If you take a man at 12 years old and teach him to be a killing machine in the name of God and Country and give him no other training to provide for himslef once his days at sea are over what do you think he will do? He takes a ship and continues to work with the tools he was given by the very same country that will now look at him as a criminal. Yes there were some that did it just to be evil, but most did it because they were never taught anything else. Just my thoughts from what I've read over the years
  22. Thanks for all the help. I'll call track of the wolf today. Capt. Bo I did send you a msg. I'm just glad I took it apart to check all the parts before someone fired it. Funny but sad, the gunsmith here in Raleigh told me if I couldn't find the part just wrap duck tape oner the barrel and stock since it doesn't kick much....Don't think I'll be going back to him any time soon.
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