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Everything posted by captscurvy_nc

  1. I would have been shot and put out of my misery between my back problems and hip replacement. But thanks to modern medicine I am fighting and acting again
  2. I as well would never make the claim to being a real pirate/privateer/pirate hunter. I will make the claim that I have the ability to put morales aside when it comes to survival, and this is coming from a preachers kid. I also think it has a lot to do with how you are raised. If you were taught to sew not as a hobby but because your family couldn't afford new clothes and have survived on nothing more than ramen noodles and saltine crackers stolen from restaurants, then you are more likely to have a survilist mentallity that would allow for you to survive as a pirate when it comed down to the dirty business. Just my opinion.
  3. Amen to the pain Capt. but I plan on sailing on the Adventurer when they finish building her in Bath NC. As far as the question could I walk out of my house tomorrow and do A through E? Yes, I belive I could, but that doesn't mean I will. If I had no son and nothing to loose, then I would have a different answer.
  4. Well I don't think anyone wants to deal with the hassels from killing someone during an event, but it is a valid point. I guess it would be the question of not have you, but could you? I can honestly say that put in the same situation as a GAOP pirate then yes, I would have no hesitation killing to protect myself. I didn't have any hesitation breaking the person's arm who tried to shoot me, it was just a reaction to the situation and my role in it. We all enjoy playing this game but do I think any of us arecold bloodied killers for the sake of being a killer? No. If we were put into the same position and employment as the characters we portray then I don't know. Could you honestly say that you could take a life for 10 sacks of sugar and some spices because you were ordered to? I don't think it makes me an less of a human being to say yes I could, it just means I would do whatever it took to survive. Don't take this the worng way, life is a precious thing and I would never harm another person without reason. But if it comes down to me or them, I'm walking (or limping) away, not them
  5. I was a sailing instructer for 2 years and have crewed on a ship before. So yes, I know I could work on a ship. As far as weapons go, I have fought with everything from a boarding axe to a broken piece of timber. I truely believe you can't reennact something you've never flet which is why all my students have been through "the beating". They get full body gear and then get to experience a full on drag out hand to hand fight so they know what it's like to get hit without hurting themselves. It adds to their performance as well. I do not know as much about blackpowder pistols as I would like, but I know enough to do demonstrations for the public.I've also worked as a boincer at a really bad bar and grill in Garner NC where I've been shot at, stabbed in the leg and even thrown through a glass door. Doesn't sound like I did my job very well? I did, but that place was very "local" and very wild. So yes, I have had to defend myself against someone wanting to eliminate you. Not trying to compare a drunk local with a broken beer bottle toa pirate with a cutlass but it's close
  6. I couldn't agree more. All of our swordfights include a certain level of rage and kicking, screaming, biting and hitting. You are correct in saying that it was a fight for survival. The style of fencing that was taught during the GAOP was not part of everyone's education and would not have done much good in a fight with a pirate. Showing that "survivalist" style attitude is something we strive for with the public. We have some fights that are more comic but the majorit of them are very realistic and rough. I wouldn't have it any other way though
  7. Great episode and lookes like it was a lot of fun for everyone involved
  8. Blackbeard had three ships under his command if my memory serves me correctly. The Queen Anne's Revenge, Adventurer and the Revenge (I think? I know it waas Stede Bonnet's ship before he was "offered" the chance to join with Blackbeard)
  9. I have two more dental implants to do so I might just go with the gold this time around
  10. yes it has. I have more metal in me now than the last time you saw me. But at least my new hip will make Hampton a lot more enjoyable than last year. No crew with me for Hampton, just myself and my brand new cutlass from 1st mate Matt
  11. Great work. I finally got a new sewing machine and a new set up in the "workshop" (our spare room) so hopefully I'll get to finishing the massive amount of projects that have built up during the three years I didn't have a machine. I know, I could always handstich but I'm just no good at it. Really like the waistcoat and can't wait to see more from you
  12. Wish I could make this event but so far Hampton is the only one I have been able to manage this year so far. Maybe next year.
  13. A gamble yes, but worth it for the experience alone in my opinion. I am still unemployed so I might have to do a few more shows in Raleigh and try to book a ticket. My sister lives in Passadena now, I wonder how far Ojai is from there.
  14. Glad your back. Glad you brought rum too...
  15. I have to agree with you about swordfights. I have spent over 9 years as a stage combat director and there are very few groups out there that take the time to study how cutlass combat would have been done during the GAOP. I have seen a few, but the majority is very "choreographed" and slow paced. I incorporate a number of things into my training for pirates that are performing with me. We take into consideration the space restrictions you would run into on a ship, the type of training one would have expereinced against a simple hack and slash learn from experience style. I have always been happy with my fights and would say that if any skill I do could be listed under "historically accurate" it would be this. Comming from a fencing background helps but most of what I learned was through hours spent with my nose buried in a book and trial and error in the ring. I understand why most groups follow the traditional 1 - 10 style of stage combat (numbers correspond to parts of the body) and it's for safety standards. I have never had an injury that a band aid couldn't fix doing it my way but it takes a huge amount of dedication from the crew.
  16. I had dental implants done for two teeth in the front that never grew back after the baby teeth fell out. After the post were implanted then my Dentist showed me my options for the teeth that will screw in to the post. I did have the choice of Gold or Platinum but the prices were a bit high for me so I stuck to plain white. Still, I may have to ask my dentist to make one or two that I can use when and if I want.
  17. Unfortunitly I've seen the same thing happen with Starfire sword and drunken idiots. I have used Starfire for years for both heavy and light combat from early 15th century to the GAOP timeframe. The only complaint I ever had was the leather tends to come loose rather quickly on the handle (or at least with the 4 I've owned) and the weight. I recently recieved a cutlass from 1st mate Matt at Baltimore Knife and sword and I will be honest, I am never going to buy from anyone but Matt from now on. The weight is perfect, the blades have an amazing sound and they have a more period look than other swords made by Starfire. Also remeber that Starfire's lifetime warrenty only stands if you only use your sword against another starfire. Matt guarentees his for life against any other blade. That, and he's a pub member so I have to plug for him. Love my new cutlass Matt!!!!
  18. LOL Only if I can count my lung surgery scar (looks like I've been cut in half), my hysterectomy scar, various puncture wound scars where chest tubes were inserted (look kinda like musket ball sized scars...very appropriate), and a rakish scar on the bottom of my chin, where I fell while rollerskating as a kid. Oh, Gawd, I hope this thread doesn't degenerate to a "I'll show you my scars, if you show me yours!" Oh, and Bo, we now have horses at Ojai. Started year before last. 'Course, their riders are dressed in the wrong period (Elizabethan), but hey, it's a start. Well if you remember the last time you had me as Blackbeard at Ojai we had Queen Elizabeth there as well with full court which was difficult to explain to people time line wise but I just told them she looked really good for her age
  19. So do my numerous scars from back surgery and hip replacement along with the slight limp I have on my right side now make me more of a realistic pirate? Sorry, it was funny to me at least.
  20. Who am I? I guess it depends on the event, the crowds and what is expected of me. When I worked at Teachs Hole Pirate Museum in Ocracoke as Blackbeard, I had a captive audience, mix of adults and children for twenty minutes, about eighteen times a day. They would come in to the museum and listen to me tell my tale then ask me to pose for pictures or answer questions from the kids. It was a tough schedule, but I loved it. I have always been more of a showman then a historian. I can do the historian role if neccesary, but I have always enjoyed the showman aspect of it more. I guess it's from going from a street performer to proffesional theater then to pirate festivals. I have spent years researching and honing my Blackbeard performance, but as Capt Scurvy I am free to just be off the wall and larger than life. I guess it depends on what makes you happy. I love the history side of what we do, but my personal choice is to always be the humorous deviant in the group.
  21. glad your having fun with the pistol. I got my cutlass today and it is unbelievable!!!
  22. My group has done this before with the flour grenadoes and it works great but again, once it leaves your hand it'd your responsibilit even if it's just flour. When we have done them in the past it was in a controled area still visiable to the public but not within hitting distance.
  23. My son is 5 and started practcing with Daddy and participating in my stage combat classes at 4. He has a wooden cutlass he uses now but I'll probably upgrade him when he turns ten
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