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Red Bess

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Everything posted by Red Bess

  1. Ha! 24/25 (gotta take a closer look at Barbossa's ring...) (shoulda looked at the previous posts before I took the quiz )
  2. Actually, my husband found kid-sized POTC T-shirts (with the skull head logo) for our boys, but nothing adult-sized. I think they were even on clearance at one of the Disney Stores that closed here in Minneapolis. It was a fluke, because, as you said, there has never been any marketing. I'd have to say Johnny Depp is a pretty long shot for an Oscar, but getting nominated gives him some added crediblity and probably gives him a better shot at another nomination in the near future. He has such a wonderful resume of characters (Ed Wood is my other favorite) and eventually tenacity and talent get recognized. Well, not always, but sometimes.....We can hope, anyway....
  3. I took a gander at those cards, and they are way cool. This may be a slightly different topic, but has anyone ever seen Pirate Trading Cards? Like baseball cards, with pictures of the pirates and their history, etc? I'd wager that such a thing has existed, but I've not seen any. It would seem now would be a good time for someone to re-issue or create some...
  4. My favorite pirate song is "Traighli Bay" by a Canadian folk group called Tanglefoot. I am a huge Tanglefoot fan -- if you have never heard of them, check them out : Tanglefoot They are superb storytellers, and quite a few of their songs are nautical in nature.
  5. I have a couple of "cabin boys" too (ages 10 & 7) and next to POTC, Muppet Treasure Island is the most-quoted pirate movie at our house. That may be because, when they were smaller, I forced them to watch it over and over. Tim Curry makes a mighty fine pirate! :)
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