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Red Bess

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Everything posted by Red Bess

  1. Birthed and berthed in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. Raised on a farm in west central Minnesota, moved to Minneapolis to find fame and fortune. Still looking....
  2. I knows what ye mean, mate. I'm a huge fan of Canadian music & culture. We usually take a trip up to Winnipeg once a year or more. The people up there are very friendly, and we've had some nice vacations at low cost due to the favorable exchange rate. I would love to visit Nova Scotia & P.E.I. someday...
  3. Happy Belated Birthday, lass! Sounds like ye had the perfect day! May ye have many more just like it!
  4. Aye! I've become a fan of long hair on men, mostly because many men I'm a fan of (reinactors, musicians, my husband) wear their hair long. But, for the record, bald or shaved heads are sexy, too. Comb-overs are right out. And Iron Faith is correct: no mullets.
  5. Adam Sandler, aye, I'm with you there. Funny for 15 seconds, maybe, but can't stand any more than that. Even though my brother swears that "Punch-Drunk Love" (I didn't see it) proves that he can act. Of course, my chances of seeing "Dodgeball" while it's still in the theaters depends greatly on chance. With two kids, most movie outings are devoted to family fare. I suspect the next film I get to see will be "Spiderman 2" on Wednesday. My boys are totally pumped for that!
  6. I would have thought so, too, but having watched "Zoolander" recently I have to say I'm willing to give it a try. I thought "Zoolander" was just quirky enough to be really funny. But I admit, I would never have watched it if a friend of mine hadn't had the DVD and she made me watch it. Now, if you thought "Zoolander" was dumb, then I'm guessing "Dodgeball" won't be your cup of tea, either. I'm not entirely sure what connection the films have besides Ben Stiller. And I as far as my taste in movies -- well, But, the point is, "Dodgeball" has a pirate in it, huh? OK.
  7. That's way cool, lass! What a guy! :)
  8. *shudder* OK, Bess. That gets my vote for Best Torture. And, uh, thanks for the "considerable editing", although I don't even want to imagine what you left out.
  9. Congratulations, Tito! *gets a cigar from Lady Barbossa and a drink from Christine* Cheers, mate! Best wishes ta all of ye!
  10. Sjöröveren, my luv, I do thank you kindly for the book, and I'm looking forward to reading it cover to cover. I'm not an Anne Bonny expert, but I have spent a good deal of time researching her the past couple of years. Mistress of the Seas was written in 1964, and at least one book (and several websites) that I have l read use this book as a reference. I do believe it to be a work of fiction, based primarily on Capt. Johnson's 1724 biography and the transcripts of the 1720 trial. Nothing else I've read indicates that the details of the book are documented as fact. The best documentation of Anne Bonny's life that I've found is the work of Tamara Eastman, who I understand is writing a new Anne Bonny biography.
  11. Aye, this Festival be on our list of possibilites, too. Definately want to encourage Ren Faires to have a least one pirate weekend. This one is 100% pirate! Ya gotta love that. :)
  12. Happy (Belated) Birthday to ye, Pearl! Here's wishin' ye many more years o' faire wynds an' smooth sailin'!
  13. Hippy Berthday, Connor! Here be a case of Parrot Bay AND a cocktail toothpick! Live it up, boy!
  14. I don't claim to be wise, but I do like that "ditty", PyratePhil. -------------------------- This is a poem I wrote for MerryDeath on her birthday. I posted it before, but I'll repeat it here: The Angel of Death Her merry laughter fills the pub Where the sailors gather They buy her rum and crowd around Her affection they are after A siren from the ocean deep Her beauty is enthralling She smiles and listens with intent To tales they are recalling A handsome pirate steals her eye A heavy purse he carries With gold and silver he makes to woo But his actions make her wary "Alas, m'lord, I'm not a wench. You cannot buy my kisses. I, too, a skull and crossbones fly. None stand against my wishes." He draws his blade, but much too slow Her loveliness, it blinds him The sorceress, her deadly spell Has captured him and binds him The woman with the blackened heart Offers up her best: A cutlass swept across his throat A dagger in his chest She leaves a kiss upon his lips A wine-sweet taste that thrills him Yet as she spills the pirate's blood 'Tis a broken heart that kills him
  15. Ooops! PyratePhil and Dream Wench beat me to it! That's what I get for going away for a long weekend. OK, I'm there.........
  16. I'm not proposing a separate Topic -- just a thread -- and under Pirate Pop would be fine by me. And I guess, since this is a pirate board, I'd post poems like Dream Wench says -- about the sea, pirates, things with a nautical angle. I've posted a couple poems in the past for special occasions, but I think I might post more iffen we start our own thread. And maybe some others might feel encouraged to do the same. Sound good? I'd be happy to start...
  17. I've seen a quite a few poem postings, and I'm wondering how you poets would feel about starting our own thread to post poems and comment on them. I write poetry myself from time to time and I think it might be fun to have a specific place to share our work. Whadda think? Stynky, any ruling on this?
  18. I knows what ya mean! Makes me heart swell with pride whenever me youngsters say "arrrrgh". (Me 8-year-olds last birthday was pirate-themed, but, then again, so was mine . Arrrgh!)
  19. I'd been researching pirate stuff on line for a year or more (for the story I'm writing) and found my way to the Pub via NQG. After several weeks as a Guest, I decided to join in, since I figured I'd find people here who could help answer some of my research questions. Well, the chat here is so friendly I, too, log on nearly every day to hear the latest skuttlebutt. So Sir Jewels, Capt. Morgan, I join ya in raisin' a glass ta this wonderful meetin' place.
  20. I love this Pub -- month-long birthday parties! Here's ta ya, KW, from one red-headed...wench to another!
  21. Heh heh.... and 'tis known that no matter who or what ye be, the most dangerous place in the world to to find yer self... ....is between a mother and her child. Even if yer a Pirate. Of course, this be especially true if the mother is a pirate!
  22. When the first "reality" shows hit the airwaves a few year ago (during the actors strike, remember?) PBS did "1900 House" and it was good, because it was one family, in one house, dealing with the logistics of 1900. It was a true reality show, because these people were themselves and it showed them being themselves in 1900 trappings. It nearly drove them mad, and it was great fun to watch. Then came "1940 House" and PBS added more challenges - a war - to daily life. That was good, too. But somewhere along the way, the PBS reality show became too much like a Fox reality show. I think the mistake was the "community" thing - once it became more about the people in the show and their personal conflicts with each other, and less about the conflict of modern people dealing with historical logistics, it went sour. At least, that's my opinion.
  23. Could I have survived during the 18th century? Probably. I was a healthy child, would probably have lived to adulthood, married and bore my husband many fine sons. I'm no stranger to hard work. And I wouldn't have missed what I didn't know about. Would I have made it as a pirate? Not a chance! So every day, I thank my lucky stars I'm a modern pirate lass with on-line resources. It's the best of both worlds. :)
  24. Here's ta the brave young'uns! An' ta Mary Kay, the supportive mom. (I would expect the same kinda thing from me own cabin boys someday - iffen they've learned anything from their father an' me).
  25. Congratulations on the new matey, matey! Me best ta yer whole crew.
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