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Red Bess

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Everything posted by Red Bess

  1. Hey, Nigel! Happy Bee-lated Berthday, lad! A round on me ta keep the party going! Cheers, mate!
  2. Capt Morgan, jeez, where was I? Missed yer berthday by a coupla days! Wish I could say I was just comin' out of drunken stupor, but actually I've been puttin' in long hours at me job (while me co-workers vacation). No excuse, I know. Won't let it happen again. So Happy Beelated, mate. Keep celebratin'!
  3. or this, maybe...
  4. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but I think yer right: people who buy self-help books aren't pirates, and pirates don't buy self-help books. (they would just steal them, anyway!) So I see no profit in it for me. However, I thinking of taking Zorg up on the diet book idea.....
  5. Beautiful site there, mate. Fantasic art! Went in to look at pirates, started poking around and ended up wandering into the Spider Gates site. Boy, is that a cool project. Best of luck to you and all yer mateys.
  6. I've checked other forums from time to time, but I keep coming back to this one -- it's the quality of the folks who post here. :) Fine managment, fine patrons, and fine rum. Why go anywhere else?
  7. Nigel! Way to go, mate! May this be the first of many "appearances" for ye!
  8. Oh, goody! Party time! :angry: Fer birfdays, I likes frozen Mai Taiz! Happy Birfday, Sir Jewels, and many more!
  9. Oh, dear, I hope that doesn't mean I have to act more mature! Nice look to the site, matey. Keep up the good work!
  10. We've long since lost the sheet with the rules (they're more like guidelines, anyway) so we started by putting in 2 coins each. Well, it was getting dull, so we decided everyone had to put in 2 more coins after every round. Once the pot was bigger, it was more fun (even though we weren't playing "for keeps"). I can see this as a drinking game. Also might be fun as "Strip Morgan's Revenge"
  11. Happy Easter Monday ta ye all! Hope the Bunny brought all ye "really bad eggs" some really GOOD eggs!
  12. Sorry about yer computer woes, Rumba, but it's good ta have ye back! So it's drink up, me hearties, and back up yer data, yo ho!
  13. Aye, Ryann, have a very happy birthday, lass! Have a birthday rum on me!
  14. Oh, a pirate baby!! Congratulations! Me boys were born before I was pirate-obsessive, so they had all bunnies and Winnie-the-Pooh nurseries -- I'm hopin' they'll still turn out OK. Ye can check out more wallpaper here:Lind Wallpaper and cute bedding (fer when he's a bit older, maybe) here:CompanyKids Best wishes to ye, mate!
  15. Harrr! Thank ye all fer yer good wishes. Aye, it be a fine birthday indeed! Sjöröveren and the cabin boys took me to a Caribbean resturant in the Mall of America and showered me with piratey gifts, including (but not limited to): pirate stickers, tatoos and balloons; a Playskool pirate and Redbeard's Ghost (from Scooby Do). But me most prized new treasures were a plastic parrot that straps on to your shoulder and a barnacle-encrusted inkwell they claim is from a shipwreck. It was great fun! Not yer typical gifts fer a 45-year-old mother of two, but then again, I'm not yer typical 45-year-old mother of two. (Oh, and the frozen Mai Tais and the grilled shrimp wasn't bad, either :) ) So thank ye again, mates, fer all the rum and kind words. Cheers!
  16. Sjöröveren lad, that t'wer the sweetust thing I've heard all day! Pickin' from the list above, I guess I'd have ta say me favorite smells is rum & pirate lads. So me most favorite smell is Sjöröveren walking into the room with a big ol' tankard of rum for me! :)
  17. That, me mate, has to be one of the strangest things I've ever read. On the other hand, it's true! And on yet another hand, it sounds like a pyrate inspiration/self-help book. ...I wonder if we could write one of those... I be a poster-child for pirate self-help! "The Arrgg Inside: Getting In Touch with Your Inner Pirate" by Red Bess Keep a weather eye out for it, mate. A best-seller in the makin', to be sure!
  18. I understand your friend's feelings: I, too, felt under-qualified to be a pirate. I'm not a sailor, a reinactor, a historian, swordfighter or belly-dancer. I don't know how to work a pistol, cutlass or cannon -- and I don't even have my own hat. I had been reading about pirates, writing about pirates and I have a few piratey things about the house. But I never really thought of myself as being a pirate until I found you mates here. That's when I discovered that being a pirate isn't about forcing yourself to say "arrg" or "yarr" --- it was about feeling the "arrrg" down deep inside. Yes, you have helped me get in touch with my inner pirate. And it's the greatest feeling of all. So now, of course, I want all the swag that goes with it. "Because when you're a professional pirate, you're always in the best of company!" Get your friend in the company of other pirates, and she be on account in no time! :)
  19. Longarm, if what you say is true, I will pay more attention to the individual shots when I get my DVD. The film is a masterpiece! While I'm pretty sure Peter Weir never actually shows the saw going through the bone, I swear I could feel it. I winced, and, yes, cried, during the amputation scene! It's not the gore -- it's the heartbreaking realism. That midshipman couldn't have been more than about 12-13 years old. I have boys that age. And my youngest broke his arm a year ago last summer, and, in 1800, he'd be walking around exactly like that lad. It's a powerful film -- no fluff on the high seas here!
  20. Master and Commander is an awesome movie -- glad for the info, Sassy, since I was just thinking it should be due to be released soon. Maggie, as I've told other friends who haven't seen it yet -- it's a very bloody movie. Not as in violent, as in real blood. I had to look away a couple times because the doctorin' scenes are just too real. But I loved it! And I can't wait to own it meself -- double disc set for me!
  21. If a good mother doesn't let her sons play with swords, then I'm not and never plan to be a good mother. Of course, around here, mother plays with swords, too. I aways say, the family that pillages together...........
  22. You look great, EP! The coat is awesome! Is it really necessary to drag it around on the beach, or put lemon juice on it to wear it down? Call me crazy, but can't a pirate have nice new duds once and a while? It will get worn down (from use) eventually.... Anyway, you look very nice. :)
  23. The term is "Big & Tall", luv, and if ye can afford the fabric, I'm sure Isabella can outfit even you! Do post samples & ideas Isabella -- I know I need a "pirate" dress (if there is a definition of such a thing) and probably a corset and hat and, oh, I don't know what all. My current costume consists of a chemise, cotton bodice, green skirt and an apron-- not very flattering. I need a pirate make-over!
  24. Happy Birthday, mate!
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