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Everything posted by LadyBrower

  1. I think the acts of piracy then and now are similar. Whether good or bad, it is important that history is learned, if it takes a little fiction, so be it. But there is no reason to banish pirate reenacting (and replica weapons) because something similar is actually taking place. In fact, I think it is more important that we are out there talking about the reasons for piracy, what sparked the golden age, and why piracy is making a come back. Interestingly, a gentleman in one of my classes did a presentation on modern piracy and we had a discussion about how the motivations for piracy are so similar between the ages. People don't like ugly history, but that's the way it is. We are always doing ugly things, it just so happens that looking back, we can empathize with the pirates. This is not bad, it's good. maybe someday people will learn... Though I am not counting on it. It is crap that the museum seems to be afraid of appearing sympathetic to Somali pirates, but I haven't had a chance to speak directly with the coordinator. I'll keep you all posted on that. Hopefully its a misunderstanding.
  2. Those are fantastic! I'm so jealous both of the lady who gets to wear them and the one who made them! Just lovely.
  3. "Maybe this is my kinda party" That's my FAVORITE episode. "You wanna slinky dress? I'll buy you a slinky dress... Captain, can I have some money for a slinky dress?" (maybe not exactly right either)
  4. Fantastic!!! LadyBrower always throws the best parties...so you know you will see me there!!! After all her grog is second to none...just ask the people who attended Buccaneers and Privateers in CT !!! I think that was the icing on the cake at that gathering. My dear Kian, you are too kind. I fear the secret ingredients shall not arrive in time! We shall have to resort to our back up stock. lol. A celebration of some sort is certainly in order. And M'Lady, are you yourself rolling IN the barrels of alcohol? If so, pardon my saying so, but what a delicious treat! If you are merely bringing in the libations, make one of the boys do it. 'tis your birthday! no hard labor should be required!
  5. *sigh* I wish they could bring it back... there is such a cult following. Granted I can watch the series (and the movie!) over and over and over again, it would be ever so lovely to have some new episodes to watch. Hubby seems to think that just because something has one of actors from the show in it I'll like it. Well, he's usually right. LOL. But it's still not as good. *sigh* But I must say, "Inara" made an excellent bad guy (woman) in Stargate.
  6. Welcome to the pub! Though I take offense to your suggestion that any a man or maiden who might frequent this fine establishment may have consumed too much drink. 'Tis quite impossible I assure you Madam... However, it would be pore manners indeed for me not to take advantage of your buying the first roung, I would like a nice spiced rum with a twist of lime if you please... In a teacup! Again, welcome and I believe you will find the ladies and gents a most agreeable sort (hehe). Be Merry!
  7. Well, I say it is time to revive this holiday! Since the 9th is a Saturday, I see no reason not to have a party! Or a nice dinner out dressed our plundered finery...
  8. Done with Blood Meridian! In honor of the swine flu, I'm going back to Plagues and Peoples by William H. McNeill, for my piratical needs Under the Black Flag, by David Cordingly And for fun, Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen. =P
  9. If you are looking for a more Ren-Faire style, Moresca offers a few longer bodices. I own the Fairie bodice and it's quite nice. They also have a a pirate bodice and a few other long styes that look very pretty. Their stuff is really expensive, but the quality is superb... Moresca Bodices Hope that helps. =)
  10. Stays and longer, Victorian corsets have always helped my back for the most part. Like Lily said, because they are longer, they provide good support. I also find that the long, tabbed corsets ones with gussets are nice because they don't cut into the waist or back. I would try a long bodice or stays that are better fitted to your body...
  11. Thanks! I decided to get them after I saw your last post.
  12. I just so happen to own a copy of that book. I see what you mean. Would the butchers hook that was used during that time period be something like this: Ebay butchers hook
  13. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy... Talk about violent. EeK! All I have to say is "the tree of dead babies" sick...
  14. I've been trying to search the forum and Google for information on "cargo hooks." It is something my hubby mentioned on the way home from the New London Con, but I am having trouble finding info, all I found was a snippet from the Institute of Nautical Archeology naming a cargo hook as something they found... My questions: What exactly is a cargo hook? What did it look like? Was it used as a weapon? Was it used during the GAoP? Thanks!
  15. Happy birthday! I stole this cake for you:
  16. Sunny and 90 degrees. In New York. In April. Weird but I'll take it! =)
  17. Ah yes, I am acquainted with that terrible figure! (teehee) A good friend of mine has one, but we have opted to refill with whiskey or Rum. I think you can purchase those bottles sans alcohol for like, 20 buck. I can't remember where I saw it though.
  18. Oops. Just saw your post just today, but myself and my crew was there, The Half Moon Marauders we are! I was the Lady in red. =)
  19. Oil pastels worked well for me... The kind you get at the craft store. Matte makeup in dark colors also works well for smearing and so do some of the long wear eye colors (so long as they don't have any shimmer). For aging costumes, I think the clothesline out in the sun and a good couple storms does well for wearing things out a bit. I left my linen skirt out for only a little while and it was already starting to fade in spots. And spilling coffee on hubby's shirt did well to make it look dirty too... :-/
  20. Thanks for that. I wish we had known sooner, it might be difficult to get everyone together but it sounds like fun. Thanks for posting!!!
  21. I'm so glad you are alright, and your wonderful wife is taking good care of you!!! Cars are dangerous... as are young girls on cellphones. I got into an accident where I hit the guy in front of me. I drove a mini cooper and he was driving a suburban, both cars were totaled (his b/c of a bent frame) so don't stand for any crap from insurance. Feel better, drink nice relaxing tea and have long bubblebaths!
  22. Hmmm.... Sounds like my family. Not to make light of death, but every wake in my family turns into a party where we drink ourselves stupid for a few days, tell embarrassing stories and get reacquainted with the family we haven't seen since the last wedding or funeral... Good to see we are continuing long established traditions. On another note, those rings and gloves that have been mentioned- were they the precursor to the black armbands people often wear today? How far does that go back?
  23. Oh I love that oven french toast... Could you add rum to the egg mixture, or would it not cook correctly?
  24. "There's no such thing as free lunch, unless you're talkin' bout Captain Crunch!" That makes me giggle And I like some of the different versions of High Barbary ... particularly one I have on a mixed CD sung by a lady. 'tis pretty
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