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Everything posted by LadyBrower

  1. The lemon aid is AMAZING. I made it for Easter dinner and everyone just loved it, it's a must try for sure. =) Thanks again for posting those recipes.
  2. That's really interesting. I wish their was more detailed information on the lecture itself, but when I went looking the only thing that popped up was this forum post, and the link provided. :-/ I am interested in the similarities that are mentioned between "novels of virtue" and porn. Modern porn certainly seems to lack in moral lessons, but perhaps the porn or the 18th century has more to offer? I don't know but I am going to find out. Given the literacy rates of the period, do you think porn was marketed more towards upper class men (and women?) more than the lower echelons? And is there any evidence of visual pornography for those who can't read dirty books?
  3. Oh boy... I did a test run with that cheesecake... I think I messed it up and decided I don't like rose water. It was a total disaster! I used the ricotta cheese as that was what was available, and only half the recommended amount of rose water... Anyone have any suggestions on a rose water substitution? or do we think it could just be left out? And where can I find cheese curds? I used to get them through a factory in upstate NY, but I can't find them around here except at festivals and farmers markets... :-/ Update (4/16): Well, I tried the cake again, leaving out the rose water and adding a splash of vanilla and almond extract and it came out great, it was a big hit in my class (and the security guys that let me in with swords). And it didn't get curdly this time either. =) Thanks again for posting the recipe.
  4. Try the second hand stores, that's where I get a lot of my cast iron. You can also use a ceramic or metal dinner plate over the top, but it has to be able to withstand the heat. or you could probably put a cast iron skillet over the top, but I've never tried that.
  5. *claps* I'll be singing of spam all evening...
  6. Um. I'm sorry. I thought that link was going to go to something pertaining to your post, but it's just stuff for sale. Is that correct? or were you trying to link to an academic article? Thanks.
  7. The "Bring 'em near" was actually a low cut bodice. This was used as a training aide by female instructors to teach captains and navigators about the dangers of reefs and other such nautical hazards. It was primarily used as a topographical ThreeDee display training tool. One had to learn to traverse the canyon without running aground of the mountains. Their training objective was to learn that through a direct approach it was possible for them to see the advantage of proper navigation, to avoid hazards, and to properly find their way to items that lie just blow the surface. This was critical hands on training eagerly sought out. This training was often taught at night, to also allow for stellar navigation classes, and as such a light was posted out front of the training location. Since this was a light to the "port" of instruction a proper red light was hung to indicate the location. These training locations were expanded to include not just captains and navigators but all other members of the ship to allow for cross training incase of death or injury of these primary crew leaders. In fact this instruction became so pervasive that entire red light districts were established to enable this most fundamental consideration of seamanship instruction. Or It could be a telescope. My vote is for the bodice.
  8. I have a lavender obsession! I can't wait to try these recipes. Thank you for posting them!
  9. I don't know if you are looking for PC or not (and whether this is or not I do not know but it could be), but one of my favorite veg/vegan recipes is tofu curry, which I cook in my dutch oven or slow cooker: Ingredients: "Curry powder"- a good handful (turmeric, cumin, white pepper, black pepper...) Coconut milk, 2 cans brick o tofu (cut into little cubes) Onion Garlic to taste salt and pepper A few tablespoons of flour Coconut or other oil, enough to coat the bottom of your pot Rice to serve 1. mix flour, a little of the curry powder, salt and pepper together and coat the tofu cubes 2. Heat oil and fry tofu until slightly crisp and golden 3. Add Garlic and onion, cook until soft 4. add coconut milk and spices to taste, season with salt and pepper 5. Let cook till all the flavors are blended and yummy. 6. Serve over hot rice *you can add water or veggie stock if it gets too thick. I think that's it. But also, you can pretty much use any veggie stew recipe in the dutch oven, I know I do- . Chillies are great too. (if you want any recipes let me know, I have stacks of veggie and vegan cookbooks =) ) As for cooking outside, you could try putting the dutch oven into coals or the embers and just leave it (but make sure you keep it hot) those pots usually hold heat really well, so once you do the initial cooking on the fire you should be good to go.
  10. Oh yummy, that sounds easy enough. I thinks I am going to make it for Easter, and maybe for my class.
  11. I'm working on bags of all sorts for my piratical men (well, mostly for them to carry my stuff)... Now, is this "snapsack" similar to the modern military bag (that amazing green thing?) but much smaller? I was going to use that for my model and scale it down...
  12. I got my really nice buttons from Mary Diamond (see her button thread, to see if she has any left) But if you are looking for costume buttons, I got some from Walmart for my hubby's Captain Morgan costume:
  13. eek! I just changed my own settings and it is a wee bit confusing. My language skills are not so developed thus far....
  14. I can see the logic a bit... a lady probably would have always belonged to a man "Mr's" as in Mister's woman.... and a woman who doesn't belong to a man (father, brother, husband etc) would not have the same title. But it is curious..... So what would a married woman be referred to as? Or was Mrs. Still acceptable? Interesting topic. =)
  15. I need to find myself a reasonably priced surgeon's saw/ bone saw, whatever it would have been, VERY soon. It's for (another) school project. (and then my hubby's kit) Anyone have one to sell? know where i can get one? or how to make something that is close? Thanks!!
  16. I did a similar hat like that for my hubby (Thanks to the How to... thread). He loves it, but everyone keeps saying he needs to "cock" it. As the lady of the house I say no to cocking... hehe. But I think it's a cool style in any case.
  17. I am always interested in hats. =) Thank you!
  18. If you find it, let me know. =) That would be great. I figure that's sort of how I'd be wearing them, for "working" or to slip on in the middle of the night, sort of like slippers. I have my lovely fugawee's, so it would be nice to have something else to get messy, if my feet just need a break or I want to do a more lower class impression for some reason. (I'm all about options).
  19. Haha. Yea, I suppose. lol. But I am not really playing the pirate, I am a civilian "lady." As of yet, I'm an Irish girl, but I'm living in the Hudson valley region among the dutch so I thought that might make a difference. Thanks!
  20. Not a movie but does the Firefly series kinda count? They combine a lot of elements of the past in their future (does that make sense?) I'm thinking "shindig" in particular with the duel and stuff...
  21. as a rather, um, "prissy" female, I'm always concerned about where I get to bath if I can be convinced to camp and honestly, as long as you provide an area where someone can hold up a sheet... I'll have my hubby drag out a water bucket and cloth with a little doctor bronners (lavender sented of course) and I'll wash that way, no problems. As long as there is a wee bit a privacy somewhere (you don't want any angry, drunken husbands) with a place to dump the water... don't worry. And those solar showers look very nifty, indeed!
  22. Congratulations and best wishes on the beginning of such a grand new adventure!
  23. Oui. And the term Sabotage comes from striking workers jambing machinery with said sabot. The dutch just clogged the machines. LOL. (Thats not an original joke. I did see in online somewhere. lol) But yea, I saw them on the Smoke and Fire Co. website, and then they were on the cover of that crazy book, and now I just want a pair to wear in case of Cow invasion. lol. I think I am going to get a pair even if I don't wear them for reenacting. But now I am very interested.
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