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Kian McBrian

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Everything posted by Kian McBrian

  1. That is great news!!! Glad to hear everything is well!!
  2. Breithlá shona duit Callenish Gunner!!!
  3. Our family has had a meat pie from way back that is a little bit different. it is layered. first layer placed on the pie dough is thinly sliced potato, second layer is thinly sliced onion, third layer is thinly sliced carrot, fourth layer is thinly sliced roast beef (leftovers) and the fifth and last layer is thinly sliced tomato. each layer is lightly seasoned with some salt & pepper and a very light dusting of flour to help make the gravy. After you have one full 5 ingredient layer done, you start over again, and again, until the pie is as high as you want it, then you cover it with the second pie dough, give a couple of slices through to let the steam out and cook until knife tender. even better the second day, if there is any leftover. Well sir you might have to let us see this dish you have mentioned...that or give the recipe to Lady Brower...sounds fantastic lol
  4. I am pretty sure I will be out there this weekend...look at some of the new toys what day is everyone going?
  5. That fort looks like alot of fun, and like you said Will...isolated on an island with nothing modern around just makes it seem all that more exciting!! I know the Half Moon Marauders plan on going to the lockhouse for sure and more likely than not to pea patch island T'would be awesome to meet the Mercury Crew....now if I could only find your cap'n :-P lol
  6. Greeting sir!! Welcome to the pub!! I'll have a pint of Guinness since you are buying
  7. Thinking of me doing that at work for real would get me in some trouble for sure lol
  8. Looks to be a right fine ship sir!!!
  9. Sadly no...I missed the ships due to work conflicts :-( T'was a sad day indeed....
  10. It happens almost everyday when I get out of work....I get into my kit and start my second job.....it goes something like this Video of my second job
  11. Sadly I will not be able to make it to PiP this year due to scheduling conflicts with work....Maybe next year I will be around...for now I will have to live vicariously through pictures and stories :-(
  12. Bah...its backwards I just realized
  13. Kian McBrian


    once I have a few more events under my belt I will find a use for multiple albums lol
  14. From the album: Pics

  15. From the album: Pics

  16. From the album: Pics

  17. From the album: Pics

  18. Kian McBrian


    From the album: Pics

  19. Seriously debating about this event....sole reason...mileage and time.....13 hours and 800 miles........when is registration deadline?
  20. The event was a blast!! Black John and the Pirate Brethren: Thank you for a great event!! I cant say enough about it!!! Reggie: That rum run in kit was well worth it...and size doesnt matter....its how you handle yourself lol Mike and Kate: It was great to meet you two. I really hope to see you two again real soon!! Remember..call us if you are going to be in our neck of the woods...I know you want to get to NYC soon Mike: Thank you for the loan of the "BOOMSTICK" and the red coat....now I might have to get my own and defect once in a while lol...... Kate: Awesome pictures and great food!!! And yes...women shooting black powder is HOT!! lol Tartan Jack: We hope to see you down there some time...its always nice to have a fellow Celt amongst the group...we need to fight back those damn Canadians before they protest on the White House lawn and become legalized!!! I have probably repeated myself several times...but that is a testament as to the caliber if the event and the people there!!! Well worth every moment....although....we do need more rum doxies
  21. Awesome pics kate!! Well worth waiting for :) !!!!
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