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Kian McBrian

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Everything posted by Kian McBrian

  1. Greetings mate! Glad to meet ya! Make yourself at home on the pub, i'll pick your brain on MD events once you've settled in a bit...for now I'll have a pint of Guinness, Slainte!
  2. Greetings Cap'n Mac Tis always great to see new people here on the Pub. Enjoy your stay, and I'll have a Pint of Guinness if ya will!
  3. No I wouldn't. If there were a feast waiting for me at home I wouldn't feel the need to stop somewhere for fast food. Couldn't have said it better myself....
  4. Thats great to know!! Will be great to meet ya Mike :-)
  5. This looks like a great event to attend..I know myself and some of the other Half Moon Marauders will be there!! Who else is thinking of going? That way we can keep a weathered eye out for each other :) It would be nice to finally meet some of the Pub members in person and have a few drinks...as i am sure you are all aware of by now...I love to drink a bit but who doesnt lol
  6. I know myself and a few others of the Half Moon Marauders will be attending this event...anyone else?
  7. That coming from a guy who makes swords...I wouldnt take it lightly lol
  8. Someone probably hacked the site, it showed up on mine as well. Thank goodness Google gives people a heads up when this stuff happens. I hope everything is ok over there Matt!!
  9. Great video!! Absolutely great!!! gave it 5 stars!!
  10. Was working grave shift during a really sucky rain storm. Had just finished fueling the 4th and final plane for the next days flyers. Disconnected the fuel truck, wound up the hose, ran over and shut off the external power unit and ran underneath the plane...right into the antenna underneath the plane. I am 6'6" tall and have ducked underneath the plane plenty of times (almost a requirement). Two things I had not thought about just before I got my concussion that night.... 1) I just finished putting 150,000 lbs of fuel on the plane, so it was obviously lower 2) I was raining out so I didnt have that great of visibility with the hood up on my gortex Left a nice triangular scrape on my head and knocked myself to the ground. I stood up afterwards and realized my retardedness and put my hand on my head...which lead to more pain since it was raw and bleeding a decent bit...Twas also my first aircraft "bite" so the next day I was kinda proud as sick as that sounds. But if you are in any sort of a mechanical job....you know...its not a matter of "IF" but "WHEN" its going to happen lol...and that in a nutshell is my first mishap. I am sure I could make you fall asleep with more, but I am sure this will suffice
  11. This really is an awesome project oderlesseye. I might be needin ya to swing over to the east coast to give me some tips on setting up me own pirate cove !!!!!
  12. Wishing ya a great birthday...I'll make sure to throw back a pint for ya and (if I make it) buy ya a pint at PiP..
  13. 5 letters...it will be a nice change of pace.... flack
  14. Wow!!! That sword is beautiful!!! I am definitely jealous!! Congrats on it!!
  15. Please do post pics. I would love to see how its done. Our crew is finalizing the design now and I want to make it if possible. So any advice would be very much appreciated!!
  16. Well if any of ye find your ways near NY let me know and I can try and get ya a tour of the C-5 "Galaxy"
  17. Wow, looks sharp there sir!!
  18. Gotten a few text messages and emails from friends saying thank you....so I think I am gonna surprise a few of them with a tour of the planes that I work on....Armed Forces Day i think to my cousin who was in Iraq and Afghanistan and the thousands of fellow service men and women still over there and all over the world and pray that they all get home alive.... To everyone here on the Pub and everyone else who keep our military men and women in their minds and prayers I say Thank You...Thank you for your support, Thank You for everything you do. From care packages, to simple "Thank You's" to someone in uniform passing by. It means a lot to me and I am sure to every other service member. So again I say Thank You! Happy Armed Forces Day!!!
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