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Posts posted by sutlerjon

  1. This is the first incarnation of the shot bag, I've seen different sizes, but something along this line seems to be the most common:


    The material behind is for a different project, Victorian Smoking Hat

  2. :P Animal! Do Naught Never Peek Int' Th' "Mysteries Of Women"!!! Ye will go mad man, totally MAD!

    Ye only need remember one thing t' stay alive; when she complains that ye be stare'n just tell her "Well THEY started it!"


    ....but Patrick Hand, that be some useful information 'bout th' lipstick, now whenever we be unsure o' her intention we know we just need t' rub off th' lipstick 'n see what color her lips really be! :lol:

    But meself, I never learn'd t' disrespect a woman, having grown up with a father and two younger bothers, we were always taught t' never mistreat a woman; suppose if there had been a 'sister' in th' brood then th' learn'n may have been different, but as it was we were always taught "Girls are put together with Elmers Glue and Scotch tape where boys are put t'gether with Super Glue and nails"....maybe that is why I always played th' role of a Doctor with th' girls next door, I want'd t' make sure they were kept in good health, being th' sickly wee things they be :P

    But I must admit this all give them a wretched upper hand on a guy; during karate lessons I was once matched against a girl, I tried t' tell sense that I just can not hit a girl, it be against every morel bone in me body and all through school I would get in fights with guys who disrespected the girls, but he told me that I "had to do it" said I would be helping her t' learn t' defend herself....but I still could not let loose on her.....but she had NO PROBLEM letting loose on me - a woman's bony fist can Hurt!!!

    But as long as this be th' "Singe Men's Club"; ye know what still freaks me out? All them bottle 'n tubes they keep in th' bathroom - WHAT IS ALL THAT STUFF?!!?? I am always afraid t' peek inside for I might open one o' them jars and find a 'face' stare'n back at me!! :P

    I once sat for over an hour watching as one o' me girl friends put all this stuff on her face, she pulled hairs from her brows, marked with pencils on her eyeballs, used a most painful looking device on her lashes, and th' whole while had her eyes glued t' a tiny mirror as it performing a delicate surgery - I could take it no longer, I asked her "Why are you doing all this?" then she replied "I want to look good for you".... :P I thought for a moment then told her "But ye looked terrific already when I first rolled over and opened me peepers this morning..."

    :P BULLS ............... AYE!!!! :P

  3. Image dated to 1652, some decent details visible of common Dutch garb of that period...


    Where does one *find* a wide-brim high-crowned Dutch hat? I'd even settle for an ECW-era hat, but cannot find one for love or money.

    Mike the closest I've seen may very well be a CW Hardee hat, that's gonna be pretty close. Probably enough for horseshoes or hand grenades. The crown's not quite as narrow but the hat is tall. If need be, guess what, I can get those too.


  4. This bunch iks goin' out the door for $8.00 each, there's 11 shots at 120gr and the primer I made to hold 180 gr. These will go out "unfinished" ready to stain or seal or paint.

    PM me for more details.


  5. The brass sleeve on this batch is being cut to hold 120 grains, with the way I'm makin' 'em I can customize the charge for a specific need. They all hold way more powder than I'm used to makin' rounds for. In CW we typically use 60 gr, that's what I've makin' pre rolled rounds for the last 10 years. But as I said whatever the weapon needs that's what I can do.


  6. Here's some pics of a batch I'm working on now.


    This one I made from a dead branch in the backyard I believe it's Magnolia. Lots of branches from the tropical storms leftover in the yard by the last owners. the coloring is unusual.


  7. I'm not gonna be Searles we'll be at Tallahasse, Natural Bridge Battlefield.

    What's that some of you may be askin' yerselves?

    I'm gonna make a prediction (like a likkered up Nostadamus) about 150 years from now a new nation will be founded on the landmass that lies to NW of where we now sail, this nation will be built on natural resources like tobacco, corn and taxes for the King and after being thankful for the smoking section that was conceived in liberty, etc, etc, it will break away from the Crown :lol: !

    This nation will leave England because it will be overtaxed and the people will be tea'd off about it and after a party the New England patriots will bring forth a more perfect union.

    Then about 4 score and 7 years after that the more perfect Union will invade the Southern Consorts because they'll believe that they have more sway with the Crown again because of the natural resources... I'm gettin' tired and this is gettin kinda circular ain't it? :huh:

    Anyway in about 340 years I'll be at Tallahasee once again defendin the only state capital that the more perfect union didn't sack (like Panama City.... that was for you Hurricane ... er ...Cap'n Morgan)

    Back to the original subject, just send me a PM and I'll happily divulge my cell # or e-mail and we can make arrangements to get together. I'm not too far from ya'll in central Fl and I'll be all over the stae in the next 3 mos. doin the CW circuit

    Thanks for readin,


  8. Animals right we all need to recover our balls, I know I still have mine...... (rummaging in the fridge......know they're here somewhere... she told me they were) HONEY? The other guys are taking theirs out with them ..... no, not taken' 'em out, taking them out with them to go do guy stuff, shopping at the liquor and sportin' goods stores, and yes I do need to take 'em with me when I go trollin'.... I mean fishin'. I for am sick and tired of the feminization' of the world, Just look at the girls' club Chrispy has become Nell, or vice versa.

    Just like Lou Reed once said:

    do ta do......

    BBBBUURRRRPPPPP! (that's right the whole ALPHABET)

  9. I don't shop in them ANY more , but back in the mid 90's I did...this suit goes back to 1994, Chris's favorite cologne is Chanel Egoiste and I used to get him that for Christmas every year, I'm gonna go pick up a free face cream today, hey what the heck I mean I bought that overpriced cologne for all those years....not that I'd do it these days...I'm a drug store girl myself... still I'll take a free bottle of moisturizer. The giveaway is while supplies last and starts today.



    No wonder we never saw the two of you in the same place at the same time at PiP

  10. I'm 95% OK with this model, just picked up brass for the sleeve and finally got some nice soft mat'l for the shot bag. Bandolier and shot bag will be a little bit longer but I'm getting there, (now lets see if I can put the pic in.....while I'm at it check out the new lantern design......)



    The new lantern is the one on the left.

    Huzzah...I did it!

  11. Just so you will know, I can get you good tentage at a good price we are a Panther Dealer. With a bit more than a month to go just check with me and I'll get ya a quote and a time frame for delivery.


  12. Rum Punch from the recipe in the Sea Rovers Practice! :lol:

    1 part sour (Nellie & Joe's Key lime Juice)

    2 parts sweet (brown sugar)

    3 parts strong (Belmont Estates Special Gold Rum...The Rum of St. Kitts & Nevis)

    4 parts weak (Lotsa Ice)

    Damn it's Good :lol:

  13. Dutch if you use rope around the top of your bucket it will most likely collapse, I was researching early rubber for CW a year or so ago and wire is the correct way to keep your bucket top formed!

    Don't waste the material with rope at the top.

  14. Slowmatch, The period recipe is from 1628, Rope boiled in "ashe-lye and pouder" I find that you can get as good results if you boil the hemp rope (use the real stuff only) boiled in vinegar and water for an hour or so, add powder(black powder only). I use a quarter pound of powder and 2 gallons liquid, and do up a100 feet of match. After the powder is dissolved put in the p[owder and let it cool. Once its cool, take out a hang dry. (not in the oven if you value your marriage) You can use any grade, even old stuff you aren't to sure of for shooting. Salt petre is expensive unless you buy a bag of farmer grade. Black powder is 75% nitre anyway and at $12 a pound is much cheaper than sublimed potassium nitrate. Beside you can use the leftover powder. If you don't have gunpowder, you don't need match.

    Fred at Jamestown

    I get a lot of forwarded e-mails and this was just one of the recipes, as I come across more I'll post them


  15. A history of Pirates Blood and Thunder on the High Seas by Nigel Cawthorne.

    Kind of a scattershot approach, not chronological but informative. read that just before PiP.

    Just started The Sea Rovers Practice Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730 Benerson Little

    4 chapters in so far.......very informative

  16. I'm just about ready to debut the ones I'm making.

    I need some ideas for the size of the bag that goes with the bandolier.

    Soon's I get the cap to my satisfaction I'll be ready to go into production, if I get some interest. once I have one I'm happy with I'll post a picture.

  17. Question folks on tent poles...I've recently bought a wedge tent that I'll use for a few reenactments prior to 09's PiP, and a friend told me what sort of wood NOT to get poles made from, and I'm embarrassed to say I've forgotten what he said. :rolleyes: What types of wood would work best, and not warp in the humidity and such?

    Good old 2x4's from the lumber yard ripped to half thickness and cut to length work fine. I started doing civil war 15 yrs ago in the panhandle and am still using some of the same poles on my wall tent. If you like a more authentic appearance oak or pine saplings that are straight and tall work great as well.

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