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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. You have no idea, I can grind an organ with the best of em. Gotta watch out for the "monkey fist" though.
  2. hopefully I'll soon be available in "fun size".
  3. OOOOH I wanna pet the monkey.
  4. Dolphin is very good batter dipped an' fried too!
  5. His middle name is Nice. But don't remind him, he is very touchy about it..... in a nice way LOL. The name on his calling card is, Captain Bloody Spike Pierce.
  6. I fell for it. But I don't need viagra.
  7. Hmmm.... I wonder what that could be?
  8. I dunno how I missed that, but i really needed that laugh, and am glad I just found it! Thanks Patrick! (lets do the time warp agaaaaaain)
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