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Cannibal Chrispy

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Everything posted by Cannibal Chrispy

  1. 2009 was another great year at the festival. Kudos to Sue King for putting together another fantastic event! Was great seeing several fellow pub members, Mooseworth and his lovely wife looked excellent as always and it was great spending some time with Captain Mickey. Please post photos if ye gots em!
  2. Is it on display? or locked away in the museums stash? Would you have needed a hat block, arent they just to shape felt?
  3. The words I wish to use about this cannot be posted here.
  4. Does this hat look extremely similar to a hat you may have mocked??? Please feel free to send apologies! LOL Now where is my Boones Farm? singing "Flirtin with disaster every day op bop bop yeaaaa"
  5. If you like the pictures wait till ya see the actual piece, It is sooo sweet! I was lucky enough to hold it before it was presented to Captain Sterling and it is absolutely world class craftsmanship. I loved the wood handle, it is much more comfortable to me than wire or leather wrap. I look forward to Matt's future work and hope he continues to do more with exotic woods! Great work Matt!
  6. What a fantastic weekend! The rest o the Bone Island Buccaneers still have 20 some odd hours in the van ahead of them so keep yer fingers crossed fer em. Huge amounts of praise need to be heaped upon Captain Pern the Blackbeard crew and all the associated crews that worked their asses off putting together an absolutely spectacular event, and being excellent hosts... NO REALLY! If you haven't been to this one you are positively missing out on one of the best events of it's kind! Hopefully it will continue to grow, because three days was not near enough time. I really did not want to leave the festival this morning my inner pirate screamed "go back" at me the whole flight home. I need to thank Michael S Bagley and his lovely wife Kate for the stunning new weskit and breeches that made my first P.C. pirate kit complete, AND a big hit with the ladies, "Oooo he's got a Bagley" was heard whispered around a quite a bit, he is like the A Team of clothiers, putting on my best announcers voice "If you have an outfitting problem.....and you can find him..... then you need the B TEAM" da da da daaa.. add cannon fire here. I also want to deeply thank Mama and Pappa Ratzi, Morgan and John from the Sacred Heart crew for letting Rusty and I share their room and for being some of the greatest people in the whole friggin world! I saw too many old friends to mention by name, you know who you are, and I love ya! I made some great new ones, I hope you know who you are! And I will love ya later lol. Thanks to Captain Sterling the Archangel crew for convincing us to make the trip, and the warm welcome and hospitality in their camp. It was great to finally meet pub members, Mr. Tignor, Mr. Mooseworth, Gentleman Scotty and their respective family members. You guy's are really raising the bar for newcomers, awsome kits! What A great weekend!
  7. Happy Birthday!!! Rusty and Chrispy
  8. Heres to wishin ya the happiest of birthdays! I will give ye yer present at FTPFPIP its a tattoo..... of the gate combo! Yarrrrr... Best Wishes! Rusty and Chrispy
  9. Double secret probation. In the event she should kill you, tell her to bleed and gut you instantly, it's best for the roast.
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