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Everything posted by captweaver65

  1. very cute in that tough,heart dripping blood way
  2. Q:Why does a pirate wench need a Y-shaped coffin? A:Because as soon as she lies down she spreads her legs.
  3. HAR HAR HAR funny stuff Crow and Daniel
  4. To The Hesitating Purchaser If sailor tales to sailor tunes, Storm and adventure,heat and cold, If schooner,islands,and maroons And buccaneers and buried gold, And all the old romance,retold, Exactly in the ancient way, Can please,as me they pleased of old, The wiser youngsters of to-day: -So be it,and fall on! if not, If studious youth no longer crave, His ancient appetites forgot, Kingston,or Ballantyne the brave, Or Cooper of the wood and wave; so be it,also! and may I And all my pirates share the grave Where these and their creations lie! R.L.Stevenson Treasure Island
  5. Maudlin, that beautiful!!! ...errr...I mean...AARRRGGHHHH!!! its a right pretty love story
  6. hehe a pirate takes their pleasure where they can
  7. There was a male humpback whale in his prime and he sees a female Humpback whale just a little ways off, and he thinks to himself that he's going to try to impress her... He swims over to her, and breeches the surface, showing off the large hump on his back. She looked unimpressed as she breached and showed a larger more well formed hump herself. Now, a little embarrassed, he tries again to impress her by taking a breath and blowing a huge cloud of mist and water with a really nice rainbow in it. Once again she looked unimpressed and she blew a larger cloud of mist, with a more beautiful rainbow. Now clearly agitated, the Male sees a Navel vessel in the distance and races off toward it. Just before he collides with the ship, he dives, jumps out of the water and as he sails over the bow of the ship, he plucks a sailor off the deck and in one gulp swallows him whole! He swam back to her very proud of himself, only to find the female object of his attentions with a disgusted look on her face... As she swam off she said..."I'll Hump, I'll Blow, BUT I WON'T SWALLOW SEAMEN!
  8. I'm hoping you'll share that new flag with all of us
  9. Jamaica, that is a roit beautiful dragon knot.most anyone I know would be proud to have a design like that on their bodies. :)
  10. hello Morgan La Scylla, I was thinking as I read your various last jokes ,that it might be good for you to read the many preceding pages of this topic,as most of the jokes have already been posted
  11. a pirate went to a bar and proceeded to get veeeery drunk. He fell off his stool and when he managed to drag himself to a standing position, the bartender told him he couldn't have any more to drink. He then fell down again and couldn't bring himself up again. He decided to crawl outside. Once outside he managed to grab the wall of the building and drag himself to a standing position, only to fall down again. He said to himself: "The heck with it , I'll just crawl home, which he did. He got home and crawled into bed. In the morning his wife woke him up and said, " You went to the bar last night, didn't you?" He answered a weak yes. "And you got blind drunk, didn't you ?" Once again he weakly said, "Yes." "And you crawled all the way home, didn't you?" "Yes, but how did you know that?" "You left your peg leg in the bar."
  12. hehe you are just too cute Capt Roberts. if ya want to see what I really looks like,I have a picture posted in the member's profiles section :)
  13. An old retired sailor puts on his old uniform and goes down to the docks once more for old times sake. He finds a little prostitute and goes up into the room with her, draping his sailor suit across the bed. He's goin' at it as best he can for a guy his age and asks, "How am I doin'?" The prostitute says, "Well, sailor, you're doing about three knots." "What's that?", he asks. She says,"You're knot hard, you're knot in, and you're knot getting your money back." thanx Stynky for the cute new piratey angel
  14. well...look at encyclopedia poison quill! now that is information for ya,along with pretty pictures. thanx
  15. I have my left earlobe stretched out to 7/8" I started with just a standard ear piercing and slowly stretched it out to that size over about 6 months time. it hurt some at first,but after it started stretching it loosened up and I just kept putting a slightly larger ring in it once a week. now I have in it an antique piece of horn that I carved into a ring . I also have two other piercings in the same ear and have one ring going through both holes.
  16. mmmm...blood wrestling sounds lovely
  17. thanx Legerdemain, just love to read that kind of stuff.
  18. do it Stynky! that pisser is just the cutest ever-he even shakes it off afterwards. hysterical! now picture him with a cute pirate hat...
  19. well..Azure, you sound like LOTS of fun!!! all except the poison fingernails I am sure we would have a grand wrestle ifn ever we were to meet,as I too have had my share of martial arts over the years. :) I hate being tickled. so.....do you like to wrestle in mud?
  20. hehe I couldn't resist. Azure, I would suggest that you not slap me,unless you want 200 lbs of super horny pirate wrestlin your ass to the ground. as I like a little rough and tumble foreplay,tickling would be much more effective as a deterent.
  21. that is just the cutest pisser I've ever seen! is that a squirrel or a monkey? he is just adorable.
  22. yes,but after the rum don't ya just wanna yo ho ho?
  23. if ya want ta make a less expensive flag that will fly for years,but not be made outa 'period' materials,then thin nylon or for a lotta years wear,use ripstop nylon.fabric stores often sell this fabric as kite material-it is thin, flutters beautifully and will last a good number of years. they also sell a more expensive nylon just for flag making.we're talking 20 years ,no fade,takes the punishment,but you will pay the price for it.
  24. no offence to ye wenches out there. I'm a wench meself on occasion. Q: What's the difference between a catfish and an pirate wench? A: One has whiskers and smells bad, and the other is a fish.
  25. ahoy there Jenny G., just keep lookin around. there are more pages to some of the main areas than what is on the front page. and don't be offended if no one responds to somethin you said,cause many people will read and respond silently,cause some people are shy. :)
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