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Gunpowder Gertie

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Everything posted by Gunpowder Gertie

  1. sittin' on the dock o' the bay...watchin' the tide roll away...

  2. Oi Willy! The party's comin up soon, isn't it? Let us know how it went, Ok, Mate? And if at all possible- post pics! That's another tip- try and have someone around t' take pictures o' the kids for the parents- and yerself.
  3. Oi- I don't think we'll need t' worry about HST on these Gift Exchange gifts, as the value will be far less than what the theshold is for payment of HST. I recieve a lot o' stuff from me neighbours t' the South, and I generally never have a problem with havin' t' pay HST. The last time I had t' pay that much HST was for a sword with a listed value of 300.00. And yes, 'twas marked as a gift, yet it did have that as a value. Of course, should me secret Santa decide t'send me a 300 dollar sword as my gift- why I'd be much obliged, an' happy t' give the money t' the Provincial gov't. Note t' my gift exchange partner... Nay, ye won't be gettin' a 300 dollar sword from meself. I'll be thinkin' it..I just won't be sendin' it!
  4. Aye- I could only vote once yesterday..but today I'm back on the case, and votin' twice. C'mon all you scurvy dogs what has been off to PiP...(and others!) put yer back into it, and get Eye ov'er the top!
  5. Have you voted for Oderlesseye today? I did! Twice in fact. C'mon Mates- countdown is ON! Only 4 days left!
  6. Oi- Crispy- that was touchin' Lad, I'm wiping a tear from me eye, meself... and Beowulf- can't wait t' hear about yer adventures, Mate!
  7. Ahoy James.. I keep comin' back t' that pottery pitcher. I think I need it. And I expect, if ye still have some stuff after Xmas we can come to an additional accord. Just need t' get me swords sorted out first!
  8. AYE! We've been votin' 4 times a day between the two o' us...
  9. Aye- we're behind mates- we've lost a weeks worth of votin'! I've voted 4 times so far meself- tell yer mates! threaten yer enemies! c'mon!
  10. Arrr.if it's a good event... as you well know...it's worth the more than a few hours drive t' get there! Aye- we're picking and choosing our events this year- and yeah, many are far away- but we're adventurous pirates after all!
  11. OI! Looks like Eye has made it to the semi finals! C'mon ye scurvy dogs! Get in thar an' vote fer Oderlesseye! We got 'til December 13th! Vote NOW!! Vote Often!
  12. Check out Youtube for a bunch of kid's songs. Some are from kid's tv shows.. off the top of my head, I'd suggest the one quoted above: A Pirate Says Arrrrrr from the Backyardigans series. They also have a version of What do you do with the Drinken sailor- although it's short, you could add more verses: What do you do with the scurvy pirate? Make him walk the PLANK! also- from a Norwegian but English language tv show- You Are a Pirate! and of course, the old standby: Yoho Yoho A pirates life for me! From Disney. If you have a flag and something to use as a flagpole, you can have a kid's pirate procession, parading the flag as they sing one of the above songs. Now, I do kid's parties almost weekly, so I have lots of experience in this. A couple of tips: Never pull your gun for the kids. Leave it in your belt. This will enhance your "cred". If you have a toy one, this avoids the You're fake! chorus you'll get. I carry a well weathered replica, and it does look real. The parents might get a bit freaked if you are carrying a real flintlock too. The kids always want to know if it's real- I say..does it look real? They say yes- then I say..well- it is real. And they are satisfied. Ditto the sword. Keep it sheathed, and again, I keep mine peacebonded, in case one little powder monkey tries to pull it and attack his friends. It has happened. I do use my sword to cut the cake. I let the birthday kid hold it, and guide their movements. Caution is advised if your sword is sharp. But it really works well- if the kids think it's fake, and then it's used to cut the cake, and it's a real sword..the kids are really impressed! There are all sorts of activities- I like to keep the kids busy with outdoor activities. Tug o' war is a real favourite, and I always find time for that. Ditto sword fighting. I use foam swords, but the balloon idea works too! I also have craft sessions for the days it rains, and I need indoor activities. It's always a good idea to have a backup plan.Designing and making their own personal flags is also a favourite. Making those old style paper pirate hats out of newspaper is popular, and the directions are easy to find on the 'net. There is an version of Tag you can play- called Octopus tag. I of course call it Kraken tag. It involves kids sitting on the floor, waving their arms like tentacles. If they can tag one of the other kid, who are running around, they become the runners, and the taggee becomes the Kraken. I also have a set obstacle course, using boards placed on the ground to walk the plank, as a starting off point, and various other activities. Another tip: Don't tell the kids what's coming next- just arrange the activities to flow. If they know the activities in advance they'll constantly be concerned with what is coming next, and not focus or enjoy what's happening. Also- let the treasure hunt be a surprise! That enhances the excitement. I also have a skeleton that I use to hold the treasure chest. so- when they find the treasure, they have to take it away from the skeleton!.it's an additional surprise for the kids and they really love it! Make your clues on paper teastained to look like parchment. Make 'em piratey but not too cryptic, or the kids won't understand them. I always hide mine in various piratey receptacles...sticking out of an old wine or rum bottle, placed in an old wooden cigar box...in an old brass candle lantern. Make it look as real as possible, and they'll get right into it. I also place coins and trinkets with the clues, so they feel they are getting close to the treasure. Dollar store beads are good as additional trinkets. Since this is rapidly becoming the Godzilla of postings, pm me for any questions you might have! Oh yeah: Jamaica Rose's book of pirates has all sorts of cool piratey activities for kids!
  13. So the last time I found a peg leg on the Arrrbay.. and now I found the matchin' hook! So- if yer in the market- take a look, Mates! What say ye? Real..or not? Real pirate hook...er not?
  14. Ahoy mates- I was watching tv today, and I found this: It's an account of the greatest pirate in Canadian waters- Peter Easton, pirate king of Harbour Grace. He is legendary in Newfoundland, which has a rich pirate history that is seemingly little known elsewhere in Canada. In addition, they have launched a search for one of his ships: W5- The search for Peter Easton
  15. Hmm..Black Friday for the Black Fleet..would that be on the Black Pearl with Blackbeard and Black Bart Roberts?

  16. Ye know ye are a pirate, when as a child, yer chocolate bar o' choice is a bounty bar..cause it's coconut and evokes the feeling of marooned pirates.

  17. Arr! You know it!

    1. LadyBarbossa


      Hehehe, tis a drink ye owe. ;)

      ~Lady B

  18. Woke up at 3:30 am, drove 7 hours to Portland, through snow, ice, wind and rain, napped for 3 hours, went and drank, danced and plundered with the greatest bunch o' pirates, slept 4 hours, drove all the way back...and it was totally worth it! Thankee Mates!

  19. Making the last minute preparations to go to Portland for the Swashbucklers Ball!

  20. Happy birthday Mary Diamond! Hope you get lots of... cake! Betcha thought I was gonna say rum, didn't ya?
  21. Dame Judi confirmed it herself, I believe.I concur on Elizabeth Swann's outfits being better than Penelope's. So far- yawn. And I have NOT seen a good pic of Ian as Blackbeard to make me think he looks great..the one's I've seen so far are side views/back views, and nothing really that looks as fierce as I imagine Blackbeard should look. I'm waiting...I'm waiting..
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