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Everything posted by hellfirehannah

  1. Thanks for the imput it'll come in handy when I actually have some money to add onto my gear. I would sew a shirt or jacket myself if I could sew, but I cannot...though I do have a machine, I just need to learn to use it.*laugh* RH? Reconstructing History I assume? Thanks again for the time. If'n I have any more questions I'll make sure to ask.
  2. And saw a couple of peices of clothing that look like it might work for my pirate gear & I wanted ya'lls impression on them. Basically I would like to know if they would be good for period or not. I think they would be but a second(or third) opinion is always nice. this one & this one. Let me know as I'll seriously consider them if they would work.
  3. Here is mine. Pretty simple unless you go looking at the picture albums, then there's a few to be seen.
  4. I'm currently more Hollywood but am making my way towards the more authentic look. In the end however what I wear will probably be determined by the weather.
  5. Welcome to the boards. I'll take an IBC Black Cherry soda. No booze for me this time.
  6. Really? Well ya learn something new everyday. Thanks for the insight.
  7. I was thinking about replacing the buttons on my coat, I think I might just be able to do it now. Those would lookk great against the blue of the coat I think. I just need to find out how many I'll need, for that and other projects. Edit added, put me down for 50. May need more in the future but its a start.
  8. I haven't had much of a chance to play in character but I do have a bit of a bio and background for my character. Her name is "Hellfire" Hannah Smythe, She was born in Bristol in about 1674 or thereabouts to a man who helped equip the Royal Navy with weapons on board ship.(cannon, boarding axes and the like). She had a younger brother but he died very young. Her & her family moved to Port Royal in 1684 and were subsequently all killed during the 1692 earthquake. During said earthquake she recieved a nasty crack on the head and hasn't been quite right since. She think the rat that is usually perched on her hat or shoulder is her deceased father and talks to him refering to him as either Robert or father. She also considers the rat good luck in finding ill gotten gains. She carries few weapons, a boarding axe, and a dagger are her main weapons(cause hubby won't let me get pistols, or muskets, or well you get the picture). But those she does carry she is very dangerous with. That's about as far as I've gotten so far I'm still working on it.
  9. Thank you Lady B. I'm sure we will run into one another at some point your not that far from MN.
  10. You know I hadn't thought of that. LOL. Its kinda fitting as Hannah is the Master Gunner aboard the ship she sails with.
  11. Potcheen you say? Very well then you shall have it. *hands you a large tankard* Enjoy.
  12. Welcome to the boards. Sit back and stay awhile.
  13. My two cents worth for best are in no particular order POTC Treasure Island with Lionel Barrymore(Drew Barrymore's great uncle) 1934 As for the worst it would have to be The Pirate Movie. It was made in 1982 and was even nominated and won a few Razzie awards including Worst Director, Worst Musical Score, & Worst Original Song. The only reason I know about this one is cause my husband actually owns it.
  14. Morgan & Callenish -Thank you for the welcome its nice to have. Lady Barbossa - I actually do know Mad Jack at least a little.*waves hi at him* I've got a pretty decent pic of him from Minnesota ren fest 07. He's a blast to talk to. As for the rest I'll be glad to meet them at some point, if I haven't already met them in passing.
  15. He actually has his arms crossed across his chest as he's looking out to sea. It would have looked better had I gotten my hubby to pose for me. LOL. But I shall keep that in mind for my next try. Thanks muchly.
  16. Welcome to you as well. Enjoy the pub.
  17. Just basing the shoes on the ones I plan on getting next. Besides they are different than the typical boot, thus more fun.
  18. Rumba Rue No worries about the coin those hnds may be hard pressed to find coin. Robert loves to stash it. Lady Barbossa Thank you kindly for the greetings. Black Anne - My hearty thanks to you as well. Wait I have to buy drinks now? I didn't see that in the contract..but then again I am the new person on board...so one spicy bloody mary coming right up! Enjoy! 'Tis a pub, lass, virtual though it may be, an' the proprieties must be observed. I'll be havin' a Smithwick's, and thank you. Welcome aboard. Ain't it cold in Minnesota? Not natural fer a Pyrate, says I. Set sail for Key West and Pirates In Paradise next week. Bring the wee ones. Smithwicks? Hmm lemme see what I have in my stash...*disappears behind counter to the noise of much rattling of half empty bottles* AhHa!*pops back up with the tap and pours you a large frothy pint* Here ya go!*passes the pint to ya* And though it is a might bit cold, it is home, so just call me a river pirate. As for making it out to Key West, that sure sounds my type of fun though I simply cannot afford it this year, however next year may prove different. Thank you kindly for the invite.
  19. I was playing around with my art pencils last night and out came this poor marooned pirate. I'm normally not very good at drawing people so I'm pretty happy with how he looks. Let me know what you think. All comments are appreciated, and constructive criticism welcomed.
  20. Pirates in MN? We breed what can I say, I have two of my own and the oldest is already learing to say Arrr. LOL.
  21. Whoops my mistake lemme git a different link*sheepish grin* Do forgive the size if its too big. That should do it.
  22. I was afraid you were going to say that. I was thinking I might have to get a custom one done as well but I was wanting to know first someone else's feelings on that particular kit. Thanks so much for your opinion and letting me know that one kit was pretty much it.
  23. I've seen one kit at Dixie Gun Works, but its a percussion not a flintlock. Has anyone else ever seen either kits or replicas for sale? I know this one would need some modification but I'd be willing to make it work and the price isn't bad IMO but I would like to know if anyone else has seen anything different. Thanks for your time.
  24. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...imageID=1308779 This is the most recent pic of me in gear, taken at the Carolina Ren Fest last year. I like my current look but I am slowly putting together something a little more historically correct.
  25. Wait I have to buy drinks now? I didn't see that in the contract..but then again I am the new person on board...so one spicy bloody mary coming right up! Enjoy!
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