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Everything posted by hellfirehannah

  1. D.man- nice looking Maverick mod. If I might make one suggestion. I would lightly sand down where the nerf logo/Maverick name are.
  2. Thanks oderlesseye for fixing that pic. It looked right when I had it in preview mode so not sure what happened. Thanks kindly for the complement.
  3. Been awhile since I posted last but I actually have a look that is finally worth showing off. Basically what I have yet to do is add on a few bits and peices..like a jacket for when the weather gets cooler. As well as some stuff to add onto the watch chain. Anyways...here's my picture. Let me know what you think as I love hearing feedback. http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs009.snc3/11631_1252045585793_1369121513_31043608_4150568_n.jpg
  4. Hearts of Steel is an older series of the Trasnformers universe. It was published in 2006. The images I've seen look really neat.
  5. Very nice items though I can almost guarantee they are well out of my price range...now had I the cash the I would be very interested in some of his wares.
  6. No problem Patrick, like I said it was just a thought. I was re-reading this thread after I posted my previous comment and I saw that smuggled produce can only last so long in steam-powered carriages(I think that's what it said). Anyways so's I wonder how long would they last in an airship...*thinking smugglers using airships*. Also I know in current history that the Chinese at one point were legally banned from entering the country due to a rampant run of xenophobia. Might this still hold true in this timeline? Just kinda thinking outloud.
  7. Had a small thought. How exactly does the Columbia's Revenge get airborne? If it were helium might it be gotten from a mine in KS? The reason I say KS is that the first helium mine was discovered there in 1902 and or 3ish, and I thought it might make a fun bit that KS while being part of the wild lands might also be fought over so as to who controls the mine. Anyways that's my 2 cents worth.
  8. Can't remember if I said it or not but all of you give me wonderful ideas. Keep up the great job on your gear and don't be shy about showing it off, the variety & your ideas on what is Steampunk is great.
  9. Thank you I think she's a doll too. Funnily enough she's easier to buy for when it comes to steampunk, all I have for the boy is a vest, no luck on shirts(yet) and don't even get me started on finding stuff for my husband that's almost impossible. She went with me to her first renaissance festival when she was just a little over 1 and has been to one a year since(mostly the Minnesota fest), so I'm getting her started early. Heck she loves running around in the goggles, I think whan she goes to school all her class mates are gonna call her wierd, should be fun.*grin* As for the 12 week old(btw congrats) start off slow then go from there and see how they like it, that is what I would reccomend.
  10. Don't mind the messy face but this is my lovely daughter showing off momma's very un-modded(so far) goggles and the top half of her Steampunk attire(having a bit of a time finding a long skirt made for that very tall and lanky 3 year old).
  11. What I have so far...the pants are a definate, the shirt is a maybe, depends on how long it takes for me to get the other one back, the hat is staying I just need to dress it up and I know I'm missing a few things. But all feedback is welcome, please let me know what you think.
  12. I would love to have a blade made from this sketch. That being said I know I couldn't afford it at least not in the near future.(design loosely based off and Ancient Egyptian sword)
  13. I thought I recognized at least two people from here on BG, now I see there are a couple others as well. I go as Moonracer on BG, one of my old usernames from before I came here.
  14. So I'm curious to know how many of my fellow pyrates are also on the brass goggles forum? I'm there I just haven't had alot to say as of yet as I'm still getting ideas as this is a rather newish thing for me(new in dress not new in thought). The cool thing about is my husband who wants pretty much nothing to do with my pyrate stuff seems to be interested in steampunk enough to put together an outfit. I think my kids may go as little steamers this Halloween as my daughter has taken a liking to the goggles, that's my girl .
  15. Would The Golden Compass be considered? It seems to me to be steampunkish, though it certainly has its fair share of fantasy elements.
  16. About those shoes from the UK that I found. The latches are 3/4 inches so no cutting down needed.(if you have a st of GOF's buckles) He does take paypal & after shipping to the US, they would probably run about $140 or so(maybe a bit less). The big thing is that the buckles are modern as he cannot find a supplier of period buckles...then again they are (very)hard to find. That and the are not straight lasted. Otherwise when I have some cash saved back I'll probably order a pair.
  17. Michaelsbagley Thank you for the description on the differences on fabrics, it was very informative. MadL, Hmm maybe it means the fabric is treated with something to help resist stains? Maybe its made uphosltry weight by way of layers?Or it could have like a vynil backing too. I did see there was a link for questions/comments maybe you could ask the sellers and see what they say? New linky that may have some stuff you may like. Jacquards and damasks, and some really pricey silk damasks(but oh so pretty) Interesting fabric from same site as the stuff you said was perfect.
  18. Glad you liked it. Now they do have some in smaller yardages I havent seen the chocolate yet but, I did see a nice copper/sage green color. Sage & copper another one Those are the shortest yardages I saw. Hopefully some of those will work for you. I only looked at the brown section not the greens who who knows what else they may have.
  19. Firstly welcome to the pub. Those are nice and the price isn't bad either. I can honestly say I have heard nothing on her shoes. As for them being right for the period I think they'd be close but I will truthfully say I am no expert. You might also wish to check out the shoes here as they are also pretty reasonably priced.(style S3 to be exact)
  20. OK this looks a bit closer to what some of your examples showed. Nice silk damask Hope this helps.
  21. As long as its not Uwe Boll I'll probably be ok with it. Let's see how it goes.
  22. Check this out Maybe a bit to fancy/floral but worth a look. This site has a lot of jacquard fabric which is similar(in my eyes)to a damask.
  23. Honestly if you were up here or I closer to St. Paul I'd suggest checking out S.R. Harris. From what I understand its easy to spend a day out there, but alas I have yet to make it out there. If I make it out there I can certainly look and see what they have, but I do not know when or if tht may be, mayhaps some of the other pub members up here can check them ou?
  24. Asian style designs or more European? I'll look around and see what I can locate. http://www.goodorient.com/Silk_BAsian style brocadesrocade_C551 More Asian style brocades thes are 75% silk the rest rayon. On short notice this is what I was able to locate. I'l look later when I can use the big computer as that is where all of my bookmarks are. Found something interesting, lime green in brocade was period though, I didn't know that. I love learing new things
  25. Welcome to the pub! I hope you enjoy your stay.
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