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Everything posted by hellfirehannah

  1. Hard tack? Cool, I was looking into some of that at one point. I could buy that and be really evil this upcoming season at MN ren fest. LOL. But no I'll play nice. That hanging lamp is very neat, I can honestly say I've never seen one like that before.
  2. Hey Hannah, I likes yer idea and I'll probly incorporate it soons I git some new stuff to add! The broken link may be on yer end 'cause they was all there a few minutes ago. Thanks for checkin out the site. Jim Get yer kerchief yet? Not yet I'll let you know as soon as I do. Glad you like the idea. Should be interesting to see what you come up with next.
  3. Its very easy to navigate, however I do have a suggestion if you'll have it. Maybe add a page specifically for new items? Also I noticed on your page of wooden gear there is a broken picture link. Or at least there was for me. Otherwise I love the site and your items.
  4. I had heard at one point Dreamworks was going to do a movie based on Blackbeard. But that was awhile back or maybe I read that here. Not sure though it could be just about anything.
  5. For a sec I thought it said moron. Nevermind me you can go back to your normal posting.
  6. I do have to admit thatwhen it comes to unique I think Capt. Synn has got it. Though I do have to ask. How many kiddies have you scared away on Halloween? (Though if it were my daughter she'd love ya. She loves pirates of all types.)
  7. Welcome to the boards, just forgive me for being late.
  8. Nah its silver alright quicksilver that is. Welcome to the boards Sarah, enjoy your stay.
  9. Happy Birthday Mickey, have fun!
  10. I've been meaning to go the last 2 years and still haven't made it. Though I've seen plenty of pictures from another friend who has been there.
  11. Well, as it has been rather warm o' late, high 70s t' low 80s, I suppose then that it will be not much at all?!!? For you maybe, up here in the frozen north I think I'll be wearing the full gear coat and all. Were it warmer like where you are(you lucky man you), I'd be wearing a lighter gear, though I'm still attempting to put that together.
  12. Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay.
  13. Well better late than never, welcome aboard.
  14. Here's mine, found it a thrift store. Considering its hammered out and not cast, plus I think its silver, it was a steal. Best 80 cents I've ever spent. Side view of the handle Ok much better pictures. Other one was way too fuzzy. I just realized that Hannah's given last name is Smythe and her father's was Robert, thus the R. & S. engraved on it fit perfectly. LOL.
  15. Those are really pretty. I especially like the one in blue with the red & black highlights.
  16. Welcome to the boards. Please pay no attention to the rat scurryin' around, he doesn't bite...much.
  17. Glad to know some of them might work. I've been looking around for ages and just located these the other day. I figured I'd ask here as I know very little on GAoP calico. GOF - I appreciate the time you'll be taking to look up that info in your book.
  18. Looking at Gentlemen of Fortune's site he has a neckerchief listed as #4 on the list of stuff to get. So I think it might work, but hey I could be wrong.
  19. I was looking around online and found a vendor with some interesting neckerchiefs. They are a lovely calico blockprint but I was wondering if any of them might be fairly close to GAoP style calico. The Silly Sisters You'll have to scroll down a bit to find them but there are several to choose from. Thanks for the time.
  20. Would like love to go but it depends on if we move or not.
  21. 9 oz weight wool is LIGHT!!! Heck a medium weight linen is usually in the 5 to 7 oz per yard range... Most re-enactment weight wool is in the 11 to 15 oz per yard range. Coat weight wools tend to be in the 16 to 22 oz per yard range. That said, lighter wools did exist, I have made a number of garments of lighter weight wool, and LOVE it, specially in the hotter months when most events are happenning. Is your source limited? Or would you be willing to share? I'm always on the lookout for new sources of wool. Its ebay admittedly but it gives me ideas. I also located a lovely heather grey wool at my local Joanns for about 17.00 a yard and have no idea on the wieght per yard I'll have to swing back by this weekend and ask.It did seem rather heavy though, might be nice for fall when MN ren fest runs(as I've yet to make a pirate fest, though I fully intend to change that someday soon) http://crafts.shop.ebay.com/items/Sewing-F...286Q2ec0Q2em282
  22. I got a few things about 50% for my gear or piratey related. A pirate ship necklace A journal with the skull & bones on it. A dress which may or may not be added to my gear. A replica blunderbuss which upon further inspection turned out to be a percussion style replica not a flintlock , oh well...maybe I can get it modifed And the last of my piratey stuff is the newest POTC ornament from Hallmark. Non piratey was more jewlery from both my hubby & kids, and a new winter coat. I think that about covers it though I'm probably missing a few things I'm sure.
  23. Thanks for the pictures Capt. Bo they are a great help. I have to ask what weight is the coat made out of? I am currently eyeballing some 9oz per yard weight wool, but am trying to determine if that might be too heavy. When I started reenacting about a year and half ago, I didn't know how to sew. Now all of my clothes are handmade (except for a few shirts). GAoP clothes, at least working men's clothes, seem like the perfect clothes to learn on. The patterns are fairly simple and the garments are easy to put together. I haven't put together a frock coat so I can't speak to all those crazy pleats, but short jackets, shirts, and slope hose are actually fairly easy now. Another thing you can do is make the first run out of cotton (and if you go to walmart you can find $1 a yard cotton - I think patrick hand has talked about this elsewhere.) if the garment comes out messed up, you can learn from it and it's still fairly inexpensive. It you do it right, you can do the next one in 100% correct materials even better, and you have a natural fiber backup in case of emergencies. Sounds great. Now I just need to figure out the sewing machine for starters then work on hand sewing later....like when the kids are older and not as likely to destroy what I might be working on. LOL.
  24. Ham & bean soup. I feel sorry for those I have to work with in the morning.
  25. Its been snowing all day here, plus its friggin cold and windy to boot. Brr. I think my feet are blue.
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