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Diosa De Cancion

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Everything posted by Diosa De Cancion

  1. Happy happy birthday Mission!!!!
  2. See, maybe you shoulda been there to get it!
  3. No problemo! I work well with the wee ones! Bring em on and you'll have extra hands to wrangle 'em :)
  4. I hope you had a very happy birthday! And let me know which day you are going to Alafia, I'll try to meet up with ya. I work Friday, but am done by noon so could be there at 1, but Saturday would give me all day... just sayin :) It is BY FAR the best shopping to be found over there!
  5. So, here is the Diosa timeline of PIP… Part 1 One thing I want everyone to understand is that I have always looked at PIP as an experience, not just an event… that was evident the first time I went…and frankly… PIP is why there is a Diosa (Yeah, I know, some of you are now damning PIP) 2003 was my first year at PIP, I was there as a reporter. It was the second time I had been to Key West, the first being in August of that year when I got to paint a fish with Wyland on the Marketplace wall, but that is just me bragging It was a 11-day festival that year, but I arrived the 5th day in. Monday was my 'check in and get a hotel room' day. I was staying at the Banana Bay resort, which was one of the venues for the festival where a big party would be held later in the week. As has been mentioned the fest had a number of locations for events, moving each day to a different sponsored location. Monday night was the 'big event', Disney had chosen Pirates in Paradise as the location for it's Pirates of the Caribbean 'Black Pearl' DVD release party. They had the HMS Bounty in the harbor firing at the shore outside Mallory square, Jack Sparrow running around, fireworks and all kinds of craziness. It was really quite the spectacle. They were even handing out 'DVD Release party' coin necklaces that promoted the event. I still have mine! Tuesday I got to take in the first of the literary presentations. It was called "Literature and the Sea,” and was a writer’s symposium and workshop led by authors Randy Wayne White and Norma Miller. It was held at Kelly’s Caribbean Bar & Grill. Most of you likely met Norma this year. If you don't know who Randy Wayne White is, he has a number of New York Times Best selling 'Doc Ford' novels that all have a Florida connection to them as he is based out of SW Florida. Not only did we get to have a little lecture session on writing and breaking into the field, but there was also a writing exercise where I got to have this NYT best selling author critique my work and it was quite the fun experience! There was even a little crush happening, but again…that's a different story, which has been penned for people to laugh at me elsewhere. If you want to read that, let me know and I'll send it to you… now, back on track… Later that day was another DVD release event for the POTC movie. PIP Organizer Julie McEnroe sent me over to the Blockbuster where it as being held and set me up with this over the top, loud mouth pirate for an interview… his name was Hurricane I don't remember what I did with all the rest of that day, but I have a feeling I was doing interviews for other Keys stories, as I was doing a lot of them…. Wednesday I know I went to the "Pirates of the Florida Keys" Artists' & Authors' Reception, Booksignings & Silent Auction at the Custom House. It was the first time I met fantastic artists Don Maitz and Michael Noles, although I doubt they remember it, I was just some obnoxious reporter… That weekend came the Historic Seaport's Pirate Fest & Village Thieves' Market. I had purchased a couple of outfits online, figuring if I am going to play at a pirate festival, I may as well try to dress up a little. This was held essentially over by the Schooner Wharf. There were booths to shop at and wandering performers, and yes, Jimmy Buffet's studio… I will offer a funny little side story here. Buffet was recording an album and would come out of the studio periodically. When I was standing on the walkway talking to Carlton, his henchman, and we were talking about a double rainbow that had been over the water, Buffet came out cussing up a storm at someone on the phone then got off the phone and joined in our conversation about the sky. The rainbows were gone, but I had a picture and showed him on the back of my camera. Then I said I would love to have a photo, specifically to send to an ex who had just screwed me over and would have given both legs to be standing within 10 feet of Buffet, and he obliged. I e-mailed the pic to the ex that night One thing you may notice is that the event had nothing to do with reenacting this year, that came later. It was all about the history, the literature, some pirate fun, and everything was happening at different venues around town. It was a great way to enjoy a pirate event as well as get to better know Key West. After the festival I was hooked. I went home and immediately got in contact with some of the pirates I met… One of them being Hurricane (little did I know a few years later he would be my first ex-captain and first ex-husband, just racking up those 'firsts' eh? ). I joined his crew and after he heard me singing he dubbed me 'Diosa De Cancion' which translates to 'Goddess of Song'. So, there folks is where I got my pirate start... thank you PIP!!! At PIP that first year I met SO many people - Sheila, who has become one of my closest friends, Hurricane, Nigel, Stynky, Bawdy Be, Cascabel, Jamaica Rose, Michael MacLeod, Sully and Olaf who became two of my dearest pirate kids, as well as others I am sure I am forgetting, I heard Rusty Cutlass for the first time… It was an amazing and magical time in Key West, as each year since has been… That's enough reading for you all for now… Later on, we'll look at 2004 and beyond...
  6. OK kids.... enough....(and this is aimed at EVERYONE, including me :) ) This is a 'history of PIP' thread. This is to talk the history... and the way it has been and how it has gotten to where it is. So, let's stop with the judgments and debates over how things can be done in the future. There will be time for that later on. For now, we're just doing a little education. Feel free to jot down notes somewhere on a notepad or something about what you think the future could be and we will look at that later.... But for now, it's this simple. There are two events. There will be two events.... that's that. Again, I am not trying to bitch at anyone, but we are away from the focus of this thread. It's to talk history. And yes, there is confusion, so that's why we're trying to sort out the history and creation of the what has now become two events. We all know there are things that need to be worked on for the future, but you know, perhaps we should just, right now, appreciate the good things that happened at the events this year and deal with other issues later.
  7. Done! Consider yourself invited! You and that Green Fairy! :)
  8. Hawkyns, The Goddess hears you and she is answering :) Remember, my old title was the Goddess in the Bodice :) Iron Jon and Hurricane, I am just going to say you are both right. A lot of what a festival is has to do with perceptions. I could just sit here and nit pick that there are, in fact, retailers, volunteers and history on both sides... but I won't As for the two names....well, there are two names. It's that simple. They are two different events. Registering to vend or whatnot at them go through two different channels...etc etc etc...therefore, they should be listed separately. That's about the crux of it. that way everyone makes sure they are registered and informed about what event they want to go to and have the information they need about that event. I also agree with Hawkyns and Hurricane that we should split this all up. I like the Key West Festivals and two sub topics to discuss them individually. I think that while everyone is used to saying PIP now, over time we can all be reeducated to say what we mean. I do not completely agree that the two events are geared towards 'totally different audiences', but there is enough difference. I honestly love a lot of the things about both events and I will continue to attend both events.... And I would advise anyone who is on just one side or the other to look into the other event, but that does not mean you have to like plastic eye patches if you go to the waterfront or that you have to be able to tie a perfect knot if you head over to the fort :) and NO ONE is to take offense at any of what Hawkyns posted. I agree that he was trying to explain, not incite... The Goddess has spoken...
  9. yeah, but then I am part of the secret and that's way more fun than being on the outside :)
  10. Well, the way things are currently sitting, the two things have been split. Therefore it would be best if people were able to understand the difference between the two... and know which one they want to register for, etc if they want to take part. Then PM me this 2003 'event' so I can see if I know what you're talking about.
  11. Actually, if you recall there was an 'encampment' but that does not mean people were living here (other than Olaf and Sully) we brought all kinds of things out to make it 'look' like a living history area and Sully and Olaf did games and such. But we were staying in hotels. S o that post that Jon referred to is more of a knowing the context thing. It looked like a pirate encampment, but no, no one was living there at night. Then they moved forward from that point. Let's keep rambling and soon I will take all of this and sort out a easy to read (and abbreviated) timeline.
  12. yeah....story of my life.... always end up with the poor or quick to set sail pirates instead of those with overflowing treasure chests who want to lavish me with gold and jewels.... On the history topic, I can't do the EARLY years, but I can from about 2003 on...to sort of talk about how we came to be where we are today. That said... Mission, perhaps the name of the threat could be The history of PIP and Fort Taylor Pirate Invasion so we can start to point out that they are two different things and explain how they happened and how they have become what they are today.
  13. HA! Then you married her off to Sir Nigel! Yeah, the audio has to be around somewhere... I think I probably would have burned those pieces off onto disk or something... yeah, it was that long ago... :) BTW, I do believe we have now officially hijacked the thread from topic... but since I started it I think I have a right to hijack it...
  14. You talked to some reporter, eh? I'm not surprised, you seem the type of braggart a reporter would find easy pickings...but did you talk about the fest or just yourself? (now you have me wondering if I actually still have any of that audio around.... hmmm....) Oh yeah! If I recall, the signs from Pepsi (I think that was the sponsor at the time) were in her car and she left with them. About a dozen of us were out on the balcony of the southernmost hotel drawing and painting the replacement signs for that one! It was the first year we moved to the beach and all the signs were gone, so we made up LOTS Of new ones on sail cloth! :) And yep, that was when I took over the shackles...
  15. Sigh.... ok... while I usually try to leave my flesh as far away from the lions den as possible...... I am going to hop in here for a second. Please, everyone, take a breath and humor me for a post. I am going to try to chose my words carefully, but if I don't, as we all know I am at times a bit brash with words, please do not try to infer the worst out of what I have to say. First, I have a many year history as being a part of Pirates in Paradise and also with the Fort Taylor Pirate invasion, so I think I can speak for both sides... There does need to be understanding that there are TWO distinct events that happen to work in conjunction with each other this year in Key West. The Pirates in Paradise Festival and Fort Taylor Pirates Invasion are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT EVENTS. Do many of the same people attend both events? Yes. But that does not change the fact that there is a LOT of blood, sweat, tears and cash spent on both sides of things. So, I do understand that it may feel like a shot to the people who put so much work and effort into making PIP happen to see all of the credit for making it a success going somewhere else. I have to admit, I would think it was quite stinging if I killed myself to bring an event to life to see someone else be given all the props for it. I think much of this is based on the misunderstanding about the fact that they are two separate events. I know we have been calling them the same thing for a while, but let's do a little re-education and call them by their proper names so people can understand which thing you are talking about. Now, that said, I do not believe Iron Jon meant any offense with his 'civilians' statement. It, I believe, was meant in much the same way that Harry Potter folks refer to those who are not immersed in it as Muggles, and I have heard the 'civilians' term used at many other reenactments about those who are not reenactors. I think that is a very common term used and not thought of as an insult when used within the reenactor community, just a way to define those who do not 'live the history'. That said, I also know Finbar and how very seriously he takes his role as the Admiral of the Conch Republic Military, not to mention other military folks I know who would definitely take some umbrage at being titled a 'civilian'. I just really believe that was a context issue and was not meant to be offensive. I am a little saddened to see where things have been going as of late. I know there are many forces that are causing the wider divide of both events, many of which those involved with putting on the two events have no control over, and stuff that frankly is not for us wee pirates to get involved in at this point. But there are fantastic offerings to be had at each of these venues. I have thoroughly enjoyed the literary offerings of PIP and met fantastic authors and historians. I have a treasured friendship with Sandra Riley and Peggy Hall that I would not have had without meeting them at PIP. I would not have had my massive collection of Don Maitz paintings and drawings of ME without PIP, as well as the Norma parties, End of Hurricane Season (and my role in the Conch Republic), coming in second in the most Buxom Wench contest, the gathering of pirates in that adorable alcove of tables at El Meson and in the past the ability to sing a few big band tunes while dressed in pirate clothes. These are all things I would not trade for anything and I have Julie, Finbar and the PIP cast and crew to thanks for that! Likewise, I also love the Fort Taylor Pirate invasion and the pirate family that has formed there. I had not known that type of thing happened until spending time camping with these crazy pirates from all over the world. I have met amazing people who I look up to for their skills and talents in reenacting. As I mentioned in my blog, standing there, in the darkness, listening to a 150-strong pirate family serving up dinner and having a great time was priceless. As is walking through Fort Zach in the middle of the night under that star-filled sky hearing nothing but the whip of canvas in the wind. And of course there's nothing like a bunch of our voices coming together, singing, in Old Zach's Tavern at the end of a day. Not all pirates are going to be 'double festival' pirates. Some of you will only want to be on the reenacting side. Some will only want to be on the PIP side, and that's great! Key West is all about that! Heck! They pride themselves on being one human family and that goes for the pirate community too folks. As I wrap up, I do not want anyone to take ANY offense by what I have said. Nothing I have written here was written with any malice. I was just trying to point out a little of the misunderstanding that I think is happening.... I really do love you all for all kinds of different and wonderful reasons and I hope that everyone can just step back, breathe and we can start to soften up a little bit.
  16. Thanks for sharing the link! That's a fun video, he was a fantastic Captain Hook!
  17. ok, since I started this thread.... time to finish it.... Here is the rest of my review of the weekend... there are a handful of good pics and also about 2700 words, so get ready for a little read! I tried to mention all the high points, but really were I to do that it would have gone on forever!! Mary Read Blog
  18. That's not the squirrel! That's Jesabel, the rat that stopped by and said hi.
  19. Give Mad Pete more props, the map case went for $70 and I love it :) as well as my new Don Maitz and Janny Wurtz art pieces! :)
  20. Morning all! Time for another update, but I shall likely make it pretty short as I have to get this day underway and there's a lot to do!! Yesterday was the End of Hurricane season party as well as the Conch Republic Military Ball. There were many more pirates in town including Beowoulf who was wearing that blasted damn wig he showed in his 'introductory' pics. I paid for part of a beer to get him to take it off...and he did :) I saw Edward and Silkie who helped to dress me in my Conch Republic Navy Uniform, thanks for the help guys!! Greg was there but passed out on the sofa after the long drive. Chatted a bit with Capn'rob (Dutch), finally saw Cascabel, Braze, Leather back, Dead Eye and Scarlet Jai and I know there are plenty of people I am forgetting to add here... it was a long night :) Drop Dead and Great Scott were in charge of making those hurricane flags go up, and they did! There was quite the fireball at one point and it was fantastic! Well done to the two of them! I was picked on profusely for being in all Navy whites, with my Conch Republic Commission...and I would like to point out that no one picked on Fayma who was also dressed that way... hmmmm I find that unfair.... And today, well I am off to breakfast with Klaus, Salty Sam and who knows who else is gonna show up and then we're taking on a school for a couple of hours to at the least mess up the kids learning process and perhaps teach them something along the way. Then I'm getting advanced fire spinning lessons at the PIP site and tonight it's the most Buxom Wench and Bad Ass Pirate contest. And my favorite moment of the evening was not at the event... it was back at Lily and Edward Okeeffe's condo. they were squirell-sitting Amelia for the day and I let her out to play a little bit. She decided Edward looked like a tree...and lept for him to which he responded by squealing 'OH JESUS!!' in a high-pitched voice much like a little school girl. He claimed it was because he was not expecting her to do that and that he would be fine the next time....she jumped to him again and he squealed a second time, cowering from all 48.8 grams (or just under 2 ounces) of flying squirrel.... C'mon those of you who aren't here yet, get a move on!!!!
  21. Well Hurry up!!!! Aye, we shall, just know I may look like the enemy...so don't fire too quickly! I received my commission as a Lt. in the Conch Republic Navy and am going to try to piece together my whites today... do not shoot :) I am a friendly!!
  22. We'll have to meet up in the next day or so! Where the heck are ya? :)
  23. Ahoy all! I am here starting the annual family gathering we call PIP and have a little info to impart on everyone. First, just so you know, family is already pouring in. Had a FAB dinner with Fayma, Tony, Lily, and Klaus last night and chatted with Jamaica Rose and Michael McLeod (Aka Michael and Christine Lampe) and Powder Keg Paul, saw Mad Dog (no, not M.A.d'Dogge, a different one who is down here every year), First Mate Matt & Sarah but somehow missed out on Liberte doing henna.... hmmm... Today we started set up of the PIP site... now for those of you who are heading down it is important to understand there are TWO PARTS to this event. I had folks asking how this all works....now that I have taken a look - here's the answer... There are both the Pirates in Paradise Thieves Market and the Fort Taylor Pirate Fest. both are happening at the same time, but in slightly different locations. As you come into the Truman Annex area, to the right, where the USS Mohawk is, is where the Pirates in Paradise Village Market is. That has vendors of all kinds, a few period and many non-period, and an entertainment area as well as a big bar and food vendors. Now, the historical area will be further down the road (and slightly to the left, but not too far left or you are trying to go on the Navy property :)) in Fort Zachery Taylor State Park. That is where all the living history folks are going to be camping and there will be pirate entertainments spanning a time line of piracy from buccaneer to wreckers as well as roving musicians, the battles and the ongoing living history demonstrations. Anyways, that's enough typing for now, there are more people heading in to town....we just heard from Animal and he's not far away. Drop Dead and Great Scott are moving this direction. Edward O'Keeffe, Silkie and Galen O'Keeffe are arriving in the morning. So many people to play with so little time!!!
  24. But SOOOO true, in the good way though.. :) This is quite the family that really does jump up and take care of one another when there is a pirate in need. It's wonderful to be a part of it!
  25. I would like an answer to this same question, Great Scott and Drop Dead are bringing all of our stuff down on Tuesday on an unsecured trailer and we would love a safe place to stow it until Thursday..
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