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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. Rev, is short fer reverend, because I am one Sam comes from a wee cousin's inability to say me real name
  2. I came here as I had a friend who was talking about how awesome this place was. So I lurked a couple of days, and saw the love and commitment for all things piratey and I knew I had to join
  3. Aye, tis a lot of good fun, an they have it at both disney's. My favorite part is in th' jail with them three pirates tryin t' bribe the dog.
  4. Welcome aboard m' culley. You'll find this place t' be a right nice port.
  5. Keel Haulin is still me favorite
  6. Thanks for the add! There is another Texas Pirate here as well. D-Day is his name.

  7. Mine is usually rum. Whether straight or a bit of lime juice, I am consistently a rum man. Though on the odd occasion I have been known to put in an eight year old scotch as well.
  8. Hee, more quotey goodness "Don't be a fool and die for your country. Let the other sonofabitch die for his." George S. Patton "Revolutions always come around again. That's why they are called revolutions" Terry Pratchett. "The body is a sacred Garment" Martha Graham I really like the Patton one, as it really shows th' salt of the Old Man
  9. Yarr, I might get a lot of flak for this, but can I say I was a fan of potc's Davy Jones? Likehe's my favorite character in the series?
  10. I myself find meself favorin a cutlass. Given what theatre training I have, I am used to a rapier, but a Cutlass, just has a good feel to her
  11. Living in America (James Brown)
  12. Aye welcome matey (I'll still have a rum))
  13. Both, great quotes guys Two others I like. One a Hemingway "When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen"- Ernest Hemingway "Take everything you like seriously, except yourselves"- Rudyard Kipling
  14. Back to the notion of Cauterization, if we can? Is this just a hollywood notion, or do you think gunpowder would be used for a quick pinch, to superheat and close?
  15. hearing everyone's votin woes with lines, leaves me lucky, that I can early vote. Though our polling places are weird. Hard to find and all. *grumbles* and then there is the creeper pole worker who watches ye vote. I told him t' back off twice.
  16. That is my favorite episode of all time I would have to say. Just seeing that thing look down. *whistles* Makes you sleep with the lights on
  17. Do we mean on how th' spounge was used, or how you would jimmy rig a few shrouds t' a pole to make a squeegee...eerrrr sponge? the baggywrinkle would work as a sponge, i looked at so old drawing on the web and saw that the sponge look like a brisle brush. how would it be attached to the pole? Wound and tacked, I think is the consensus. Which on a ship should be easy, given the supplies a well stocked ship would carry
  18. I voted last week during early voting. But yeah Count me in on the having voted train
  19. Some favs: "Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyways"- John Wayne "Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do, doesn't mean its useless"- Thomas Edison "assassination is the extreme form of censorship"- George Bernard Shaw
  20. Thank ye all fer the merry makin and the welcoming. And surely, a bit of rum will be had by all I can buy fer. More about me, is that I am currently getting my masters in divinity, before that I got my BFA in Theatre Arts, mainly performance (As in I used to be an actor) I love doin improv comedy, an all sorts of things. I have videos if any be interested (Of comedy, nothin more)
  21. Do we mean on how th' spounge was used, or how you would jimmy rig a few shrouds t' a pole to make a squeegee...eerrrr sponge?
  22. I have no garb, completed as of yet, but me boots did come in!
  23. Yarr, I be agreein with ye lads on this'un
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