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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. http://www.youtube.com/user/GuerrillaTroupe If you guys want to see m' improv troupe at its finest....And not so finest. I have a blast doin it either way. Some are funny..well I'll let ye see fer yerselves
  2. Ok best post ever...I want a bunny dream car
  3. I'm workin on my kit as well. Currently I am trying to find either a pattern for a short jacket or a good enough ready made one that I could purchase, as I will (with the help of very awesome people) be gettin a pattern for shirt, an pants. So far it is coming along. An yes, I do have shoes on the horizon
  4. So I just got an early gift from my best friend in Boston (I preformed their wedding) My own cunning hat, that his wife made for me
  5. May you have many more happy years! Happy Birthday!
  6. My question being, when ye really get down to it, especially since we don't like the long walk, how many people on the beach are actually going to tramp back and forth from Fort. to camp, back to the fort or battlefield and then to the camp again? Hell let's turn the event into an immersion weekend and just let the tourists wander where they will.... Could be then a good way to bring in the tourists, for a Fort attackin th' pirates is that something like a rumor be started, cause enough commotion an such in order to bring about Tourists t' watch? You know, something to stoke th' curiosity so that they follow it, an perhaps stay around to see what happens, an immerse where they will in between?
  7. Thanks Brig! I think the only part of that costume I really hated (Besides my molting fur) was the door wreath on my head. Somehow it had gotten broken on the inside, so it was like putting splinters into my scalp each night. When we tried to fix it, it got worse, so I just grinned and bared it.
  8. Its icy here
  9. Ain't that th' best kind o' fun?
  10. You always keep sucking me in. Why does this sound so verra cool and interesting?
  11. Or could do how they used to hunt U-boats. Dress a ship up to look like a merchant vessel, and then drop the facade when they get in gun range
  12. I had always heard Holystones were limestones. I guess I have learned something new today
  13. So basically, bring back the tradition of privateers.
  14. I think though the big governments are apt t' let these pirates continue on, as they are fighting the islamic extremists in the territory. Where the pirates are, the extremists are not. I think that is what I read, but I could be wrong.
  15. T'anks Nell :) Yeah at the wee age of 25, I tend to still look like a baby. Also today I am almost done with my final papers. Tomorrow I am halfway done with school, completely.
  16. Since yer an adult, ye'll need to come and see... but no matter what, NEVER, EVER put ANYTHING around yer neck Oh I'd already planned on doin' so sir. Jus' th' actor in me that gets curious when I see well done stunts like this.
  17. Sterling, do they have a line attached to the back of the noose, from a harness, in order to insure non choke-age?
  18. I'd be wary of the force-tube
  19. I'd say the trouble is not going. Oh an Mission, wouldn't yer tree start t' smell an attract birds with that?
  20. How did you all keep Sterling aloft like that? Mind I've seen an done hangings in the theatre (Henry V), but I don't know how ye all pulled that off
  21. Awesome! Congrats Hon! Verra proud of you
  22. I have a face again, so I feel..younger
  23. Great pics Mission!
  24. Happy Birthday sir!
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