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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. Hey Reverend! How's life treating you?

  2. I know I have told Nell this, but I play bass. I currently have one accoustic and an Ibanez, with a P&J pickups. It has a skull and crossbones on the body, so it is aptly named Pirate bass. Other than that I play a Cigarbox guitar, which works like a Diddley Bo
  3. Well, he already looks smashing in a bonnet...Corset would be the next logical step, aye?
  4. Will be praying about you Rumba! Many great wishes for the surgery and the Recovery
  5. Book has quite a few good ones, though Jayne and Wash tend to be me favorites
  6. I'll say this. From when I had to make leather armor for a play, I don't miss doing rivets
  7. I think the thing I am working on more now is finding a coat to go with what I have already.
  8. Very nice! How long did it take you to make Michael?
  9. That is the awesome thing about Steampunk, you can find a lot of ways to make things work
  10. Jayne, in the process of ransacking Simon's belongings, pretends to read Simon's journal. Jayne: "Dear Diary: Today I was pompous and my sister was crazy. flips page Today we were kidnapped by hill folk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever." ;)
  11. Very nice man! I have a wrench instead of a mallet
  12. There's a smudge in the third one, down in the right sorta looks like a body. NICE
  13. very awesome! Welcome aboard. You'll never fine a more lovelier batch of people about
  14. Sign me up sir
  15. I guess facebook owns all my silly groups and msart then. LOL
  16. Huh, I never caught that bit. INteresting...
  17. I was always a fan of these loverly three, besides the Captain's Daughter.. Shave his belly with a Rusty razor Put him in the bilge and make him drink it And last, but not least Put him in the crows nest and watch him fall down. Lovely methods to insure sobriety
  18. I dunno now, why last time one o' them Rev types came t' visit me in hospital he began t' pass he's hand across he's face then suddenly let out a blood curdling holler, began t' toss buckets o' holly water at me (nearly drown me he did) then he took t' swat'n me with a bundle o' burn'n sage weed while jump'n round like a mad man...next thing I knew he had out he's dagger 'n twas tell'n th' others he had t' "cut th' demon outta me"!! I do naught know what he had in store next, I jump'd outta th' winder 'n kept on run'n, ne'er look'd back!!! ...I think he may have been one o' Mission's medical students he was, he had that 'wild-eye' look he did!! Do naught worry Black Syren, Mad L will watch o'er ye, if that saw bone take t' cut'n on th' wrong limb or pull out one o' them voodoo dolls - I will shoots he'm where he stands!! Then we will gets ye down t' New Orleans 'n find ye a proper doctor! I can assure you Madl, I am quite tame when I visit folks in the hosptial
  19. Those turned out pretty sweet
  20. These look pretty sweet!
  21. Prayers aren't condolences. They are prayers. I am wishin for a great an easy surgery that gets everythign done and then a speedy recovery, because who loves hanging out in hospitals? (Sides them surgeons..o' course.)
  22. M' prayers will be for a speedy recovery and a great surgery
  23. Its a nice start though Brig! I have to say I enjoy the touch the minivest adds, as well as the goggles. I am still trying to piece together goggles for mine
  24. Aye it would. And it is a damned fine hat, if I do say so meself
  25. For me it is Attend and have a ball
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