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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. The faces in the second picture are priceless.
  2. Since it has been asked. I have a few, because well (I am a huge nerd) Anyway here is one of my recent ones, that I think I pulled off rather well Yes that is a Jesus in the background. And another, better shot, I would argue And my other costume, this one made recently, me as a Ghostbuster I look sad, because my proton pack broke
  3. Awesome. Yeah I should be good as this runs through my Spring breakage and I cannot think of a better way to spend it
  4. Oooh I might be in the state around that time
  5. "Captors And Captives: The 1704 French And Indian Raid on Deerfield " by: Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney On Amazon I beleive that is the one... I picked up my copy for $7 from the local local overstocked book reseller, if you have an overstock book seller nearby you may want to check that out. Most of the information from that book was derived from the first hand account written by Deerfield's minister, which is also available in print (but not as easy to find)... I can't recall the author's name or the proper title for that one at the moment. Dutch, if you're paying attention to this thread, this is the book where I found references to Capotes in our period. Exactly. That is the one. I found it to be a great read. A little dry in a few places, but overall wonderful
  6. I am tired, an worn out. UNlike ye fair lads and lasses who got t' go a piratin' this weekend. I was stuck in a rather stressful environment. That bein' a play I agreed to do under one director-who left...and now I am stuck under another one who is by far one of the worst out there. Add my school work to that (Though I be nigh done) and I have a cocktail for bein drained.
  7. Sort of an apropos of nothing, but If you have somethin' funny you have found on yer travels on ye old tubes. By all means place em here. I was just introduced to this: http://www.thingsbearslove.com/ The Girlscouts is me favorite
  8. Oi If there is a steampunky thing going on, by all means I want t' know an try t' attend, if I have th' funds, God willin
  9. There is actually a really good book about this war. I think I still have it from my American history course, but it details one of the Micmac and french raids down on New England, as well as the taking of prisoners. I'll see if I can find it in my study
  10. Oi that is no good. I hope your ankle gets better soon
  11. I being of the south, do enjoy the southern bell sound, when coupled with intelligence, but having had my share of friends in the UK and in Australia, I will say I find those accents, just as delightful
  12. Lovely Pics! I love the one with the guns firing off
  13. http://www.myspace.com/revawesome Here is mine, feel free to add if'n you like.
  14. So if y' have no crew, then th' Mercury is th' crew for you is it?
  15. I dunno about th' New Orleans pirate week, having never been to that one..Fact this is the first I have heard of it
  16. Though I have no real crew to speak of, you can count on seeing me there next year.
  17. Sounds like you all are having quite th' time out there. Hopefully next year I can make it down for the festivities.
  18. Damn our big state sometimes. Though a damned fine crew would be great t' have.
  19. Yarr, I have kin up in th' dallas area, an often go t' scarby an I be a pirate as well. There's a few of us, from th' fair gulf coast.
  20. Happy bday!
  21. I have to admit, I totally stole it from my sister :P But thank you!

  22. Off topic of awesome cutlery I am hungry
  23. That's pretty freakin cool. Ugh I love this show waaay too much
  24. Is that a piratie headset I see? Raiding or head shots? Yaaaaar!

  25. Welcome to th' pub! An its good t' see another person with a stage background (Yarr used t' be an actor meself) I do miss th' stage combatin'. Enjoy yer stay here!
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