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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. Though, not a costume for a con or anything. I am in a Show right now Christmas Carol, which kept me from PiP this year And here are the pics of me. I play the Ghost of Christmas Present Young Ghost Full Ghost Dying Ghost Sorry for the bad contrast and all. This was taken from my iPhone in the dressing room. And I will be shaving the beard this sunday
  2. Australia POTC Braveheart Hunt for the Red October Master and Commander The Big Lebowski The Fountain
  3. An folks wonder why I love the Sea so much
  4. Ba-doom-ching!
  5. Oh we have an accent. Ask RedJessi. She swears I have some odd twang
  6. Th' world is a great an wondrous place
  7. YAY Marion!
  8. yay for both wash and captain tightpants!
  10. PC shoes
  11. That is my dog right there, Sir Dropkick Murphy
  12. Brig, that is awesome. I love Haley as a character. I am currently working on a Jayne Costume (Which I have most everything for) for this spring
  13. I agree.
  14. Fathom th' Bowl Blood Red Roses Hanging Johnny Cape Cod Girls
  15. Thanks Hurricane, I just need to find pictures to go with the visual aspect of my mind
  16. Awesome. Alright I have us up. you can find the group under the heading of Pyracy!
  17. Michael, can we be best friends? I love the Green Lantern, and it makes me happy to see this
  18. Are there any of you all on facebook? I was thinking of making a group there, if you all like. A place to post dates and stuff, incase the forum drops or something. Also another way to add one another as friends in the myriad of social networks that are out there. Good idear? Bad one? Dammit Sam, there's too many bloody mybooks an facepages out there?
  19. William, Awesome Scarecrow mask and Blackjohn. I love the derby.. And I didn't know you did WII stuff as well. That rocks
  20. Yay for all the pictures. Lets me know what t' look forward too next year
  21. Tsh, Dear. Me friends are me anti-drug and me sanity rolled into one. Even if we're on th' bit of the eclectic side
  22. On a slightly funny note, When I get right an proper to the wind, I have been known to somehow sling out a scots accent. A bad one I am assuming, but folks always seem to enjoy it.
  23. I am going to bump this thread, as thre are new pirates like me, a lookin for such things. Also, does anyone have pics of the shoes Zed converted? I am curious to see what he did to them.
  24. But soon ye get to come to Florida and we we go Japenese garden touring, and kareoking, and to The Field where we will have BLACKSMITHS and all will be right with the world! This is true, and this is keepin' me sane at the moment
  25. My Favorite Movies to date Lawrence of Arabia The Great Escape Braveheart LoTR Trilogy POTC trilogy (cringes, but loves em) Master and Commander on the farside of the world Cutthroat Island 3:10 to Yuma (New and old) Elizabeth Elizabeth th' Golden Age Ghostbusters Who framed Roger Rabbit Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Raiders of the Lost Ark Kingdom of Heaven
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