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Everything posted by Rev.Sam

  1. Having done staged combat with Sugar glass, I can speak on its abilities to break easily, and not really cut or hurt.
  2. We send out resumes like everyone else, though we also go through a harder interview process I believe
  3. Sorry for not being around as much or prolific as I have been in the past. I've been busy getting ready to graduate and get out into the job sector, which as ye all can believe has kept me running in circles. Anyway, I am writing to say that the madness is nigh over, an I will be back running amuck again soon.
  4. Lovely!
  5. Very cool!
  6. I guess it is, I could be wrong though. I've never been t' spain, but I kinda like the music...
  7. Yaaaaaaaar!

    So.. you live at the pub too? hehe

  8. Happy Birthday! May yer wishes come ture!
  9. last tyme me"pistol" left a "dark stain" on me shirt....had to go to the Doctors for a shot..... Beat me t' the joke
  10. Thanks, Jessi! I'm really looking forward to Saturday. It'll be great to hang out with everyone again! Haha, yes! You were my inspiration...imitation, flattery, etc. Thank you, Rev. Now when are you coming to an event with us?! Soon I hope. I know I can't make Searle's, but I'd love to come out for whatever be next an all.
  11. No wonder me folks take me out on a boat an yell throw em back before tumping me over
  12. Very cool! I love the look Brig!
  13. See that is what I thought, I've been curious though, as I know some do, do sword fights here and there. Damn me own stage combat history for being intrigued
  14. Yar, but where can ye find a good stage use blade, so if you do re-eact with it, y' don't have to worry for breakage or worse?
  15. I agree. I am jus workin on clothes an shoes, afore I get all fancy
  16. Well the War is over.... The Union of the United States and the Confederacy of the United States aren't exactly on "Speaking terms".... but Governments get funny about that sorta thing..... I figured as much, Sir, I think I might have a character fer, which I have been havin trouble, workin out. Now it all comes clear
  17. This is all still very cool, and something I am actually already kitted for.. An seein how they be pirates, I assume anyone from either the Blue or the grey would be welcomed?
  18. Oooh, Count me in gents tentatively.. I need to hear more a first
  19. Looking at all these makes me wish for the day that I am not building a proper kit, so I can get t' work on me armaments
  20. Sign me up as well, if'n there be room! Awesome price
  21. Gravy here, too :] Staying busy, as always. Looking forward to seeing your costumey stuffs when you get them all finished!

  22. Here's pics of my Cigarbox guitar for those curious as to how it looks/works A screw bridge and drawn in frets That is the Cyclops eye on the top of the fretboard (Named the Cyclops by the maker) The body and yes there are pick ups so you can plug in and rock out too. And that is me, in case people forgot. lol
  23. Having worn one of these, I can tell you they can ride a bit tight on the neck. Be sure to measure correctly before getting one. I've been choked enough in shakespeare, without the help of one of these
  24. Very cool. I happen to be a fan of the vest
  25. Veerrry cool Captain Synn. Verry cool
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