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Everything posted by hitman

  1. The idea was well intended but 1 If you don't already know about global warming your in a coma. 2 Just to power the concerts most likely caused more pollution than I can create in ten years. To sum up my fellings I'll quote a song I'm pretty sure didn't get played at Live Earth..."don't tell me to ride a bus or turn down my thermastat. When your all riddin' round in jets and Cadillacs."
  2. Pear perserves Man now I want a pear perserve and penut butter sandwitch
  3. Silent down here we still call em a trough (quess thats how you spell it) and we don't bother takin' it down river as it is usually an old bath tub or solid concrete. Besides a few tractor or skidder intertubes work better..... long as you don't mind the gators and cotton mouths. For your raft project I'd recomend you make a frame out of 2x6"'s lash in some some platic 50 gallon drums and then cover the deck with 3/4" ply. Since it ain't no permant deal I'd save money and use the cheapest ply you can get. A sail is optional and will most likely be as effective as a fart in a whirl wind but then style may be more your aim on that. Rafting on a lake isn't something I can give an opinion on as most times I've heard of rafting it was on a river so as the current pushed you along. Best of luck though
  4. Aye the delivery on an audio book is crucial Red Handed Jill I have heard more than one really good story ruined by the reader's inadequate delivery. Part of the problem for me is that I buy my audio books in truck stops thus limiting both the selection and the quality of them. I intended to use more on line sources in the future but for now . I have several recordings from librivox and to be honest they aren't bad but some are better than others. I also find that philosophy doesn't make for great audio books. One day I am going to have to read Descartes's Discourse on the method... as listening to it did not leave my slow witted self enough time to comprehend it as completely as I would have liked.
  5. How late do you want to go or should we stick to GAOP?
  6. I must admit that the only book I have "read" as of late is the latest Clive Cussler novel The Navigator. Clive Cussler and Patrick O'Brien are my two favorite authors. Thanks to my maniacal reading style witch could be summed up as to hell with the world and every damned thing in it I am reading damn you. (Witch to be honest is how I approach everything) and my Fiancee's reaction to it. I have become more and more reliant upon books on tape. To witch end I have recently finished the Thirteen Gun Salute by the afore mentioned Patrick O'Brien and A Spectacle of Corruption by David Liss. Both of these books were un abridged and delightful. In abridged form I have also listened to Guns Up, Visions From A Fox Hole, 60 Days in Combat, Terrible Terry Allen, and A Ranger Born. I attempted an abridged version of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein but the reader did such a poor job that I was unable to make it through the rather slow beginning of this classic. I also glistened to a Version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde I have no idea how closely it follows to the original nor if it was abridged but I can say it was VERY GOOD. Oh and I also listened to an Abridged version of Red Storm Rising by Tom Clancy. Mission if you are drawn to Stephen Mautrin as a charterer's some of the books in that series focus mostly on him and his intelligence work. A story aspect cut from the movie. A few of these novels are The Reverse of the Medal and to a lesser extent the Thirteen Gun Salute. The odd couple that is Jack Audbrey and Stephen Maturin is to me the high light of this series. As a fan of both the books and the style in which they were written could you do me a favor and go into more detail as to why you as well as many others find them clogged with detail? Also I would recommend Dewie Lambdin's Alan Lewrie series for a less detail rich and or laden as to your perspective and somewhat faster paced set of novels. I do not think him O'Brien's equal as an author but they are still good.
  7. hitman

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    ^ I always thought Jerry Clower had it right. What we need is Love "Everyone has a plan on how to make the world better but it never involves them doing anything diffrently they are now." Do a better job of loving thy neighbor and worry less about what others are doing. < Learning to not live like a bacholear is hard. Books, the pub, and etc. have been dropped down the list something terrible. oh well it be worth it. V Pass the question
  8. hitman

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yes < One of my great Grand Fathers was asleep in his bunk on the California when HMS Titanic sank. V New question any body rember me lol
  9. Mixing time frames a lot here but there is a case where a bow was used on a hot LZ in Vietnam so the wierd can happen any where anytime. (for those wondering the bow was brought on a raid by a SOG opertive who fired it during the fire fight apparently just to see what would happen. His original intent was to use it as silent way to take prisoners.) I agree that a bow is most unlikely but.....
  10. Well lets see I like the guy that played Louis in Hatari Valentin de Vargas. Red Buttons has a bit to much of a part in the movie (Pockets) to qualify for this list I imagine as does my favorite all time charchter actor or at least thats all the roles he got in American cinema Curt Jurgens who played the co star in my all time favorite movie The Enemy Below.
  11. Pack and a half a day of Cowboy Killers (This can ballon to 2 packs a day if I am tired stressed or drunk.) Cigars on occasion and the pipe when I am at home.
  12. I wish I had in my possesion the words to express how sorry I am for your loss as a mere "my condolances" seems so hollow. Yet that and my prayers are all that I can offer. May you find peace at the other end of this tunnel Lady Snow.
  13. hitman

    ^, <, V

    ^ Sweet Potato suphlet???? < Listening to my new girl friend try to control her three year old from 1500 miles away/typing with onehand is hard V bored or no?
  14. hitman

    ^, <, V

    ^ Christmas in Killarney (bing Crosby < Wonder if I'll make it home this weekend V Metallica or MotorHead?
  15. hitman

    ^, <, V

    ^ spare bedroom (junk room) < Misses home V What do you miss most
  16. hitman

    ^, <, V

    ^ Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men would be nice < Wonders why he bothers to make plans V Would you say Mad Matt is Obssesed with Metallica
  17. Can't say as I have but looking up the lyrics I can imagine why
  18. Patrick No worries mate. False Ransom My hat goes off to drivers like your husband. I would hate to be a day cab driver (I used this in a more generic form so if God forbid your husband has a sleeper on that truck my apologies.) Also if I am not mistaken the word you are looking for is Yachts (Although I'd never advise you to take spelling advise from me this one I rember because of a Jerry Clower joke. "Them ya-chets was tied up in the harbor." Did I ever mention I was southeren LOL) Mad Jack Best of luck with the reversal. I work in pretty much the opposite way but if it ain't you...... I once read part of one of those relationship books by the guy who wrote Men are from Mars ( Man I can't belive I admitted that.) He used an analogy that went something to the effect of men retreat into a cave and stay there. I disagree I LIVE IN MY CAVE. It's really nice the stero rocks, the book collection is piled high, got a big screen for the UGA games, computers fast, and the paintings on the wall are of old cars planes and ships. Please feel free to visit but don't mess with my tools Jessie K TY
  19. I have so little to add to this it almost seems worthless to contribute but to be honest that has never stopped me before and it is how we learn so, As a historical source for science and geological history the Bible does indeed seem to have many problems. (This much has been oft noted thus far.) However as a record of cultural history (wars, engineering, etc.) I have several times heard it said it holds up as well if not better than any other source from ancient times. Should this seperation be made if not for the purpose of this debate (witch I would be sad to see happen) then for the root question itself. Or am I being too nit picky?
  20. Can't rember what I put for the answer last time but here goes. Mine is the third national flag of the CSA with the red stripe reduced and a skull and cross bones placed in the center. As to what it means well I am a pyrate from the deep South and really wouldn't have it any other way. It is I admit some what obvious and I have yet to change it as well.... I like it. I still some times wonder if anyone here puts their own meaning and or feelings behind my avatar and come up with a lesser few of me. Odd that, as for the most part I could care less but I would feel bad if it led to some one feeling hurt and or less than welcome. ........... ?????????
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