Thieves Market
Items & Services FOR SALE, TRADE & WANTED.
2,250 topics in this forum
- 59 replies
Well, you asked for them, you got 'em! The first six Golden Age of Piracy patterns from Reconstructing History are available for preorder. You can find them here: Reconstructing History Patterns
- 1 follower
- 67 replies
Someone asked me where to buy PC stuff and darned if I could give her a direct answer. So I plowed through the threads here looking for a list of vendors and came up with a bunch. Note that I am not including fabric vendors or anything related to sewing - methinks that really belongs in the new forums in Pyrate Craft now. General Black Hand Trading Company - Consortium of craftsmen who make pirate and nautical items such as hats, tools, ditty bags, etc. Fall Creek Suttlery - focused on Civil War period G Gedney Godwin - an 18th C. Online Hypermart - Clothing, Gear, Musical Instruments, Medical Instruments, Shoes, Hat &c. Goosebay Workshops - C…
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
Ahoy! I have a XL and a Med 100% linen shirts for sale.... All hand sewn with linen thread, Period pattern/shirt on the square... Priced at $100 each (plus shipping) I can sew up other sizes if asked, and em not rushed Please contact me with any questions.... thanks! Halfpint
Last reply by Mary Diamond, -
- 386 replies
Over the years there have been many contributions to this topic, proving that one can create an all original design with a little effort and the help of others. In the interest of making it easier search through the designs posted here, I offer a cross section of designs as a sort of flag registry. I'll keep adding flags to this first post, so that people can see what's out there in the pirate community. I started the topic years ago with my own design I refer to as the 'crossed pistols'. This was for my own fictional character 'Redwake'. Capn Enigma Captain Galvin St. Paul Half Moon Marauders Captain Alva Long Tom's two flags Siren Song Sheppe…
Last reply by William Brand, -
For those who are in the market for shoes, both Practical Goose and Loyalist Arms are close to offering us a period shoe. I've actually held the Practical Goose prototype in my hand. Loyalist has promised to send me pics as soon as they have theirs. So, if you are in the market for shoes, keep saving those pennies. You've waited this long. Now the wait is almost over.
Last reply by Capn Bob, -
OK... we have a thread in Rabble Rousing about posting a picture of you in your garb..... but now we are discussing other garb subjects..... Cheeky Actress's stays look great.... and we have been discussing many aspect of them..... but You in your Garb should be for posting pictures of...... well... You in your garb.... not other (garb) stuff) So I figured we needed a thread just for how you made parts or all of your garb.... AND FOR BOTH THE HOLOLYWOOD AND AUTHENTIC PYRATES...... if it is nessicary for another thread for authentic pyrate garb.... heck... we can do that in Twill..... I figure that period stuff is good information for Hollywood Pyrates... and sewin…
Last reply by mcdrago, -
- 1 follower
- 184 replies
Rough Guide for those interested in Pirate Re-enacting First off, if you can sew… you can make your own clothes. But first you need a pattern. There are some basic patterns on my site Gentlemen of Fortune You just need to decide what you want to make them out of (hemp, linen, fustian, silk, wool) get the patterns and start sewing. If you have money to spend, you can find folks to make the stuff for you. The problem here is that for our period, I don't think that there is anyplace (or any website) where you can go and, with a few clicks, get your early 18th (or late 17th) century pirate stuff. Most folks that I know that make correct stuff do it in addition to t…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 243 replies
Check it out all! # 4923... it's meant to look Sparrowish... but, after looking at the pattern & a couple reviews from a PotC Costuming chat list... it's a grand buy! Pretty close to 18th c pattern cuts, even looks like a fall front breeches! Yes.. BREECHES! Not some silly drawn string pants or something that is not really all that period. I'd imagine that you can make it also fly front. Pattern includes a frock coat, waist coat, shirt, breeches & cravat. Available for adults & kids.
Last reply by Jack Roberts, -
Shoes! & Boots! 1 2 3 4 6
by Mary Diamond- 125 replies
As a follow up to my Reasonably Priced Buttons , I humbly offer Reasonably Priced Buckle Shoes and Leather Bucket Boots. My Ladies Size 9 buckle shoes (I wear an 8.5) Available in Black, with Silver Buckles, a trial pair were worn by an Archangel crewe member for an entire long weekend at a juried event, with no complaint. Quality construction is of Faux Leather (that is to say, polyurethane, commonly used for low cost and costume shoes, such as those from PayLess Shoe Source). The shoes feature a dress tread (moderate traction). Available in Men's Sizes S 8-9, M 10-11, L 12-13, XL 14, and Women's Sizes 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (the same shoe, just sized accordingly). The…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 246 replies
I just plundered what is to become our parade float on Ebay for a whopping $27.51 for the hull you see below and the trailer! You'll have to use your imagination here quite a bit, but picture this humble little wreck below painted black with red trim, and the guild name on the back, painters canvas sails on a PVC mast, remove the winshield, strip the inside down, add a poop deck with a railing to the back.... It's gonna be quite a project to convert it, but it should be fun. If anyone has any suggestions I could use lots of ideas and advice!!
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 45 replies
Ok, since we have folks in the know.... I'm wondering where a person would look to buying a working replica cannon?? What would one look for a correct GAoP model? What kind of $$$ are we talking? I'm sure there's some good pics out there!~!! Thanks in advance! Rats!
Last reply by Graydog, -
Pirate Swords 1 2 3 4 9
by Capt. Flint- 205 replies
I was looking for a fairly good pirate style cutlass to use at reinactments. I have found several very cheap pieces that will not stand up to even stage combat. I also found a few somewhat expensive pieces that will. ie.... museam, replica... I was hopeing that mabye someone knows where I can get a fairly good blade, that will withstand the rigors of stage fighting on a beach, for a fairly good price. Thanks... The Capt.
Last reply by Benjamin Hornigold, -
- 1 follower
- 100 replies
OK, we all need BUTTONS! But the fact of the matter is, buttons are expensive! Especially when you require them in the quantities we are talking about. And that is after you have paid for your linen, wool, hemp, braid, shoes, hat, belt, weapons ~ really, buttons are the last thing many of us want to sink a lot of money into. But a good button makes a difference. What would you say to a good looking 1 piece cast metal button (see below pic, buttons on the left), priced at a mere $0.25 each? These buttons are located at a factory in Italy, and I am considering puchasing a wholesale lot, but will have more buttons than I need ~ Interested persons should contact me directl…
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 163 replies
How many on the list shoot a flintlock rifle, musket, or pistol? Capt. William
Last reply by Cascabel, -
- 64 replies
In case anyone is interested, there is a sale going on from Fugawee. It's not listed on the website but from Jan 5th through Feb 20, all shoes and boots (in stock only) are 20% off. The brocade shoes are not included. I tried, lol
Last reply by sutlerjon, -
- 20 replies
I have quite a few different things offered for sale. These brass pieces are not mass produced; my fiance and I do all the model carving/creating, mold making, casting, and finishing of these pieces. Original Design Hat Band This hatband is made of 2/3 oz leather dyed dark brown. The buckle is lost wax vacuum cast in solid brass, antiqued, and aged. Band is hand stitched to buckle with heavy linen thread. You won't find this hat buckle anywhere else! Hat band is 7/8" wide and 31" long (can easily be trimmed to size) - buckle is approximately 2" wide x 1-3/4" high. $45, shipping included. Barbossa Style Hat Band Replica of Captain Barbossa's hat buckle. The hatband …
Last reply by BeatrixKovacsRobertKovacs, -
Not to be confused with arse and all. Here are a few of my happy acquisitions. My bearded axe made by a man named Wolf. I carved the knotwork in a rough celtic style to give the axe an overall antiqued appearance. Here is a detail of the same piece. These are two of 8 knives that I have acquired from my friend Big Mike. The smaller "Trade Knife" is my most recent addition. Drat I spelled arsenal wrong.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
I thought this would be a good idea for those who want to clean out there pirate chest and offer up some of their previously loved items.
Last reply by Stynky Tudor, -
- 43 replies
Ahoy, Mates. Been a while since I've been on here(Getting involved with a different type of costuming and weaponry, mainly one that involves cowboy hats and sixguns.) Anyhow, with POTC II out, my interests is coming back around to pirates. My brother wants and likes to build his own muzzleloaders, so I've asked him to help me make a shooting replica of Capt. Jack's pistol(I know you can get a replica, but I don't like wallhangers,if it don't go bang, it's no good to me). The main thing I need help with are some good pictures to figure out the barrel, lock, stock styles, and also the sideplates and butt cap, plus the dimensions of the pistol(I'm wanting the one from th…
Last reply by Mission, -
First .... lets kep the hats in this section. There is no need for the administrator to start a new section. On that I am in agreement with you Stynky Second.... When applying oil to leather. Specifically minks oil or other made for leather oil, I was speaking of how the oil will help soften the leather enough to make it easier to work with. Lastly and for the final time... The hat I am refering to in Chivalry Sports.... Is listed and described as a FELT hat that runs $29.95. It is listed as FELT and can be shaped or cut down to the brim size and shape that you may like. This is the hat I bought and used. It works well and is very easy to take care of…
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
Okay, yes I've seen SCA Boots. And yes, I looked for a similiar posting in Plunder, to no avail. I was sure I'd seen a post before, but here goes, I've got $$ coming back from Uncle Sam, and after I spoil myself with a new computer (imac g5 it's sooo sweet), anyways I need a pair of boots. Where would you scurvy dogs suggest I go?
Last reply by Bright, -
- 50 replies
I was wondering if any one had some recommendations for either good pictures to inspire garb, or knew of some very good patterns. I had picked up some Simplicity patterns (their colonial costume patterns) and with a bit of altering I found that they worked ok, but I was wondering if there were any other suggestions?
Last reply by Schehezerade, -
Period Sandals 1 2
by Animal- 39 replies
My wife and I a re looking for some periodish looking sandles. Boots tend to be hard for me to fit and custom made ones are out of my price range. Any Suggestions? Animal
Last reply by MadL, -
- 35 replies
Ahoy mates! Does anyone know of a place where I might buy a black rosette cockade to adorn my tricorn? I have seen several sites with hats for sale, such as Jarnigan, Jas. Townsend, etc., but I'm looking for somewhere that will sell me just the simple round cockade with a pewter button. I wonder if there is anyone out there who makes them? Heck, if I had a pattern or some instructions, I'd try making one myself! Anyway, if anyone can help, I'd be obligin' to ye!
Last reply by Swashbuckler 1700, -
I be wonderin' where a self respectin' pirate like meself could be gettin' a new pirate costume (online, or somethin' that tells me what kind of material to make mine outta) I be lookin' for the Captain Look
Last reply by Cracked Carrie,