Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
1,623 topics in this forum
PoTC 1
by JohnnyTarr- 8 replies
The one I want to know about it the first one we see. You know the one he makes his grand entrace in. To me it looks like a rowboat with a sail. Is that an accurate discription of it? I would like to figure out just how big that boat would have been and if I can get plans for it.
Last reply by HarborMaster, -
- 0 replies
The Toys R Us here in Texas have the Game on sale and on monday the price will be lowered to about 10.00 this game was originally 40.00 so if anyone wants it call ahead and make sure they have it and get them to give you a price as not all the stores will have the same sales.
Last reply by Black Syren, -
The Kraken 1 2
by The Doctor- 25 replies
Probably no legendary sea monster was as horrifying as the Kraken. According to stories this huge, many armed, creature could reach as high as the top of a sailing ship's main mast. Kraken's would attack a ship, wrap their arms around the hull and capsize it. The crew would drown or be eaten by the monster. What's amazing about the Kraken stories is that, of all the sea monster tales known, we have the best evidence that these are real. Early stories about Kraken, from Norway in the twelfth century, refer to a creature the size of an island. Even in 1752, when the Bishop of Bergen, Erik Ludvigsen Pontoppidan, wrote his The Natural History of Norway he described the Kra…
Last reply by Cap'n Pete Straw, -
- 11 replies
Just a little heads up for all you classic pirate movie fans - Turner Classic Movies will be playing Captain Blood (starring Errol Flynn) on Monday, July 31st in the evening sometime.
Last reply by Capn_Enigma, -
- 0 replies
If you like Ween, then you might like this T-shirt. Hell, even if you aren't a fan of Ween, you still will probably like this shirt... Ween shirt
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 5 replies
AHOY!!! The Seabeaver just got back from a pretty intense battle against a rival group of pirates the other day. Come and check out our latest pirate adventure "Stripe Shirts" to see the event unfold yourself.
Last reply by Gentleman of Fortune, -
North County Times:NC TIMES ENTERTAINMENT C+ "Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest" Starring: Johnny Depp, Keira Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Bill Nighy Director: Gore Verbinski Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Rated: PG-13 (for intense sequences of adventure violence, including frightening images) 'Pirates' a long, noisy sink, but Depp brilliant anyway By: DAN BENNETT - Staff Writer The cool splash greeting visitors on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland has for nearly 40 years been welcome relief on blistering Anaheim days. With the two POC films so far, the splash is a typhoon of blow-them-away spectacle, spitting on …
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
- 7 replies
Can anyone help me out? I am looking for an old issue of No Quarter Given, the November 1994 issue (I think that's the one). I like the cover art on this issue, it depicts a pirate in a flat brimmed hat holding a spyglass. I collect the various covers for the magazine. This issue has been long out of print and I can't get it anymore without buying a whole collection of back issues, of which this one is a part, and I don't need the whole collection. Could anyone who has this old issue scan the cover for me? I don't need the whole magazine, just the front cover. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Last reply by Captain Midnight, -
- 2 replies
I found Don's 2007 pirate calendar in a Books-a-Million in Dallas today. WOW WOW WOW!!! I love to see his new artwork and some of his classics together. It's nice to see him get more exposure... good work Don!
Last reply by Sheila, -
- 17 replies
Looks like Disney will be able to keep folks employeed for awhile longer. POTC2 has broken all records with it's three day take. $55.9 million for Friday Over $100 million for Friday AND Saturday And they expect it to be over $132 million by tomorrow. Yo Ho is right.
Last reply by The Doctor, -
- 7 replies
Being as I'm at work and bored witless, I went surfing around the net and found this gem.Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Game Now, I know there's an online version coming out here soon in the not too distant future - but I didn't know you could play a Multiplayer Game on your phone!
Last reply by Rogue Mermaid, -
- 12 replies
Greetings everyone! For anyone interested, I'm posting my review on the POTC Ride Rehab here. If you don't want to know the details, don't scroll down! V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V So this morning we decided to make a brief tactical excursion into the Magic Kingdom at WDW to peruse the enhanced POTC ride. We knew the park would be mobbed, with today being the 4th...but it was worse than mobbed, it was murderous! Luckily we got into the park just as the mid-day parade was going on, so it with some quick maneuvering we ducked the crowds and made a beeline for Adventure Land...coolest spot ever! The first thing that hits you when you ente…
Last reply by Christine, -
- 0 replies
Over at the Megabloks POTC site they have a freakin' hilarious little short film made with the POTC Megabloks figures. Anyone who's watched the original "Pyrates" short film on their site for their original line of figures knows that they do a heckuva good job using the figures and sets for stop-motion shooting, combined with some decent cgi stuff. Just click on "Toy Animation" on the index page, HERE. Fwiw, we got the Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones sets for my son in Publix of all places! We entered the "goody" codes but they didn't seem to do anything. Anyone else having problems with 'em?
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 36 replies
This was posted in the_gspot Geoffrey Rush yahoo group: Don't know if it's authentic but it seems like it is. I sure hope Disney comes with a REAL big cheque, POTC3 must come :)
Last reply by Mission, -
- 4 replies
It appears France is good for somethiing after all. Great Short Film
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 15 replies
There is a little lightning fast bit at the very end of the movie after the credits. It's not terribly important to the story if you don't want to wait it out, but it's good for a chuckle.
Last reply by BuxomAnnieScarlet, -
- 2 replies
Huzzah! The Black Swan is finally on DVD! (unless it has been for some time and I'm the loser who just found out) Anyway, you can order it or read more HERE.
Last reply by JoshuaRed, -
- 0 replies
Defeat in the single player mode mighty computer pirates or fight fierce sea battles with up to three enemies in this game for your mobile phone. I become a pirate and Its free to download just follow this link.
Last reply by layceebaby, -
- 1 reply
All my PM"s to you keep bouncing back and your email address here does that same. I have news for you.... CONTACT ME PLEASE!!
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 0 replies
Found this online, it's mp3's of an old radio show, Afloat with Henry Morgan. Serialized pirate fiction at it's best (or worst perhaps, I haven't listened to it all yet). Naturally I thought of the hearty mates here might enjoy it.
Last reply by Themarko, -
- 79 replies
Via the"Fore Topsail" from author James L. Nelson newsletter: "The History Channel will be airing a show called Real Pirates of the Caribbean on July 9 at 8 pm (check local listings. I’m not sure what that means, but that’s what people always say). The documentary will cover the true history of piracy in the Americas, and features commentary by a number of well-know pirate experts, including James L. Nelson. In an effort to explode the myths of piracy, the authorities were placed on a set dripping with every pirate cliche in the book, including but not limited to rum casks, chests overflowing with jewels and coins, and sundry cutlasses and other weapons. Despite that min…
Last reply by Red Maria, -
- 1 reply
Well mates, I am recovered from seeing POTC II at the El Capitan Premiere. I had a blast as I'm sure all of you read in the other POTC II threads. A special treat was the costume contest with participants selected by the suits of the theatre. Meself and one of me mates were selected. We didn't have a monkey's chance as there were many great Captain Jack Sparrows, of which one took home the prize of the new Handheld game. All participants of the contest received a World Premiere embrodired POTC II baseball cap which was quickly added to my collection. Then a raffle was held for an autographed poster and another one for Disneyland tickets. Alas I nor anyone I knew w…
Last reply by Christine, -
- 26 replies
I hope for some of you that you are going with enough people to take over the theatre. I myself will not go to see this movie until it has been out for sometime. I hate going to the theatre anymore and will only go for a special movie. This is one of those special movies so I will go to a theatre to see it, but not now. Not until the movie has been out so long that the theatre is almost empty. People don't know how to shut the f$#% up. People don't take care of their refreshments or restroom going before the movie starts. People don't come on time. People bring their unrulely children and screaming welps. People push against the back of your seat. People don't turn off …
Last reply by Mimi Foxmorton, -
- 4 replies
After all, it's all about the food. Here's our Commissary menu for today. Davey Jones Corned Beef Hash with Two Eggs Any Style and Hashbrowns Acorn Squash Bisque Gazpacho Caribbean Seafood Chowder Chicken & Roasted Plum Tomato Gazpacho Pirate's Chicken with Coconut Burbank Special #1 Real Hot Dog Deal Black Pearl Chili Cheese Burger with Spicy Fries and Large Fountain Soda Captain Barbossa's Baked Pasta Meat Lasagna with Garlic Bread Caribbean Shrimp and Mango Pizza, Cheese Pizza or Pepperoni Pizza Made to Order with Choice of Toppings Pirate's Booty BBQ Ribs or Turkey Leg Served with Captain Jack's Roasted Corn PROTE…
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 1 reply
By JOEL SIEGEL July 7, 2006 — I'm so happy this morning. I've got a birthday present for everybody. No, it's not your your birthday. It's my birthday. I'm three days younger than America. And the present? The best summer movie of the summer. The only way I can imagine a better summer movie is if Steven Speilberg and Harrison Ford get "Indiana Jones 4" done before Labor Day, and that can't happen because they don't even have a script yet. "Pirates 2" is that much fun. Here's what makes a great summer movie: Action — lots of action. And the action here is virtually nonstop. The special effects have to be special. But even with all that, movies are about characters, ne…
Last reply by Rumba Rue,