Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 18 replies
OK, it says partially confirmed and the black beach bit is true as we have the pics so.. Another thought, it's said that Jack's dad was the one Calypso fooled Davy Jones with and Tia Dalma is his Calypso in human guess is Tia Dalma is Jack's mum as she has the dreadlocks, might be why Jack has them and they go way back he said. Lastly, Tia's resurrected Barbossa and obviously has a hold on him for some reason or way because after being cursed for ten years and finally being fully back alive, hell no he wouldn't go into purgatory freewillingly to save Jack..hell no! I hope it's ok to post this otherwise, i will remove it immediately :) This script stuff is sai…
Last reply by Captain Striker, -
- 0 replies
Has anybody tried makin the AWESOME pirate ship cake THAR BE CAKE on the M&Ms POTC site? I did this weekend and it came out jolly good!! I'll post a photo after it comes back.
Last reply by Captain Tito, -
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I heard Gail being interviewed on the radio last weekend, forgot to see if anyone else heard it too. You can listen to it here: NPR: Buccaneer Trends and the Truth About Pirates (Gail Selinger, author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Pirates, offers her insights on what's fact and what goes a bit overboard.)
Last reply by PirateQueen, -
- 0 replies
Hollywood likes Colonial woman's story By Shawn Regan THE EAGLE-TRIBUNE (NORTH ANDOVER, Mass.) HAVERHILL, Mass.β Several independent moviemakers and scriptwriters are interested in bringing controversial Colonial heroine Hannah Duston to the big screen. Scott Baron, CEO of Los Angeles-based Dynamo Entertainment, a new filmmaking company that seeks to produce as many as five low- to mid-budget movies per year, said his writers have already started developing a script about Duston βto see if we can do her story justice while creating a moving and exciting film.β Duston made history March 15, 1697, when she was kidnapped by Abenaki Indians, who killed her infant daughte…
Last reply by Story, -
- 4 replies
For those that miss it, check out 22nd August around 3:30PM. They're playing the ROGUE'S GALLERY CD. High Barbary music & lyrics: Traditional Look ahead, look astern, look the weather and the lee, Blow high, blow low, and so sailed we I see a wreck to windward and a lofty ship to lee A-sailin' down along the coast of High Barbary "Are you a privateer, or a man-of-war cried we?" "I am a lusty pirate ship come lookin' for my fee!" For broadside, for broadside, we fought along the main, Until at last the frigate shot the pirate's mast away With cutlass and gun, O, we fought for hours th…
Last reply by Cire, -
- 3 replies
If you REALLY need a great laugh, then check it out... just make sure you do NOT have food, water or ANYTHING in or around your mouth, below your head or within fist distance... it's that hilarious, folks! Jerry Frog Productions PotC:Dead Man's Chest - puppet version I'm serious about the food, drink or anything bit. Guaranteed you will be hurting, folks... it's that hilarious. ~Lady B
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 0 replies
I found this website the other day and thought ye might be interested. It has some of the more common pirate images including several of Howard Pyle's, maps, and pirates just having fun. Enjoy
Last reply by "hellfire" Marie, -
- 0 replies
- 270 views ARRR, MATEY: PIRATES AND PIRACY WED SEP 6 2006 - WED OCT 25 2006 Avast, me hearties! We have charted dangerous waters to bring you this flotilla of films, from classic swashbucklers the likes of Michael Curtiz's The Sea Hawk, Jacques Tourneur's Anne of the Indies, and Alexander Mackendrick's A High Wind in Jamaica, to a strange brew of post-piratical features like Vincente Minnelli's The Pirate, Ulrike Ottinger's Madame X, and E. R. Nelson's The Pirates of the Great Salt Lake, each a broadside to the hull of the USS Hollywood. The recent rise of Pirates of the Caribbean has left us questioning just what kind …
Last reply by Story, -
- 5 replies
In other post . there are others that have read the book....but I never have.... hey, I've seen the movie... I've read the graphic novel version.... but not untill now. have I read the "real" book........ HEY... if you haven't read it yet... (or seen the movie kinda thing...) do yourself a favor, and read the book....... dang... fun adventure.... and the original is sooo much more fun...... OK... so you know the story...... the read of the original is just soooooooo much better...........
Last reply by LongTom, -
- 0 replies
So I log'd on to play earlier this week and noticed you can now have a pet to follow you around or wander around your home. Everyone (providing you have done a certain mission along the way) gets a pet rat. From there you can go to the palace market and buy something else. Either a small cat, dog, pig, sheep or big elephant. You have the choice of colour. For a wack more cash you can get a big cat like a tiger, lion, white tiger... all very cool. Of course I desided to get my pirate a cat. The 'tabby' colour is only orange. My silver tabby Higgins (one of my RW cats) may have something to meow about that. But I did get an orange tabby and named him Magnum (my …
Last reply by William Blydes, -
- 6 replies
Ok, I really shouldn't have thought that this was as funny as I did. This is a ninja giving his review of the Pirates of the Carribean:
Last reply by Captain Ariashal, -
- 11 replies
Ok... everyone around town knows that I'm a Pyrate.... so the last time I went into the local bookstore , the Lady who runs the place told me about a book that was coming out...... she ordered a bunch of them, and has sold almost all of them out already..... (she did save one especially fer me tho.....) "Pirateology"..... hey, any book with a compass on the cover has to be good.... this is more of a game or adventure than a "reading" book..... there are little bits and pieces... maps and fold-outs to "explore" as you read through it..... The art work is fantastic, the "history bits" are OK..... but dang..... all the pull-outs are just too much FUN......... Check it o…
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 8 replies
I really, really, REALLY want the new Pirates of the Caribbean Collectible Card Game. However, I has me a bad habbit o' collectin' things I don't need. So my question is this: does any o' you have it yerselves, and if so, what's yer opinion o' the gameplay? Is it worth the $15 or so my local comic purveyor is askin' fer it?
Last reply by Hester, -
- 11 replies
To include: Mercenaries...and...Submarines? Other rumors: UT - Depth Charge...this ship may fire on a submerged Sea Monster or Submarine. It receives -1 to its cannon rolls. Mercenaries will be generic crew that can use their ability on any nationality ship. UT/Event- Tsunami...on a role of _____ the ship and it's crew docked or had a turn ended within S of an island end up washed over the island and then are sitting within S of the other side of the island.
Last reply by Hester, -
- 5 replies
Oh, dear, the postman just delivered this DVD that I mistakenly ordered from Amazon. I meant to buy Cutthroat Island, but got distracted by the "others who bought this title also bought..." links. It stars a highly unattractive Robert Shaw as the main pirate, dressed from head-to-toe in red [add a bit of white fur, and it would be a Santa suit]. The consolation is that Genevieve Bujold is the heroine. But worst of all -- it's in Widescreen format. Accchh! My TV screen's too small for that nonsense. Oh, well. I'd best pay closer attention before I click that "buy" button in future. Cheers, Hester
Last reply by Hester, -
- 2 replies
Hi, all: This summer, I've been reading lots of pirate-themed novels. I started with Daphne DuMaurierβs classic Frenchmanβs Creek. I enjoyed it quite a bit, although I was emotionally unsatisfied with the ending. After finishing the book, I ordered the newly-released DVD of the PBS βMasterpiece Theatreβ production. The costumes and setting were glorious, as was the actor playing the French pirate. However, I was horrified at what PBS had done to the story. They had βhistoricizedβ it, setting it during the βGloriousβ Revolution of 1688, giving the main characters βseriousβ motivations of religious persecution, political loyalty, and family vengence for their acts of…
Last reply by Ransom, -
- 2 replies
Who here has read all of the Capt Blood books by Rafael Sabatini? I be readin Capt Blood now and I LOVE IT!!!! Just lookin fer some input on the others.
Last reply by PirateQueen, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know if there are remote-controlled model pirate ships available on the market? I've seen an RC Cutty Sark on eBay but that's as close as I've come in my Google searches. It would be such fun to have mock battles with a couple (or a fleet) of such ships at the beach at my cottage. The ships could have water-cannons to sink each other! Hmmm... I seem to recall there's an artificial lagoon at one of the parks in my area for sailing model boats. [i've only been there at night, for moonlight picnics on the beach, watching the Hunter's Moon rise.] I'll have to go down there sometime during daylight and talk to the RC boat owners and see what they know about pi…
Last reply by Hester, -
- 13 replies
So I was in the mall today and I came acrossed Sun Coast and I saw a life size stand up of Jack Sparrow for only $29.99 and I was like MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you have a Sun Coast go check it out, they also have Will Turner
Last reply by pirate_angel, -
- 5 replies
From the Disney Insider to Disney's FamilyFun E-zine: Do you have a little pirate at home? Someone who just can't get enough of hidden treasure and the high seas? If so, then you've found the place to satisfy his or her swashbuckling ways. Below you'll find parties, games, cakes, crafts, and more -- all in your child's favorite theme. It's Pirate Time, Mateys!
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 20 replies
The 'Flying Dutchman' Anchors at Castaway Cay The Flying Dutchman is the centerpiece in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest, the blockbuster hit movie released this summer by Walt Disney Pictures and Jerry Bruckheimer Films. The movie premiered in theaters onboard the Disney Magic and the Disney Wonder. Created as a floating movie set, the Flying Dutchman adds another dimension of enjoyment to the tropical flavor at Castaway Cay. "Castaway Cay is the perfect home for the Flying Dutchman, and we're thrilled to bring this added feature to the island," said Tom McAlpin, president of Disney Cruise Line. "With the recent opening of the film, this will give our gue…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
Davey Jones 1 2
by The Doctor- 26 replies
It seems that the former teen heartthrob (no pun intended) looks like this before the cameras... and this while pursuing his lust of trading in souls....
Last reply by Hester, -
This came across the Seven Seas Forum courtesy of Lady Stingray and I thought I'd pass it on for discussion and debate....... Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (rumored subtitle: "Worlds End") - Like the Back to the Future and Matrix sequels, the second and third installments of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga have been shot back-to-back. Filming on part two, Dead Man's Chest, ended in June, and when production resumed in mid-August, the focus turned to this as-of-yet-untitled sequel with the same cast and crew, including stars Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightley, producer Jerry Bruckheimer, director Gore Verbinski, and writers Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio. Unlike …
Last reply by Christine, -
- 38 replies
Tales of the Sevin Seas is going to a theater in the Bay Area for the opening..... but that is a three hour drive for me.... SO I went to the local thrater in Angles Camp (famous for the frog jumps...) and got a ticket for the showing early Friday morning (12:01AM) to see it........ Of course. I'm going in full Pyrate garb.... But what are others planning to do? Hey..... nine days and counting.............
Last reply by Jack_Savvy, -
- 3 replies
I made the pyratical plunge over a four-hour period yesterday as I got my very first tat and of course, it be pyratical. Check it out!
Last reply by Jack_Savvy,