Pyrate Pop
Pop Culture Movies, Novels, Comics & Games, Wasteland & Steampunk Pyrates!
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- 13 replies
Pirates of the Great Salt Lake is having some trouble getting distribution, and they need our help if we want them to come to a "theater near you." As such, they're asking all pirates to become producers (starting as low as $5.) All producers will get mentioned in onscreen credits, as well as get some nifty swag. Check it out at! If they succeed in their goal, this will also result in a new world record for most producers ever tied to a single film Yarrr! -Bilgemunky
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 18 replies
Auregan short movie Hi everyone. Hope we didn't choose the wrong part of the forum to post. Our vidéo team has been working with a french singer for more than 3 years. This time ago she wrote and composed a song about a female captain...That was before POTC. Now everybody has captain Jack in mind. What you can see with this link, if you want, is a first look on the character created by Auregan. Soon online will be added a complete video movie with live version on this sound. Hope this video will catch your eyes and give you envy to chek Auregan's You tube page later. If you want more of her art creations (she's all author, composer, singer, actress...) you may vi…
Last reply by Black Hearted Pearl, -
- 7 replies
(NOTE: please move if need be) I was looking for videos on youtube and found this and noticed there are some of our members in it. Are there any other videos like this? I enjoyed it very much.
Last reply by Silent, -
- 20 replies
I found this and was amazed just as the film makers and the Aquarium keepers... Shark vs Octopus
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by LadyBarbossa, -
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If you missed it during Dancing with the Stars (or you just can't get enough out of watching it) here it is. This is from Disney's official website so it's okay to post it here. Enjoy, I know I sure have quite a few times now!
Last reply by Tartan Jack, -
- 10 replies
Super Delux Pirate Playset Just, wow! Make me want to be a kid again & a wealthy kid at that!
Last reply by Salty, -
- 10 replies
You can view it on my Swashbucklers site.
Last reply by King's Pyrate, -
- 10 replies
Go to the ABC site, scroll down to ENTERTAINMENT and click on *Exclusive look at Pirates 111 Fun with Jack and Hector...
Last reply by Iron Bess, -
- 13 replies
I need your help! I'm taking a Statistics Class and we have to do a project that involves collecting statistical data. I need to get 30 unique responses and I thought this would be an interesting place to do it. Because a lot of the members here tend to stick to certain forums, I'm posting this in several of them (Beyond Pyracy, Captain Twill, Pirate Crews - Pyrates of Europe and Pirate Popto get the needed number of responses. Please only respond once and please answer them all if you decide to respond. (I'll post the results on my website with a link to them here.) Thanks for your help! ~Mission Pyracy Pub Poll Questions a. How re-enactment opportunities did you have…
Last reply by captjacksparrowsavvvy, -
- 47 replies
Yes Christine, there IS a Snata Clause... The POTC 3 Trailer will start running on ABC's "Dancing With the Stars" The start date is still in debate but there you go.... (I'd say right away) I would post that of course, the date is as always subject to the whim of the Powers the Be but I'm sure someone else would post that they have the hard facts and this and such like are the dates so... FREE FOR ALL!! EVERYBODY GUESS!!!
Last reply by Ace of Harbor Bay, -
- 11 replies
They held a small screening last night at the Bruckheimer offices of the POTC 3 flick minus a few unfinished scenes... It's laughter through tears mates.... a total and rousing finish! ...until the next time they set sail.
Last reply by oderlesseye, -
- 2 replies
I just heard on the radio that Kieth Richards showed up at the Rock&Roll Hall of Fame in pirate outfit. Need more info.
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 16 replies
I forgot. What was 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea about? The last time I swa it, I was 11, and that was in the gym of my school. On a 16mm film projector, no less! I'm talking about the original, not the re-make.
Last reply by SilasTalbot, -
- 13 replies
Check this out..I don't know the details just found the pic. Pirate Mask
Last reply by Patrick Hand, -
- 10 replies
How to be a Disney Pirate. Hey, don't I recognize some of those blokes?
Last reply by capnwilliam, -
- 14 replies
Ummm..don't know if this is the proper place for it but in the upcoming Winter issue of Pirates Magazine? A story entitled The Ghost of Jenny Mack was written by yours truly, Honour Bright and her writing partner using their real names.
Last reply by Silent, -
- 9 replies
So I was searching the net to find some free mmo rpgs because I didn't want to pay for world of warcraft, anyway I came apon this game and I'm going to give it a shot. It's call Voyage Centry Online and it's FREE to play and download. It's really easy to do, first regester with the website this way when you download it you can play it. Second download the game client. This was sort of a hunt in its self so I'll provide you with the link. It's a pretty big download, about 5hours with a fast computer. Hope you enjoy Game Web Site: Getting Started (help for you non-computer nerds): Getting Started Help Game Client(This is what you need to…
Last reply by Silent, -
- 5 replies
I'll go first... Some fun facts about Yellowbeard. -CS
Last reply by flying-dutch-man, -
- 26 replies
I've heard that there will be a trailer for At World's End during the Super Bowl next weekend. Can anyone shed light on this whether it's true or not? ~Lady B
Last reply by Christine, -
- 1 reply
Oh my gosh, I watched most of this this morning and it is good...a bit scary for the notion of terrorists adopting piracy ways...but they say this is the next upcoming tactic that we are not fully prepared for. It is on again today, hopefully you guys can still catch it... Worth watching!!! History Channel - Return of the Pirates
Last reply by Silent, -
- 31 replies
During tonight's 4-hour marathon of "Mythbusters" episodes (on the Discovery channel), they have been showing teasers of upcoming 2007 new episodes. Several of the upcoming "myths" (I can only assume these are from the same episode) deal with pirate themes. Two clips they have shown thus far are as follows: (1) To validate (or disprove) that pirates faced greater danger from splinters propeled from cannonball impacts rather than from the actual cannonballs themselves. In the brief teaser footage they aired, they clearly showed extreme potential damage by nasty wooden splinters impaled into a test board from a cannonball. The teaser worked: I am extremely excited in s…
Last reply by Matusalem, -
- 10 replies
Huzzah! I have to admit...I was SO crossing my fingers, mates! Tough competition this year. But the crew who worked on DMC SOOO deserved that Oscar for their incredible work. Absolutely amazing. I would have been VERY, VERY disappointed if they didn't win (and someone would have had to smack some folks around at the Acedemy). But... the luck of the Pirate wins and DMC got a VERY well deserved Oscar! ~Lady B
Last reply by Cap'n Mad Eye, -
- 15 replies
Hi Folks, I just had to share this cute shot of Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp off camera in his dressing room or trailer. I liked his skelelton party lights and notice the beautiful artwork on his guitar. Pic of Jack
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs, -
- 0 replies
I saw this, and thought it was amusing... Thingpart by Joe Sayers
Last reply by Mr_Scabbs,